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  1. #1
    osu789 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010

    Read up on Clen and Novaldex.. Quick Question

    I followed advice from dudes here and I read up on Clen . I am committing to a high protein, moderate carb and fat diet, eating 6 small meals a day, and drinking 1 gallon of water a day.
    I'm 5'10 and 205 lbs, I wanna drop 40 lbs of fat by by enlistment day; and gain some muscle to replace it. I don't wan to be the fat ass who slows everyone down.
    I am going to follow the Clen guidelines responsibly:

    What dosage is reccomended given my body weight?
    How much time do you space out between each cycle of it?
    Are there any contradindications with Novaldex?

    I am currently taking 10 mg of novaldex twice a day. I want to shed fat and get rid of fat on my chest. Should I take milk thistle to protect my liver? And LAST question: how long should I do the novaldex for? I read in a medical journal that for gyno 80 days at 20 mg a day is standard.

    Thanks guys.. I know you guys are the big dogs here to talk about pumping up, cut me some slack
    Last edited by osu789; 02-27-2010 at 06:33 PM.

  2. #2
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2008
    Good lord.....ok. First off stop the nolva. If your not on anything you don't need the nolva. Secondly nolva stops IGF growth hormone your probably not getting much stronger. Doses on clen depend on each person, so it varies. Start low, 20mcgs maybe and adjust accordingly.


    With clen, liver support is not needed. However, liver support is always a good idea.

  3. #3
    osu789 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010

    I have some Gyno going on... and I want to do a cardio regimen to get rid of it. I read some medical studies online that show if you do novaldex like that, it cuts gyno down.

  4. #4
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    yes it does. Since your telling me you have gyno now start the nolva immediately.

  5. #5
    osu789 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    JC: Is there some mild testosterone type stuff I could take, just to give me an edge? I figure If I am on novaldex, why not just something to give a mild bump?

  6. #6
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Man nolva for gyno is 6months plus... And u need some reading to do (not trying to be a jerk) clen I think it is a ppwerful drug that will fvck ppl over if not carefull... Just myop ... Fvcking clen is a love hate relationship but anyways man good luck with that

  7. #7
    osu789 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    Man nolva for gyno is 6months plus... And u need some reading to do (not trying to be a jerk) clen I think it is a ppwerful drug that will fvck ppl over if not carefull... Just myop ... Fvcking clen is a love hate relationship but anyways man good luck with that
    I did do some research in medical journals. raloxifene was found to be even more effective than Novaldex. but the average length of treatment was 3-9 months at 20 mg a day w Novaldex. 86% see a reduction!

    I plan on dropping weight, and eating clean and am thinking it would work even better.

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