turning 30 in march. been working out since i was 19. ive hit a plateau over the past couple of years and i want to push it a little further. Ive always been natural.
my diet has always been pretty clean. lot of organics, complex carbs, high protein. i do drink too much alcohol though. i am looking to cut that.
5 foot 11
bf= 11.5 (damn lower abs)
i am looking to put on a little more size and really get down to about 7 percent bf.
trying to avoid any kind of gyno and baldness if possible. so the plan is an 8 week cycle
Sustanon(4 weeks), Test enanthate(4 weeks), Winstrol
thoughts and suggestions as i am very new to this and not 100 percent sold. i can post some pictures as well. but thats me in the avatar