I have done a search and read several old /current threads on here about painfull injection sites.
Last week I finished my first 10cc vial of test cyp. that I got from my pharmacy (doctor prescribed).
I also had a few vials of cyp from a ugl I got from a bro when I got all of my gear. I can only re-fill the prescribed cyp. every two/three months so the plan was to use the vials from the ugl between prescribed vials.
Sunday night (todays tuesday) I pinned my right glute with 1.5cc just like normal.
Monday I had major pain and also swelling. I can feel the swollen area and it feels like its 3-4 inches in size.
It is not red.
It is not warm.
It does hurt like hell and it is hard to walk straight.
After my search on here it looks like the pain will subside in a day or two but
I am a bit freaked out about using the ugl gear.
Good news is that I went by the pharmacy today and acted normal and asked for a re-fill and they gave it to me without hesitation.
In theory my gear problem is solved but do I try the ugl gear after the pharm. stuff runs out...I know the answer to this one...it was kinda rhitorcal...
TT Boy