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Thread: Stolen AAS

  1. #1
    synman's Avatar
    synman is offline Junior Member
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    Stolen AAS

    I am 33yrs old, 6'2" 210LBS. I started my 12 wk cycle 4 wks ago using 500mgs of Test E per week, first 4 wks of Anadrol at 25mgs per day. And I was gonna finish with Winstrol at 100mg EOD for last 3 wks.

    My dilemma is that my car was broken into a few days ago and my last two bottles of test and winstrol were stolen because they were in my gym bag. It sucks cause I just picked them up that day from my supplier.

    Now, I don't have the money to buy more and he won't even have anymore for another month and a half. I still have a bottle of EQ that I wasn't even gonna use during this cycle.

    Sooooo, my question is! Should I just stop my cycle at 4wks and start my PCT of Clomid and Tamox? Or should I use the bottle of EQ so that I could occupy the TEST already in my body? And how long do you think the TEST E would stay in my system, if my last shot was Wed. 2/24 which completed my 500mgs for this week? Any advise would be greatly appreciated!!!!

  2. #2
    Just2Big is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010
    If your out of Test then just stop and do PCT. EQ will shut you down so you need to run Test with it. Sounds like someone you know stole it. They prob new you had it in your bag. Prob a friend or gym member. People are great.

  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2002
    Well, if you have no means to get more gear, you should definitely start PCT and save the Winstrol + EQ for the future.

    You shouldn't change plans and try to piece it together with the options you think might be ok above.

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