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  1. #1
    underworld1997 is offline New Member
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    Burst Cycle for Weightlifter

    Hello, I'm a olympic weightlifter putting together a burst cycle for an intense 4 week squat phase. I'm not looking for a quick fix, I'll be squatting till I puke 4 days a week during this cycle.

    My stats are:
    20 years old, 5 years training experience, 1 year competing
    In season I was weighing 76kg at 13% bodyfat but I'm not competing right now due to a wrist injury and weigh about 81kg at 17% bodyfat
    85kg snatch 110kg clean and jerk
    150kg olympic squat, 120kg front squat, 190kg deadlift

    I often use the Base Cycle from the Smolov squat program for a 4 week strength/hypertrophy phase and I'm looking to improve my recovery and maximise my gains the next time I run it. I'm planning on going up to the 85kg weight class anyway. I'm a biochemistry major at university but this is my first cycle so I'm still a little unsure about things. So far I've got...

    Week 1-4:
    75mg of Anadrol daily
    500mg of test cyp weekly
    125mcg of Letrozole daily
    Liver supplement daily

    Week 5:
    30mg Nolvadex daily

    Week 6-7"
    20mg Nolvadex daily

    What do you guys think? Should I use be injecting the test more often than weekly?


  2. #2
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    I think a lot. And I think you know nothing.

    Your too young. Nolva only PCT is week. For only 3 weeks... As well as not even starting it at the right time. Letro is some strong stuff.

  3. #3
    underworld1997 is offline New Member
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    I know nothing about the practical use of steroids . Which is why I'm asking here....

    20 is young but I know competitive weightlifters, two olympic level ones, who started in their late teens. It's a choice you have to make, just like sprinters do, if you want to be competitive in this sport.

    You think I need hcg even for such a mild cycle? How should I be using the nolvadex ? I was told to start it about 9 hours after the last dose of anadrol .

    I know Anadrol can't even aromatise but a lot of guys have reported that a small dose of Letro massively helped reduce bloat while on it. How much of a problem will aromatisation be with 500mg of test a week?

  4. #4
    underworld1997 is offline New Member
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    Oh btw this is my first time using anything like a cycle but I used anavar as a cutting aid last year.

  5. #5
    go4gold's Avatar
    go4gold is offline Member
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    You need to work on your technique first still. Your weight and your lifts show lots more potential naturally. If you lifting only 85 and 110 in the 77kg class, you still have lots of potential. Plus your only a jr. Lifter. Technique is key. Your lifts will go up.

  6. #6
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    agreed with what the other guys are saying and if your running a short cycle you wanna do a short ester not cyp

  7. #7
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    agreed with what the other guys are saying and if your running a short cycle you wanna do a short ester not cyp
    I agree. I'd look at test prop if i were you.

  8. #8
    underworld1997 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    You need to work on your technique first still. Your weight and your lifts show lots more potential naturally. If you lifting only 85 and 110 in the 77kg class, you still have lots of potential. Plus your only a jr. Lifter. Technique is key. Your lifts will go up.
    Thanks for the advice I'm pretty confident I can get another 5-7kg out of my snatch fairly easily but my clean is getting close to my max front squat now so I'm not sure how much more I can get there. My coach also agrees that my strength is limiting my clean and jerk.

    I've got a good coach who's working with me six days a week now. He's aware I'm considering using AAS, openly told me he used performance enhancing drugs during his career (including winning a silver at the commonwealth games), but is leaving it to me because it's a personal choice.

  9. #9
    AnonEagle's Avatar
    AnonEagle is offline Junior Member
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    Test C would need to be broken up into two shots weekly anyways. 5 weeks is not enough for you to get more than a week or two with the full effect of the drug. If you must go with such a short cycle, look at Test Suspension or Propionate . You really don't need to add the drol in there. If you and your trainer believe it is time for AAS, then IMHO test is enough.

    Letrozole is overkill as well. Exemestane (Aromasin ) would be a much better idea, as letro can kill 99% of your estro, and you do need some. You can wait on the AI until you start to see early signs of gyno no problem.

    Finally, you need to wait a certain amount of time for enough of the drugs clear your system before you can begin PCT. This will depend on which ester you go with for your Test. Cypionate will require you to wait ~2 weeks
    Last edited by AnonEagle; 02-27-2010 at 08:40 PM.

  10. #10
    go4gold's Avatar
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    Yeah man, but I don't even think you would even qualify for jr. Nationals in the USA with those lifts. I think you should be able to easily do that natuarally. All I'm saying is you can easily get your fr. squat up. Most people here will say use steroids when you have reached your full potential and I'm almost certin you haven't yet your coach should know know this. I've train with olypmians and even come acros a few medal lifters. Think of this way, You use steroids and you still may be lifting below average for a well esatablished jr. lifter. So a waste in my opinion until you are a bit more competetive, plus, you only have been competing for one year and you think you already need to start using, come on man. But good luck with your lifts, always nice to see a fellow olympic lifter on here time to time.

  11. #11
    nails4me2's Avatar
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    no matter what compound you decide to use on your cycle make sure that you continue to research that compound and and other one you will add and also keep reading on this board about general knowledge of aas before you just jump on and end up doing more damage than me it will benefit you in the long run to have done your homework and seeked the wisdom of the many very knowledgeable vets on this board..good luck man..

  12. #12
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    75mg drol ED @ 20 years-old....


    I find it unethical even giving you advice. But I will say drol I felt was a very hard drug.

  13. #13
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Let me add any steroid that converts to estrogen will kill your hight. Whatever hight you are at right now you better be happy with.

    If you are gonna cycle keep that in mind. Most steroids do convert.

  14. #14
    underworld1997 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    Yeah man, but I don't even think you would even qualify for jr. Nationals in the USA with those lifts. I think you should be able to easily do that natuarally. All I'm saying is you can easily get your fr. squat up. Most people here will say use steroids when you have reached your full potential and I'm almost certin you haven't yet your coach should know know this. I've train with olypmians and even come acros a few medal lifters. Think of this way, You use steroids and you still may be lifting below average for a well esatablished jr. lifter. So a waste in my opinion until you are a bit more competetive, plus, you only have been competing for one year and you think you already need to start using, come on man. But good luck with your lifts, always nice to see a fellow olympic lifter on here time to time.
    Yeah man I'm 17kg under the junior nationals qualifying total for USA. I live in New Zealand though so it doesn't really matter but the US qualifying totals are an interesting benchmark. I've only been doing olympic lifting for a year but I've been powerlifting since I was 15. Thanks and good luck to you too!

  15. #15
    underworld1997 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    Let me add any steroid that converts to estrogen will kill your hight. Whatever hight you are at right now you better be happy with.

    If you are gonna cycle keep that in mind. Most steroids do convert.
    Haven't grown since I was 15 Hit puberty about 9 years old

  16. #16
    dec11's Avatar
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    way too young, and squatting 4 times a week is bollocks, im a powerlifter and the greatest frequency ive done with squatting is e5d and thts only when leading up to a meet

  17. #17
    underworld1997 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    way too young, and squatting 4 times a week is bollocks, im a powerlifter and the greatest frequency ive done with squatting is e5d and thts only when leading up to a meet
    Squatting 4 times a week isn't that unusual for olympic lifters. A lot of the developing lifters squat every second day. When I was powerlifting I used to squat twice a week and deadlift once. Anything more than that was too much fatigue. Now squatting 3 days a week on top of olympic lifting is absolutely fine and 4 days (2 front, 2 back) isn't too big an ask.

    I like to use the Smolov base cycle for loading my back squats during a balls out strength phase. It goes something like:
    Monday 4x9 70%
    Wednesday 5x7 75%
    Friday 7x5 80%
    Saturday 10x3 90%

  18. #18
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by underworld1997 View Post
    Squatting 4 times a week isn't that unusual for olympic lifters. A lot of the developing lifters squat every second day. When I was powerlifting I used to squat twice a week and deadlift once. Anything more than that was too much fatigue. Now squatting 3 days a week on top of olympic lifting is absolutely fine and 4 days (2 front, 2 back) isn't too big an ask.

    I like to use the Smolov base cycle for loading my back squats during a balls out strength phase. It goes something like:
    Monday 4x9 70%
    Wednesday 5x7 75%
    Friday 7x5 80%
    Saturday 10x3 90%
    your over training, how do you expect to recover? ive trained internationally along side european/world champs,and there is no way any of em would squat that much, deadlifting more than once a fortnight wud burn me out in no time

  19. #19
    redwings91 is offline New Member
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    Do more front squats. My clean and jerk was at a plateau even though my back squat was going up. Turns out I was leaning forward too much at the bottom of back squat. Front squats force you to be upright through the entire motion of the squat.

    I had been doing back squats 4x per week. I switched it to front squats 4 times and only doing backsquats for 2 warmdown sets once a week. I did this for 3 weeks and my CJ went up 5 kg easy. Not all front squat days should be heavy, something like 2 heavy / 2 light days works best for me. After every 3rd week I do a recovery week where I only use light weight for squats.
    Last edited by redwings91; 02-27-2010 at 11:43 PM.

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