When you inject is it alright if some of the liquid come out of the injection site and also, is there anything to worry about when shooting it in my shoulder?
When you inject is it alright if some of the liquid come out of the injection site and also, is there anything to worry about when shooting it in my shoulder?
Hey bro, ya it happens to me sometimes. What i do is as soon as i take the pin out i have my cotton ball with alcohol ready to put right on it and apply some preasure. I only do quad injections so i cant tell u much about shoulders. Good luck!
what size needle u using?
i hit the shoulders and the leggs alot with a 1in 24ga
How to inject without leakage - IMO - this should be in the educational threads... not burried in the rest.
i use a 23 guage, im just wondering if there is more of a risk when shooting in your shoulders of like hit a nerve or something
75% of my 4 cycle's worth of shots have been in my shoulders...most of the info your seeking is in the educational threads....Madmax..
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