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Thread: Questions before starting my first cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Austin, TX

    Post Questions before starting my first cycle.

    Alright so i'll go ahead and throw my stats out here first

    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 140-145
    BMI: <18%
    Age: 18

    I am dead set on doing at least 1 cycle so before you post on here about the mistake i may be making due to my age DON'T. I have been working out at a decent level for about 3 years now.

    Test 300 is what was suggested i use so i'm pretty sure i will do that. My problem is my friends cycle ideas (i.e. amount and how often) were nowhere close to what i have read on here. Granted i know that the cycles discussed on here are more thourough and contain more then just test so i just want to see what an ideal cycle of just Test 300.

    Being that I do not know that much about cycles i would appreciate it if only those with enough REAL EXPERIENCE (not some loser who just reads every post on here.) answer on this post.

    If you have to debate if your experience is enough to answer this post you probably shouldn't.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    There isnt a correct way for you to cycle at your age, I doubt anyone with your stats and age will advice you to cycle it would be complete madness, please reconsider and sort your diet out because thats your answer not gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    You are too young.
    You are too small.
    Your body fat is too high.

    This site is famous for giving intelligent, correct ways to use steroids. Stick around, learn all you can. Find out why it's a bad idea to cycle. j

    If you refuse to listen, then good luck. You are going to need it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Austin, TX
    Thanks for the advice. I was worrying that these would be the answers i would get as opposed to help on what i asked for. But i'm sure that your answers will be more help then suggestions on a cycle. I plan to stick around and read up on what i can because it is definately something i am deadset about doing at least 1 cycle but now see a few years should pass before i do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    tickling midgets
    u need 6 yrs, 30 lbs, and a firm understanding of diet and training before u even think about stickin a needle in ur butt dude....dont take it the wrong way, marcus knows what hes talkin about

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Austin, TX
    6 yrs kinda long but hey if it means living/****ing something up then i would rather weight.

    I'm getting there on the diet and training.

    The 30 pounds is the problem i can't seem to get above 145 no matter what.

    Any workout recomendations or powders to use to help me get some mass without TEST

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seriously, go to the 'diet' section. There is a thread at the top called "so you wanna learn how to diet". It's a video, about an hour long, but broken down into small parts. Watch a few today, few tommorrow, take a week to finish the whole video. It is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THREAD on this entire website.

    That video will change your entire life.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Austin, TX
    Thanks man really appreciate the insight. I'm glad the people on here use caution instead of letting me do some damage first.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MiNi_RaMpAgE View Post
    6 yrs kinda long but hey if it means living/****ing something up then i would rather weight.

    I'm getting there on the diet and training.

    The 30 pounds is the problem i can't seem to get above 145 no matter what.

    Any workout recomendations or powders to use to help me get some mass without TEST
    what is your workout split looking like right now?

    IMO, the only thing i would recommend is protein powder, creatine, maybe flax and fish oils, and a preworkout mix (N.O stuff is you are looking for a pump)

    and maybe a natural test booster.. this is just my opinion though

    eat a lot of meat often (this is the most important supplement)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Austin, TX
    Damn the first video alone has been an eyeopener thanks for the suggestion to watch.

    Probably just going to stick with my same work out just tweak a few things around.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    3 or 4 years from now you will look back and say man i was a dumbass lol no offense but you will!!! good luck and keep it real bro!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Austin, TX
    I'm already thinking it now i started the second video and realized that i let myself just be completely oblivious to everything. Not gonna lie i thought it was as simple as working out and injecting. Glad i decided to join and get the oppinion of some people who have some good experience with it all.

    New goal:
    Spend some solid years perfecting my diet and workouts and if still unhappy with where i end up get some TEST. Hopefully I will be happy with where i am and can avoid it all together.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MiNi_RaMpAgE View Post
    Alright so i'll go ahead and throw my stats out here first

    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 140-145
    BMI: <18%
    Age: 18

    I am dead set on doing at least 1 cycle so before you post on here about the mistake i may be making due to my age DON'T. I have been working out at a decent level for about 3 years now.

    Test 300 is what was suggested i use so i'm pretty sure i will do that. My problem is my friends cycle ideas (i.e. amount and how often) were nowhere close to what i have read on here. Granted i know that the cycles discussed on here are more thourough and contain more then just test so i just want to see what an ideal cycle of just Test 300.

    Being that I do not know that much about cycles i would appreciate it if only those with enough REAL EXPERIENCE (not some loser who just reads every post on here.) answer on this post.

    If you have to debate if your experience is enough to answer this post you probably shouldn't.

    You're natural test is at the highest it will ever be!Not to mention GH release at that age.Go natural.

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