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Thread: Anavar - Oxandrolone For Females?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Question Anavar - Oxandrolone For Females?

    My question pertains to Anavar - Oxyandrolone, my husband wants me to take this drug to increase muscle and burn fat. I have used this before on one cycle (10 mg per day) and had great results. He now wants me to increase my dosage to 30 mg per day which I am willing to do - however, this is my delima.....we are trying to get pregnate and I am concerned that if I do get pregnate the drug will interfere with the baby. I have heard that some steroids will cause deformities in the baby's sexual organs - does anyone know if this is also true for Anavar?

    I have tried to find documentation on the internet but there is little to be said about its effect on women (unless they are HIV+) -all I keep reading is that it has very little and sometimes no side effects.

    Any information is appreciated.
    Thanks! Elizabeth

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Hey there.

    I think that dose is way too much for a lady. Your hubby is known for taking huge ass cycles. Please be careful.

    Ask this in the female forum. There are a lot of real knowledgeable ladies here with a lot of experience. They will know much better than me as to what is best. I still think that 30mg/d is too much. I am 6'2" and 280 lbs and I am only using 20mg/d for a bridge while I burn off some fat. It has given me all my strength back from when I was on cycle. It gives you a nice amount of strength. I know you will be using ** anavar and it is very good. It is the same one I am using now.

    Please be safe.


    P.S. Liz says HI!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Thanks Gil, I am new to this Forum and I wasn't sure if I should post roid questions on the woman side, it said something about being for introductions, but I will post over there too.

    Tell Liz I said Hi and I miss all you guys!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    No it won't interfere, but your odds of getting pregnant on 30mg are almost nil. I would be surprised if you got pregnant on 10mg. Didn't your period stop when you were on it?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by ulter
    No it won't interfere, but your odds of getting pregnant on 30mg are almost nil. I would be surprised if you got pregnant on 10mg. Didn't your period stop when you were on it?

    My period didn't stop when i was on Winstrol/Anavar but it did stop when I was on Winstrol/Primo cycle, it was about 1 month late.

    So I guess I will stop ovulating if I am on steroids? You see there isn't much information for women out there. I will check out the site you posted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    BADGIRL- there is a steroid board in the women's forum...and 30mg/day is extremely high for a woman...even 20mg/day is considered high
    What happens here, stays here

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by primodonna
    BADGIRL- there is a steroid board in the women's forum...and 30mg/day is extremely high for a woman...even 20mg/day is considered high
    Okay - I posted on the womens side - I figured it out

    My hubby suggested 30 mg because he knows someone who was on this dosage and had great results and wanted me to try this dosage.

    Okay, lets say I need to research the mg's a little more, my real question is the for any baby that might be implanted in my body - I don't want to hurt it and I was wanting some support documentation showing that a cycle of Anavar would not harm any child I MIGHT conceive.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ok...sorry...i just saw it
    What happens here, stays here

  9. #9
    CYCLEON Guest
    well, ox is a category X warning and considered teratogenic which means that it definitely has the chance of causing developmental abnormalities in utero. now, how much is needed before it is a serious risk, I dont know - 30mg is certainly pushing a high level dose in general for females tho.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    BTW if you are trying to get pregnant take clomid ED for 2 weeks and jump your man everytime you get a chance for those 2 weeks. You WILL get pregnant. This is what clomid was made for. To start ovulation. I know your man has a couple lying around..LOL...So I don't think he will miss 14 of them

    Just thlught I'd let you know, in case you are not aware.

  11. #11
    CYCLEON Guest
    If he is smart, he will give you an asprin and tell you they are clomid, after a month of you jumping him a la' "Raising Arizona" then he can start giving you the real ones - "gee, hon, dont know why this is taking so long...."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Mooresville, NC.
    I say if you are trying to have a baby, don't take anything. After you have your child, then do whatever. Everyone's body get's a different reaction to any drug, So why take a chance with your kid ?

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