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Thread: Test-e/Eq/Dbol/Var 2nd Cycle - How it look?

  1. #1

    Test-e/Eq/Dbol/Var 2nd Cycle - How it look?

    5 months ago 1-10 test-e 500/1-5 dbol 50 cycle, kept 26 lbs from the cycle's gains.
    recovered full testicular function, blood tests show testosterone in normal-high-range levels. (off-cycle since 11 weeks)
    workout 4-5 years on and off, very serious since a year.

    Now planning to do:

    1-14 test-e 500 mg/ew split in 2 injections
    1-13 equipoise 500mg/ew split in 2 injections
    1-4 Dianabol 30 mg/ed
    10-15 anavar 60 mg/ed
    16-19 PCT
    nolv 40-40-20-20
    clomid 125-100-50-50

    Aint starting the cycle right now, still dealing with acne problems, but as soon as its sorted out ill jump on this 2nd bulking cycle.

    If i have to use accutane, i will run liv52 with and after the cycle.

    Don't flame because of my age. I recovered fully in a very short time and anyway, i dont mind being on for life incase of testicular damage.

    workout routine:
    Day 1: Back/biceps/forearms
    Day 2: Shoulders/traps
    Day 3: Pec/Triceps
    Day 4: Lower back/legs

    Abs everyday beside day 4

    Meal 1: 5 slices of bread or big bowl of cereals, 5 eggs, Orange juice (Protein+carbs)
    Meal 2: Chicken, vegetables, almonds, Milk (protein+Fats)
    "Meal" 3: protein shake
    Meal 4: 30 mins after shake, Horse meat and pasta (Protein+carbs)
    Meal 5: ground beef and brown rice (protein+ carbs)
    Meal 6: 3 slices of bread, almonds, 2 tuna cans, leftover brown rice (protein+carbs+fats)

    Each meal is spaced about 2-3h
    Last edited by Exilus; 02-23-2010 at 11:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Last edited by Kibble; 02-24-2010 at 01:54 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post

    workout routine:
    Day 1: Back/biceps/forearms
    Day 2: Shoulders/traps
    Day 3: Pec/Triceps
    Day 4: Lower back/legs

    You are 19 years old brother... think about it. I hope you don't plan on going to college and slamming college puss

    11 weeks is too soon to start. If you actually did recover, then so be it... do what you want

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    besides your have too many compounds, your doubling the amount of compounds you ran for your first cycle. your going to do what you want no matter what anyone says so IMO just wait longer before you get back on but as for your cycle run the same thing as your first run, you will still yield gains

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Lmao, dude...your 19.....

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    We try very hard here to promote a safe and healthy board, all because your not bothered about testicular damage and the syptoms of low testosterone that doesnt mean we are going to give you advice, the correct advice is DO NOT CYCLE AT 19YRS OLD weather you like that or not, thats the correct advice.

    We dont want other teenager's who are reading this thread to think "well he did it why cant I" attitude, your immature in your thinking and your being very reckless I would advice you to think again about cycling at your age,

  7. #7
    I already cycled and recovered rapidly. So i will cycle again.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2009
    Anavar and d-bol? I dont get it.Overkill.Diet looks ok for a girl.Double it if you want to bulk!

  9. #9
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    Meal 4: 30 mins after shake, Horse meat and pasta (Protein+carbs)
    You eat horse meat?

  10. #10
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    yea your diet is a joke no offense..i hate when people lay out there diet and use terms like "big bowl of cereal" and "5 slices of bread" wtf is a big bowl?...the diet you listed could be 1000 cals or 8000 cals...we dont know how much of everything your eating...when you say ground beef and brown rice is that 4 oz of beef of 16 oz of beef? is it 1/2 cup of rice or 4 cups of rice? GO TO THE DIET SECTION

  11. #11
    well i go for 3500 cals/day with 220g protein.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullnutz View Post
    Anavar and d-bol? I dont get it.Overkill.Diet looks ok for a girl.Double it if you want to bulk!
    dbol for quickstart and anavar for a bit of cutting and extra strength.

    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    You eat horse meat?
    Yeah, why not?
    Last edited by Exilus; 02-24-2010 at 12:57 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Bullnutz View Post
    Anavar and d-bol? I dont get it.Overkill.Diet looks ok for a girl.Double it if you want to bulk!
    Why are you guys flaming my diet? i gained 31 lbs on my test-e dbol cycle and retained 26, weight is stable since pct and had the same diet...

    and i eat enough to completely fill me up, wanting to puke, every meal. if that`s not enough idk what is.
    Last edited by Exilus; 02-24-2010 at 12:57 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Why are you guys flaming my diet? i gained 31 lbs on my test-e dbol cycle and retained 26, weight is stable since pct and had the same diet...

    and i eat enough to completely fill me up, wanting to puke, every meal. if that`s not enough idk what is.
    220g of protein is nothing...i eat more than that on a cut. besides age you have a ways to go until you cycle agian

  14. #14
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    Nov 2009
    Well bro, those gains you made on the test and dbol were just natty gains on ephedrine lol. Your body could have and still can if you recovered like you say gain very much weight all the way up til you are 25 yrs old. I cycled at 19 too man, and now that i'm 23yrs old i finally realized i need to wait til i am done growing by myself.

    I know you won't stop just cuz i did, my brothers won't and they are 18 and 21 and they think the same thing i did... Steroids is the answer and ill be perfect after i take them... Not the case.

    I can only offer you the advice to wait as long as possible. Chances are, you probably wont get permanent symptoms til you've cycle numerous times, but when you get put on trt at 27 or 28, you'll be cussing the 19yr old you out man.

    Good luck bro,

    "dirty d"

  15. #15
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    Feb 2010
    im still in my first cycle of dec/test and im 23. i still feel that i did this to young. i will not do another cycle until about 25. these guys on these forums are only trying to help. they have great knowledge and only lay down facts. no one is trying to wreck it to you, theyre just saying wait and use what you got and then use if you still wanted to. but like i said, im going to wait until about 25 for another cycle and just do it all natural and use up my own furnace then cycle

  16. #16
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ironflames View Post
    im still in my first cycle of dec/test and im 23. i still feel that i did this to young. i will not do another cycle until about 25. these guys on these forums are only trying to help. they have great knowledge and only lay down facts. no one is trying to wreck it to you, theyre just saying wait and use what you got and then use if you still wanted to. but like i said, im going to wait until about 25 for another cycle and just do it all natural and use up my own furnace then cycle
    20 bucks says you do another one before your 25 lol

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Lol, 20 bucks says i probably do another just test cycle after i turn 24 and have been natty for over a year if i hit a flat in gains haha.

    But my plan is to change diet and regimen til 25 and hopefully i don't stop completely gaining til 25?

    Hopes and dreams,

    "dirty d"

  18. #18
    so what can i do to improve the cycle? on 15 replies there was barely 2 helping.

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