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Thread: How does this cycle look?

  1. #1

    How does this cycle look?

    Heres what Im about to do:

    WKS 1-4:

    Monday & Thurs 1.6ml Test E

    dbol 50mg ed

    Tues & Fri deca .875ml

    arimidex .25mg ed

    WKS 5-7:

    Monday & Thurs 1.6ml Test E

    Tues & Fri deca .875ml

    arimidex .25mg ed

    WKS 8-11:

    Monday & Thurs 1.6ml Test E

    Tues & Fri deca .875ml

    arimidex .25mg ed

    anavar 40mg ed

    WK 12:

    Monday & Thurs 1.6ml Test E

    arimidex .25mg ed

    anavar 40mg ed

    WKS 13-14:

    arimidex .25mg ed

    anavar 40mg ed

    WKS 15-18

    pct nolva 20mg ed, arimidex .25 ed

    Please offer your opinions. Should HCG be incorporated? If so, why do some people say to use it only ON cycle, and others say during PCT?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    tickling midgets
    umm how many mgs of test and deca r u using? nobody knows how much ur gonna use if u just post the volume of oil ur gonna inject because it could be any level of concentration....i.e. 250mg/ml comprende?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    can you re-organize your layout...i dont know wtf is going on lol.

    for example:

    Dbol: weeks 1-4: 50mg ed
    Test E: weeks 1-
    anavar: weeks

    you get the point

  4. #4
    ok this should be better:

    Test e, 800mg/wk: wks 1-12
    Dbol, 50mg/day: wks 1-4
    Deca 500mg/wk: wks 1-11
    Anavar 40mg/day: wks 8-14
    arimidex .25mg/day: wks 1-14

    Nolva 20mg/day wks 15-18
    aromasin 10mg/day: wks 15-18

    Any thoughts on this? How would you use HCG throughout this cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    change PCT to nolva/clomid

    run it like this:

    nolva: 40/40/20/20
    clomid: 100/50/50/50

    as far as the var, up the dose to atleast 50 or 60 preferably 80mg-100mg...40mg isnt sh*t

    dont know much about deca but i think you need to end it 2 weeks before you end test so if im right run your test for 13 weeks...everything else looks good IMO

    and as far as hcg, run it from weeks 6-up until pct (stop once you start pct)...thats how id do it, but theres a million ways you can run it

  6. #6
    any thoughts or experience with HCG? Also, Im guessing what you advise is what youve actually done. How has your PCT protocol affected you? Anavar over 40mg is shown to become liver toxic. They used to think it was a very safe steroid. Not really.....not over 40mg. Ive gotta think of my liver first.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11 View Post
    any thoughts or experience with HCG? Also, Im guessing what you advise is what youve actually done. How has your PCT protocol affected you? Anavar over 40mg is shown to become liver toxic. They used to think it was a very safe steroid. Not really.....not over 40mg. Ive gotta think of my liver first.
    lol what? var at 40mg IS liver toxic.....all orals will affect your liver, which is why you only cycle on them for a short amount of time. your liver can heal itself.

  8. #8
    ok, so you feel that 7 straight weeks of var at 100mg is safe? Maybe with Milk thistle, right?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    tickling midgets
    id run hcg at 250ius 2x a week for the entire time ur on test, and stop right before ur pct

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11 View Post
    ok, so you feel that 7 straight weeks of var at 100mg is safe? Maybe with Milk thistle, right?
    yea thats actually what im doing now, you could even go to 8 weeks if you have enough var. but yea i wouldent run it any less that 6 weeks or anymore than 10 weeks...10 is pushing it but 8 is a good length for var.

  11. #11
    Ok so how are you protecting your liver? Milk Thistle?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by steelydave11 View Post
    Ok so how are you protecting your liver? Milk Thistle?
    ugh nothing....milk thistle is all hype IMO....just run Liv-52 after your done, your liver can heel its self and Liv-52 is the only thing proven to work

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    your over reacting to this whole running var thing...if anything id be more concerned with deca. deca is a 19-nor compound that stays in your system for 18 months. trust me var should be the least of your worries

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