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Thread: winstrol cyle

  1. #1
    anthonysausage7 is offline New Member
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    winstrol cyle

    need some advice about doing a winstrol cycle

    I know its not adviseable to take winny alone but i'm just looking to lose some weight and gain some strength. I would do a cycle of some sort of test but i just don't have the time before the summer.

    It's my first cycle so any advice would be appreciated.

    Was thinking of doing 50mg/1cc every other day for the first 2-3 weeks give a take then 2cc every other day to finish off a 6 week cycle to complete 30cc

    Should i take anything post cycle?

    I was gonna get the over the counter liver cleanse which has muscle thilk.


  2. #2
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ur reasoning sucks.

    Winny only is not a good idea, it can/will leave u with a limp noodle.
    winny will not make u loose weight -diet and cardio will...period.

    if u want to do a cycle, do it right. otherwise u are risking damages to ur body/health that may last forever..

    this is a bad idea, i do not advise u run this cycle...

  3. #3
    anthonysausage7 is offline New Member
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    i am a sanitation worker and am constantly grueling through the route five times a week for 2-3 hours a day then i go to the gym and do cardio and lift weights for about an 1 hour an a half to two hours. My diet usually is pretty good but i agree i have to be on a strict to the T diet for a couple of months prior.

    What cycle doesn't pose risk to ur body/health?? can u please explain...your advise is appreciated..thanks

  4. #4
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    first, list your stats and cycle experience including age..

  5. #5
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    Age/weight/height/bf%/yrs training/cycle exp/pct knowledge

    please do not run a winstrol only cycle man. There is a good chance you will regret it later on.

    Give us something to work with as far as putting a cycle together for you.
    I assume you haven't cycled before?


    "dirty d"

  6. #6
    anthonysausage7 is offline New Member
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    i'll be 28 in june..I'm about 5'10 185 lbs...i'm not sure of my body fat % but i would say about 14-15%..i've been working out for about 8 years on and off but i'm pretty physically active as it is with my career but for the most part i've kept in pretty good shape. I've never done a cycle before.

    I'm not looking to get into juice big time and do all types of stuff...i'm not looking to turn into this different person with this cycle. Last year i worked out hard and was looking great in the summer. I had to stop going to the gym for about three months b/c i had strained my back and then i was working alot with the snow when i came back. I have been back at the gym for a couple of months now feel pretty good. Mind you i pick up garbage and for 2-3 hours a day i'm moving lifting pretty much grinding through my routes so i'm pretty active.

    I understand that a winstrol only cycle isn't the best way to go. Some people say its a waste of time b/c you will not get the results but i'm not looking to get crazy. I'm just looking to convert some fat into lean muscle and something to help me with my workouts. Other then results how can a winstrol only cycle do me any harm in comparison to doing other juice?? i know i have to stay on top with the liver cleanse and the glucosamine pills and drink lots of water....thank you for your responses..much appreciated

  7. #7
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    Op- winstrol is hard on your lipid profile, it can also cause problems with erectile function. Summer isn't really that far away bro... You may not want to run a test enanthate , since it has the longer ester. I am not sure if anyone would advise you into a test prop cycle for 10 weeks, but i don't see how it would hurt you if you use proper pct? Hopefully a vet can get on here and say whether that would be good or not... But i would not run a winstol only cycle. It doesn't turn fat into muscle, you will more than likely still gain weight assuming you eat right?

    I would look more into and anavar cycle before i did a winstol cycle. It's much more milder and in most cases is going to have many less side affects. Winstrol can dry up your joints, (whick won't be good lifting trash barrels all day bro...elbows...) and it shuts down your test production. I'm really not even sure if there is a recommended way to take winnie alone man.

    Look into test prop or anavar bro, you will be glad you did. There's still time for summer to get that sh*t straight. Winny isn't any a magic fat burning aas, it just has one of the least bloat ratios of most aas. But anavar is good and maybe var with test prop or even test e and you would have a much better cycle than just winny alone

    good luck,

    "dirty d"

  8. #8
    AnimalJ's Avatar
    AnimalJ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    ur reasoning sucks.

    Winny only is not a good idea, it can/will leave u with a limp noodle.
    winny will not make u loose weight -diet and cardio will...period.

    if u want to do a cycle, do it right. otherwise u are risking damages to ur body/health that may last forever..

    this is a bad idea, i do not advise u run this cycle...
    Here, here!

  9. #9
    kraftmac is offline Junior Member
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    Why is every1 so damn scared to run test?

  10. #10
    The Specialist is offline New Member
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    Now that I am more educated I am no longer scared of test. I can tell you that intially when doing reseach, googling steriods and such much of the stuff out there really portrays Winny as a great Steriod . I can find tons of info making statements like

    It won't shut you down. It's not as toxic as many portray it to be. There are little to no sides. You will keep most of your gains. You don't need PCT.

    Test is scary when they make winny sound so good.

    Don't believe the hype. Do more reading!

  11. #11
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    That is weird because where i'm from and all over the net and tv they make winny seem like the second phase in aaa, next to test, and i honestly have no place in my heart for it. Everybody thinks it a magic drug, that makes you skinny while also strong as an ox. And no pct?- ya they make it sound like that, but it quite the contrary. It does shut you down, and it is terrible for your lipid profile, it drys out your joints, and can cause erectile dysfunction as well.

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

  12. #12
    Bullnutz is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by invulnerabledr View Post
    Why is every1 so damn scared to run test?
    I'm scared of running out!lol.

  13. #13
    pilotR1 is offline Junior Member
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    in plain language, winny is too dry and at the end of the day you will end up with a ripped tendons or muscles, or maybe a messed up joint... or whatever else. sure, you'll feel the strength, but you're not going to benefit from it much. run test prop with winny, it's a whole new ball game.

  14. #14
    DurdensArmy's Avatar
    DurdensArmy is offline Junior Member
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    winny dosnt burn fat, diet does

  15. #15
    LeroyB's Avatar
    LeroyB is offline Member
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    Just to echo all that has been said here.
    Winny only is bad plan.
    If your scared of needles don't juice, because Test is the one AAS your body loves the most and you can only get it via needle.
    LASTLY - I never count my work as fitness. Unless your a cardio instructor.
    Find a good Test E / Dbol kicker if you want to gain some muscle.
    If you want to trim down - Use your fork, spood, and treadmill.

  16. #16
    kraftmac is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullnutz View Post
    I'm scared of running out!lol.
    Me too lol

  17. #17
    mayan_king is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Can you Help me

    Hi Good Morning Guys!
    I was reading this posts.
    i was thinking the same that winnie alone was good
    MMMmm.. i already did my first cycle

    it was testosterone enanthate (12weeks) with dbol (4 weeks kick)

    I wish to make a new cycle
    But I'm not pretty sure what or How!!!
    I was reading how good is Boldenone and Winstrol

    Do you think i could make somehting like

    8 Weeks testosterone enanthate
    4 kick weeks of boldenone Gain
    4 Last weeks Winnie??? Cut

    Can you help me please. thanks I'll appreciate it

  18. #18
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    start your own thread...

  19. #19
    Dave_chameau is offline New Member
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    I don't think you should run the winni alone.
    You should go in the diet section and read a bunch of stuff so that you can change the way you eat then go in the training section and learn some new tricks and after your bodyfat will be around 12% then your body should be ready to cycle but will your mind be?
    try and read alot about all those steroids people are talking about and then you'll be ready to take a decision.
    hope this help.

  20. #20
    EXSEAL1 is offline Banned
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    No time before the summer....LOL...Bro are you serious? I have been out of the gym from back surgery, lost spleen, and appendix....Bike accident. Im about to hit the gym again and I promise you i'll put it right back in two months safely too.

  21. #21
    anthonysausage7 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info guys....i'm gonna work on my diet right now...i'm probably not ready for a cycle yet....when and if i do it i'm gonna probably do a 10 week cycle of test and run it into a cycle of winny and then do a PCT...I'm not scared of needles...i rather do needles then eat them b/c my stomach is ****ed up. I'm just gonna do what i did last summer it worked pretty good for me....Thank you

  22. #22
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    Hey bro, my advice for that, is to run the test for 10-14 weeks, and run the winny with it for the last 7 weeks

    "dirty d"

  23. #23
    JuiceMonkey007 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Specialist View Post
    Now that I am more educated I am no longer scared of test. I can tell you that intially when doing reseach, googling steriods and such much of the stuff out there really portrays Winny as a great Steriod . I can find tons of info making statements like

    It won't shut you down. It's not as toxic as many portray it to be. There are little to no sides. You will keep most of your gains. You don't need PCT.

    Test is scary when they make winny sound so good.

    Don't believe the hype. Do more reading!
    This is my first cycle and it's my second week on winni!
    I'm 28 5'9 160lb(72kg) bfat about 12/13%
    I started with 50mg/1cc every other day for the first week then went up to 75mg/1.5cc and planning to get to 2cc as of my third week for my 6 or 8 weeks cycle.

    I'm taking vitamin pills(2 a day) and glucozamine ones up to 3 so that I can prevent dried joints.. And this is according to my friends friend who's been on winni for the past 2 years.

    I'm not planning any pct! Is it ok when on winni only?
    I'm not expecting to gain a lot of mass, I was 155 when I went back to the gym after 3 years off I started winni 1 month after I got back to the gym I'm now at around 161lb and hoping to get to about 165 by the end of my cycle and keep it as I'm only interested to get more ripped and have a nice athletic look!
    Looking for extra advices or and views.


  24. #24
    jcut is offline New Member
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    I need help... can any one tell me about stanazol 100 I am not to sure if i shut take this alone some people says yes is good for just one cycle but other people says is to bad ??? I am 29 years old 5.9 tall my b fat is 16% I been working out for 10 years very active guy with sports i just one some size and some definition i try everithing else but gear ???

  25. #25
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    ...Winny only is not a good idea, it can/will leave u with a limp noodle. ... winny will not make u loose weight -diet and cardio will...period. ...
    I have ran a winny only cycle in the past with pretty good results. I started at 50mg ED and eventually upped it to 80mg ED. Didn't effect my libido or leave me with a noodle, but I do understand that everyone is different. I also used it to help drop some body fat pretty quick.

    My diet/exercise was in check so the DIET dropped the fat and the winny helped retain the muscle during the calorie deficit.

    Quote Originally Posted by anthonysausage7 View Post
    ... I understand that a winstrol only cycle isn't the best way to go. Some people say its a waste of time b/c you will not get the results but i'm not looking to get crazy. I'm just looking to convert some fat into lean muscle and something to help me with my workouts. Other then results how can a winstrol only cycle do me any harm in comparison to doing other juice?? i know i have to stay on top with the liver cleanse and the glucosamine pills and drink lots of water....thank you for your responses..much appreciated
    Read above^. I used winny for something similar to what you are looking for. Worked for me. Watch your liver and lipid values though..

  26. #26
    boudi is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    ur reasoning sucks.

    Winny only is not a good idea, it can/will leave u with a limp noodle.
    winny will not make u loose weight -diet and cardio will...period.

    if u want to do a cycle, do it right. otherwise u are risking damages to ur body/health that may last forever..

    this is a bad idea, i do not advise u run this cycle...
    hey, i `ve been takin a 250mg twice a week dosage of sostanon and weigh protein for 3 weeks nw,and i was wonderin if after i complete 1 month can i change to a cycle of stanazol and deka, i want to knw wether i have to do some cleanin be4 i change courses,also i would like some advice regarding it .

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