testosterone XR
Testosterone cypionate/enanthate/propionate 110/110/30mg/mL
Also, what is a good PCT for this cycle. On week 6 have been doing 1.5mL/wk
10% BF
23 y/o
testosterone XR
Testosterone cypionate/enanthate/propionate 110/110/30mg/mL
Also, what is a good PCT for this cycle. On week 6 have been doing 1.5mL/wk
10% BF
23 y/o
how long do you plan on running it? what do you think would be a decent post cycle? how often are you injecting?
and you could call it whatever you wanted. its test.
i would up your dose to 2ml ew since your already running it....375mg of test isnt much esp. if its mostly eth. and cyp.
8 weeks cycle. I have clomid and nolva. I have been doing 1.5cc/wk
when would i start taking clomid/nolva?
two weeks after last injection. 40/40/20/20 on nolva 50/50/25/25 clomid. I would extend the cycle another 4 weeks or so tho.
so 40 for the first two weeks then 20 the next two on nolva and same goes with clomid. I have the liquid forms so how would i administer that Orally or injection? and if so am i taking its once per week?
oral like mentioned and thats 40mg per day for two weeks, then 20mg perd day for two weeks.
thanks you guys helped me out a lot I appreciate it
how frequently did you say you were pinning?
Haha i hope the xr didn't give you the impression it means extended release. You should be pinning this at least twice a week to keep your levels at the right ranges. Test e, and test c which are the main compounds in this, have half lives of 2 weeks, the prop is a short ester so its every 2/3 days. I would also up the doses to 2cc's a week. The 375mg's isn't really enough per week with it being mostly long esters. You should be getting at least 400mg's imo. ALSO THE PCT STARTS AFTER TWO WEEKS DUE TO THE ESTERS AND THE HALF LIFE OF THE TEST. THATS WHEN IT HAS STOPPED WORKING AND YOU NEED THE PCT CHEMS TO DO THEIR JOB.
Good luck,
"dirty d"
Last edited by "DIRTY D" SANCHEZ; 02-25-2010 at 09:30 AM. Reason: ADDITION
At least you did not run a rediculously harsh cycle. You live and learn bro. Take the pct advice here. Wait 1-2 years.... build an effective cycle and try again. If you are really 10%bf at 200 then congrats bro
if im doing 2 ccs should i be doing 2 injections/wk like monday and thursday or just 1 with 2 ccs?
2 per week
bro i really don't want to sound like a prick but wow. you have done absolutely zero research. you ran across some gear and put up a post on what is it and how to use it ect. all this info is here on this site. great info on this site. please please do plenty of research on everything you put in your body!
please do research. everyone on here will tell you so and here is why. 1st of all the advice these bros gave you is perfect. the problem is you have no idea why. you will almost certainly get some kind of sides in the future and you need to be educated on where there are coming from, what they can do, which compound your taking is giving you them ect. ect. look bro im an old man (well over 40) been in this game along time. you are obviously just getting started and i wish you great luck. but if you don't start researching on your own...read everything you can find.. you will fail. us older bros didn't have the luxury of the internet it was all trial and error or the bro in the gym who learned from his own trial and error. your excited to get going i fully get it. but read read read. this site is so valuable to everyone here if we use it and all of it. good luck to you
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