a lot of ppl have been saying u need to have a low bf% to take aas...
i have looked for articles on this and have not found any...
can ne one show me an article on bf% and aas
a lot of ppl have been saying u need to have a low bf% to take aas...
i have looked for articles on this and have not found any...
can ne one show me an article on bf% and aas
its basically because the higher the bf the higher risk for sides from aas---and also if one has a high bf% thaen chances are they dont know how to eat---and if u dont know how to eat, whats the point
I snipped this from something I read at LEF.org,
Aromatase enzyme is found in fat tissue. This enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen, thus altering the ratio of estrogen to testosterone (Steiner MS et al 2003). Men who have excessive body fat, especially abdominal fat, are likely to have increased estrogen levels caused by aromatase activity and a dramatically increased estrogen level compared to testosterone. An increased estrogen level has been linked, in turn, to a host of disorders, including decreased insulin sensitivity and blood glucose problems. Some studies suggest that there is an association between a low testosterone level, insulin resistance, an elevated estrogen level, and increased body fat in aging men (Phillips GB 1993).
In my experience it's easier to gain muscle with a lower bf%
i can understand that ..... with raising bad cholesterol and all that, but some of these post are saying u gotta be 10-15%
and some r saying that aas wont be as effective if u have too high of bf%
Estrogen loves fat!
Agreed. Abdominals showing is a sighn of overall heath. Also think people should generaly be in descent health. Or be under a doctors supervision. I havnt found a tread yet but hundreds of combined years on this forum is enuf for me.
when u read profiles for aas they all claim to lower bf%
some ppl may not have to genetics to get that low of bf% and aas will help lower bf% right
Its a given that estrogen loves fat I dont think 15% is the absolute magic number but it is the general rule of thumb on this forum and I believe a good one. Its like driving a car you can do it before your 16 can't you?? Not to mention the effects on bp ND cholesterol. and it is true that bf will effect your over all results
I dont like lexrugers comm about estrogen. Because usually anyone on certin AAS will have a body full of estrogen. So it can cause boobs on either. Taking a A.I. can help prevent. I also dont agree with you must be 15%BF. I have seen a man who was 31%BF go to 17% in 1 cycle. With good diet and exercies with weight training. I my self have gone from 28% or %29% to somewhere around 17%-20%. I think you must use the correct AAS. Be under a docs care and get blood work, test BP and Chloresteral. Do it right it can be done. You can lose the weight with proper diet, cardio and training hard. A cycle with only enhance your results. It can be done. And you say side effects can be higher. What acne? You should watch BP & chloresteral regaurdless of your weight while on AAS because it can be a problem with any one. If it becomes one you stop. If your diet is right and you have a good base to work off I dont see no reson you cant. And I dont care what any vets says. There all get fired and killing animals in the U.S. causing nothing but problems anyway. There was all types of info on the news 2 days ago. Most of them obviously dont know what there doing. They work on animals anyway. So there knowlage on humans is no more then any member on here. Its all trial and error. Wanting to get to 15%BF sounds like a good reason to use AAS. Trying to get to 5-7%BF with AAS sounds like an addiction.![]()
it got me thinkin that bf is what slow down my gains ive only done 2 cycles
my bf is around 15-25 not sure never measured
ive taken a deca only cycle ... i know stupid and the other one was sus and winny... with either of those i havent noticed ne strength gains and sus winny cycle i gained about 8lbs
i wouldnt expect much that would be alright, but when i took superdrol back in the day i had amazing gains off of that and ya my bf was lower and i was only 17-18yrs old when i took it ....
i cant figure out how a prohormone gave me better gains than aas
So jus2big your saying that bp cholesterol needs watched for anyone on aas why? Because aas effect them correct? then you have to know that a higher bf% would make you more prone to having issues with these items nad you cant say that estrogen does'nt bind to fat .You may live if you go over niagria falls in a barrel but then again you may not You take the chance. Its just a good guidance to say 15% that doesnt mean you wont have success but the chances are higher you wont you cant dispute that!!
Your right. It will be more of a risk of sides and not having as good result. So health must be watched. Im just saying with PROPER care AAS can be used at higher BF. And Im not saying all AAS either. But with a good BASE to start, proper diet and exercise. You can get good results. More I think trying to cut and lose fat while on a cycle. Not a fat guy trying to turn into the hulk. Also Im talking about a guy with some fat. Not obeise and never touched a weight. Look I agree theres a higher risk and shit needs to be in order. But I think people on here are to harsh and always just say diet diet diet. Of course people can do it natural over time. But if you going to bust your ass to get there only to use AAS later. Just use them to help you get there. So yea the sides can be more of a problem. Just be carefull and pay attention, bust your ass and eat right. It can still be done safely and have good results.
ok but its gonna give me better strength and mass gains than test
I think people (espcially over weight people) do need to do a lot more research with regards to the bodyfat% debate and stop relying on "broscience" for the best advice.
There are quite a few studies (just google it even) on treatment of obesity and weight loss with regards to testosterone levels. With the increased conversion of testosterone to estrogen even using just an AI has been shown to increase and stabalize test leveles in people with high fat percentages. This increases sex drive, bone density, cardio vascular (heart) function and body composition specifically decreasing the fat around the stomach area. Also there are studies on the use of testosterone to treat the lower blood levels of testosterone in the obese. In the 6 month study the people who used test as oposed to the ones who did not lose 5.6% more body fat.
So personally I think if someone is going to use something to lose fat and maintain muscle while on a GREAT diet and exercise program it would be a good AI, and a lower dose of test.
But personally if I where to recommend anything it would be diet and exercise still...and MAYBE depending on the amount of fat one needs to lose a low dose of an AI.
One problem with asking these types of things on a bodybuilding board is that eveyone here is a bodybuilder (or something of the sort) and not many put time in to looking into aas for other reasons. Not that thats bad....Its just not something we think of as its not part of our goals.
i wouldnt recomend the use of steroids with high bodyfat can put yourself to a lot of risks best of getting rid of that extra baggage first
When I first started traning back in 2002ish, I had a 9 site b/f test done and I was 39%. Genetics is not on my side, but I learned how to eat and train right and got down to 10% w/o gear. Didnt really have to mass I wanted, so I started a cycle of sust to gain some size and mass. Be patient bro, anything is possible if you want it bad enough.
Well I think more or less fat people want to get skinny, not get big mussles. So after a while on a good clean diet, lots of steady cardio and good weight training I think the right AAS and the RIGHT amount of AAS can be added to help aid weight lose. Cautiously. I dont think any fat guy wants to pump 3 or 4 AAS at 500-750 each a week. I think low test, clen, T3 maybe Var. Something along those lines.
Just to hear first hand results I started a thread for people over 18-20% BF that did steroids. Maybe we can get some info on how people were effected.
got a link.
I was in that range my first test e 500 pw cycle and gained 10kgs in 8 weeks.
Wasnt eatting clean either.
But strength and mass went up well.
Im more vascular and feeling like a monster and im in PCT!
I dont have a link but the thread you can reply on is in the main part of the anabolic section.
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