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Thread: PCT advice please?

  1. #1

    PCT advice please?

    hey.. 25, 150lbs and about 5'9".

    ive been on a 10 week sustanon only cycle, 500mg/week with proviron 50mg/week. no pct. not great gains, about 6 pounds.
    my diets was pretty good during this cycle too.

    im gna improve my diet further but its been 2 months off and im wanting to start my next 12 week cycle, im thinking:

    12 weeks sustanon 500mg/week (half monday and half thursday)
    12 weeks deca 200mg/week (monday)
    4 weeks dianabol 30mg/day
    proviron 50mg/day

    with me using deca for the first time im wondering what kind of pct i should use. would i need hcg on such a small dose of deca? and im pretty sure i should use nolvadex but how much? and from when and for how long?

    thanks in advance guys

  2. #2
    bump lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    No need to bump after 7 minutes...

    Sounds like you need more help then just with your PCT.... Do some research. oh, and by the way.... there is a whole section PCT in the forum home.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    ^^ Bump bertuzzi lol
    Mate get your diet in check doesnt matter what cycle you do if you havnt got the right diet your just wasting your time.
    Post your diet in the diet section and im sure we can help alot more from there

  5. #5
    As far as I know this is the only PCT that has been clinically tested. Its from "anabolics 2007" and anabolics 9th edition" so I cant post the sctual study on the net sry fellas. In this study, 19 subjects were given highly supressive doses of AAS for 12 weeks which suppressed their natural test down to 25% of starting. They then administered this PCT and at the end, every subject got back to 100% of starting natural test. Honestly, its a cadillac PCT but in my opinion, the more gains you keep and the faster you get back to normal the better, and you will be way happier with the results. The PCT looks like this...

    Days 1-16: 2500 iu/eod HCG
    Days 1-30: 50 mg/twice daily Clomid
    Days 1-45: 20 mg/day Nolvadex

    A lot of guys would say this is exsessive but its your health and youre opinion on what to do in the end.

    Best of luck!

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