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  1. #1
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010

    HCG on cycle only?

    Im reading a lot now that the new thinking is to use HCG while ON cycle, NOT during PCT like so many suggest. Can somebody clear up exactly why this is?

  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    The idea here is that hcg on cycle will trick your testes into not shutting down. However, the brain is still turned off because of the negative feedback loop where it recognizes there is a testosterone surplus; therefore no natural signals are being sent to do the job of making more. So, hcg keeps the testes going while on, and then we attack with our pct drugs to restart the natural triggers of test production. Since we're not trying to jumpstart our balls from dead shriveled raisin status after a long shutdown (thanks to the hcg) recovery may be better.

    Swifto says it best:

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I run mine through the last few weeks of the cycle leading up to pct.

  4. #4
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    Would there be a disadvantage to running hcg the entire cycle from day one up to pct? The cycle would be 14 weeks.

  5. #5
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11 View Post
    Would there be a disadvantage to running hcg the entire cycle from day one up to pct? The cycle would be 14 weeks.
    just wasting money

  6. #6
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    so by starting hcg on the 10th or 11th week of a 14 week cycle, I'll see no shrinkage? When would you advise starting it on a cycle of that length?

  7. #7
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    During the post cycle period when all the different aas are clearing your system your testicals will shut down again.

    It is a dream to run it on cycle only and stop once a cycle is done. During the post cycle period it will be needed until you can start your SERMs.

    Its also a dream to run it for 14, 20, 59 weeks. All courses much be limited and have guildlines.

  8. #8
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    Can you tell me when to begin taking hcg during a 14 week cycle and when to stop exactly?

  9. #9
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    what are you using? what are your dosages? what week are you on? How do you plan on ending your cycle? What is your age? What is your over all PCP goal (post cycle period)?

  10. #10
    steelydave11 is offline Junior Member
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    this is the full cycle. Im 39 yrs old, 5'11". 215 lbs, 14% bf.

    Test e, 800mg/wk: wks 1-12
    Dbol , 50mg/day: wks 1-4
    Deca 500mg/wk: wks 1-10
    Anavar 40mg/day: wks 8-14
    arimidex .25mg/day: wks 1-14

    Nolva 20mg/day wks 15-18

    So when should I begin and end taking HCG in your opinion? Thanks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    On my first cycle, my balls turned into raisins and my cumshots became tiny little cum drips.

    I'm on my second cycle now, and I've been using hCG , so my balls are a reasonable size and I can still hit my girlfriend's face from a foot away.

  12. #12
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11 View Post
    this is the full cycle. Im 39 yrs old, 5'11". 215 lbs, 14% bf.

    Test e, 800mg/wk: wks 1-12
    Dbol , 50mg/day: wks 1-4
    Deca 500mg/wk: wks 1-10
    Anavar 40mg/day: wks 8-14
    arimidex .25mg/day: wks 1-14

    Nolva 20mg/day wks 15-18

    So when should I begin and end taking HCG in your opinion? Thanks
    Week 6 of your cycle run it 3 weeks past your last shot of test e.

    Please look into upping the nolv dosage to 40mg ED and stock up for 8 weeks. 2-3 weeks of nolv will not do much.

    If you plan is to get back on cycle without staying off for a long time your course of action should be different.

    At 39 there is also no reason why you should not be using hGH, off cycle it contributes greatly.

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