Like i posted above , i have the same EXACT problem and i went to the doc for the same thing.....I am trying to find out any info on it .......i will post as soon as i get more info.....i will get hold of one of the GOOD ENDOCR. in the US and Europe.....i got hold of some internal info ( within insurance companies) i would appreciate any good info on recovery after being shutdown , mainly secondary i can post for everybody....i am also trying to get some info from the Endocrinology Section at the University
Last edited by Musa; 03-19-2010 at 09:06 AM.
The thread in at meso for anyone wanting to read it in full.
He states he used Swales protocal and ran 250IU twice a week. He does not state if he did this for 6 months or 16 months, but a time limit is not part of that protocal so it would not be mentioned.
so anyone have any input to how a 42 yr old who wants to incorporate ( or thinks he needs to incorpaorate) HCG into his cycle due to testicalur shrinkage should go about it.
HCG only mimics the hormones that the pituitary gland puts out. Once you stop taking it the testes stops producing again. Clomid does stimulate the pituitary gland a little but it dosen't last. The way the pituitary gland starts producing FSH & LH again is that is receives a hormone from the hypothalamus which is a gland right next to the pituitary. From what I have read, there is only one thing that causes the hypothalamus to release this hormone. It's, it's the smell of female urine! Can you believe that? It's almost like we are not much different than dogs.
now we have the answer just let a bitch piss in your face LOL
i wonder if u can get bitch piss at ar-r, lol
So should i still use hcg in my pct??
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