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  1. #1
    bobofet's Avatar
    bobofet is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005

    halodrol/x-tren/anavar stack?

    I just got some anavar (actually not sure if it's real or not, pics at Anavar 10. Any good? ) and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to stack with an OTC (or was) product containing halodrol and trenadrol. Would this work well together, or would it be overly liver toxic? I do have cycle assist on hand. Oh yeah, I also cruise on 200-250mg test cyp/wk/.

    halodrol converts to turinabol
    tren converts to dienolone

  2. #2
    laduem88's Avatar
    laduem88 is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bobofet View Post
    I just got some anavar (actually not sure if it's real or not, pics at Anavar 10. Any good? ) and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to stack with an OTC (or was) product containing halodrol and trenadrol. Would this work well together, or would it be overly liver toxic? I do have cycle assist on hand. Oh yeah, I also cruise on 200-250mg test cyp/wk/.

    halodrol converts to turinabol
    tren converts to dienolone
    2 orals is already pushing it. if you MUST stack orals do var/h-drol...trenadrol itself is toxic enough

  3. #3
    bobofet's Avatar
    bobofet is offline Associate Member
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    so if I do the h-drol and var I should be ok if I keep it at 8wks tho...right?

  4. #4
    laduem88's Avatar
    laduem88 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobofet View Post
    so if I do the h-drol and var I should be ok if I keep it at 8wks tho...right?
    yea 8 weeks should be good...your basically doing var/tbol which seems to be a very popular oral stack

  5. #5
    laduem88's Avatar
    laduem88 is offline Senior Member
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    thats if your var is legit though lol

  6. #6
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    how much does a new liver cost?

  7. #7
    bobofet's Avatar
    bobofet is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lexruger View Post
    how much does a new liver cost?
    Not suppose to talk about prices here. Wise ass!

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