Anyone with a genetic disposition for hair loss experience significant or moderate hair loss while on or after taking Masteron ?

I'm attempted to start a cycle of Masteron, but im scared because almost every if not all of the research ive done had indicated that the use of Masteron will induce unusual hair loss to those who have a genetic disposition to balding. Ironically at 25 I still have a full head of hair and mininal body hair, and im not sure whos genes i inherented since i look like a combination of both my mom and dad. Which makes it even harder to come to a conclusion since all the males on my mom side never go bald but all the males on my father said have either thinning or receeding hair.

I dont give a shit about ance or agression or whatever all i care about is my hair. Im only trying to do two 6 week cycles. Maybe im paranoid but i dont want to inject myself that im ultimately going to regret. and i damn sure dont want to loss my hair.