How much muscle do you think I would gain if I took 400ml of Deca a week, and 40ml of dianabol a day. I would take the Deca week 1-10 and Dianabol week 3-7or10
How much muscle do you think I would gain if I took 400ml of Deca a week, and 40ml of dianabol a day. I would take the Deca week 1-10 and Dianabol week 3-7or10
i think u mean mg not ml of the decca and dianabol. if ur gonna stack the decca and dianabol, take the dianabol from the beginning. also, 40mg of the dbol may be a bit high if this is ur first cycle. amount of muscle u will gain is too difficult to determine, could be anywhere from 5-30 pounds..... u sound like u need to do some more research before u proceed further into this cycle.jmo...........Ð
i agree with khull_khuum. you should lower the dianabol dosage, most people get good results with 20-30mg ed
give some existing stats and genetics. Thats the miracle stack in arnolds words but it genetics in science terms.
Again I agree with the guys on this one. Dbol from day one up to week 5 or 6. I can almost guarantee you'll gain anything from 3-6lbs per week on this stack. But you must train hard and eat shit loads. Watch out for gyno - have some nolva at the ready.
There's loads of information for this stack. Do some research bro.
i grew really well on just deca and d.bol but i must admit that i got a bad case of deca dick. Throw some test in there
Yea i agree u should add test or sustanon. and u can do the dbol
week1 30mg
week2 35mg
week3 40mg
week4 35mg
week5 30mg
week6 25mg
if u do this u will gain good from the dbols.
I agree with Khull, it sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about and need to do more research. There is no way for us to tell you how many lbs.
Magicz, there is no need to pyramid the dbol and sustanon is test. A constant dosage of dbol is ideal. For a first cycle I would suggest 35mgs ED.
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