So, it is looking like this.

1-12 250mg Test E twice a week.
3-14 Armidex .25 EOD
9-14 Winni 30mg's twice a day
14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20
14-18 Clomid 20/20/20/20

Are the weeks for the Armidex correct? Also what about HCG ? Some say it's stupid not to incorporate. If I incorporate it do I start at week 1-12, or 3-14, all the way through pct?

I really do not want to gain a ton of size to quickly. The last thing I want is for people to think I am on steroids . I am looking for good quality lean muscle gains while cutting my BF from about 12-9. Is the 500mgs a week of test ok for this or would I be better off going with a smaller dose. I hear a lot of controversy over 250-500mgs a week.

Thank you