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Thread: Probably in Over My Head

  1. #1

    Probably in Over My Head

    I just started my first cycle without knowing as much about it as I should.

    50mg Dbol.

    The first day I just took the whole pill and went to work.

    Day two I learned that 50mg was too much to take at one time So I broke it in half and started taking 25mg a day.

    About day 5 a learned that Dbol has a short half life so know I just nibble on the pill about every three hours. Why do they even make a 50mg pill?

    I'm about 17 days into my cycle and I have gained about eight pounds of mostly muscle. I plan to stack it with some Test in about a week or two.

    For PTC I have some OTC Chrysin-XY and 15 tamoxifem 20mg pills.

    I'm sure I've probably screwed it up nicely. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What are you stats?
    training exp

    BTW, most of the weight you've gained is water. If you went off right now, you would be at your starting weight within days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bustedknuckles View Post
    I just started my first cycle without knowing as much about it as I should.

    50mg Dbol.

    The first day I just took the whole pill and went to work.

    Day two I learned that 50mg was too much to take at one time So I broke it in half and started taking 25mg a day.

    About day 5 a learned that Dbol has a short half life so know I just nibble on the pill about every three hours. Why do they even make a 50mg pill?

    I'm about 17 days into my cycle and I have gained about eight pounds of mostly muscle. I plan to stack it with some Test in about a week or two.
    Dbol only. 8 lbs. Yeah that isn't mostly muscle thats water

    For PTC I have some OTC Chrysin-XY and 15 tamoxifem 20mg pills.
    Uhhh otc stuff is crap. Go to the banner abover ARR
    I'm sure I've probably screwed it up nicely. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Red and bold

    As stated what are stats?

  4. #4


    Weight: 173

    Height: 5' 9''

    Been working out steady for about a year. Recovering from Guillian Barre.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    United States
    Oh jesus...stop the cycle and do a proper pct. First you need to do more research. Second if you're going to stack an injectible and an oral you start them at the same time. Third, you've only been working out for a year, which I don't think is long enough.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel_Hunden View Post
    Oh jesus...stop the cycle and do a proper pct. First you need to do more research. Second if you're going to stack an injectible and an oral you start them at the same time. Third, you've only been working out for a year, which I don't think is long enough.
    I appreciate your input but why would I need to stop the cycle and how long should one pump iron before he does a cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Research is all around you, my friend.

    At 5' 9" at 173 pounds, you are quite small. You could gain a lot of size naturally just by getting your diet in order. Like most newbies, I am guessing you think that just by popping some pills or sticking a needle in your ass, you will be as big as Ronnie Coleman in no time. Fact is, steroids don't have any calories in them. You need food to grow, not steroids.

    Head over to the 'diet' section. There is a thread at the top of the page," so you wanna learn how to diet". It's a video, about an hour long, but broken down in small parts. Watch a few today, few tommorrow, take a week to finish the video. That is the single most important thread on this entire website. Trust me, that video will change your life.

    Take some time to look around this forum, there is a ton of information here. Find out why dbol only cycles are a bad idea. Find out why most on this board recommend test for a first cycle. Find out why you want to get your bodyfat down before you cycle.

    Good luck, you have a lot of reading to do.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by slimy View Post
    Research is all around you, my friend.

    At 5' 9" at 173 pounds, you are quite small. You could gain a lot of size naturally just by getting your diet in order. Like most newbies, I am guessing you think that just by popping some pills or sticking a needle in your ass, you will be as big as Ronnie Coleman in no time. Fact is, steroids don't have any calories in them. You need food to grow, not steroids.

    Head over to the 'diet' section. There is a thread at the top of the page," so you wanna learn how to diet". It's a video, about an hour long, but broken down in small parts. Watch a few today, few tommorrow, take a week to finish the video. That is the single most important thread on this entire website. Trust me, that video will change your life.

    Take some time to look around this forum, there is a ton of information here. Find out why dbol only cycles are a bad idea. Find out why most on this board recommend test for a first cycle. Find out why you want to get your bodyfat down before you cycle.

    Good luck, you have a lot of reading to do.
    Thank you for your reply. I realize I dropped the ball with D-bol. Can I start taking test and continue my cycle. I really don't want to stop now. About three years ago I was hit with a rare neurological condition that left me paralyzed for about three months. I dropped down to 138 pounds. I looked like a cancer patient. I lost any muscle that I had earned in 32 years. In physical therapy I could barely curl a PVC pipe with both hands. Now I can bench my body weight.

    Is there anything I can do to salvage this cycle or should I really just leave it alone. I really want to continue. I haven't felt human in years until now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    You are already 17 days in just run it out now for about 30-45 days then do PCT you have tomax already which is good should grap some clomid as well.

    For future reference Testosterone (injectible) is the base of cycles for a number of good reasons. 1)it is a great mass builder 2) Evertime you take any kind of steroid you will shut your natural production of test off and if you dont replace that you can have sexual disfunction, lethargic, just feel ill etc. So start off with some test then build your cycle around that next time and post it up first so we can help you tweak it before you start.

  10. #10
    My current diet is around 4000 calories with about 25% being protein or 200 grams a day. I'm trying to stay away from fatty foods but peanut butter is currently a staple due to money issues.

  11. #11
    Also, I was told to take it Monday through Friday and take the weekends off. Is this beneficial?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Bustedknuckles View Post
    Also, I was told to take it Monday through Friday and take the weekends off. Is this beneficial?
    take it every day...spread through the day to keep your blood levels stable

    I think you'd be more prone to any side affects if you didnt take it consistently

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lexruger View Post
    take it every day...spread through the day to keep your blood levels stable

    I think you'd be more prone to any side affects if you didnt take it consistently
    The point in taking the weekends off was the stretch out the cycle a little longer and give my liver a little break. I wish I would have done a serious research on the stuff instead of just listening to a couple of boneheads at the gym. I'm grateful that y'all are taking the time to straighten my ass out.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Steel City
    Quote Originally Posted by Bustedknuckles View Post
    The point in taking the weekends off was the stretch out the cycle a little longer and give my liver a little break. I wish I would have done a serious research on the stuff instead of just listening to a couple of boneheads at the gym. I'm grateful that y'all are taking the time to straighten my ass out.
    Def. do not take the weekends off. Keeping your blood levels stable is a key factor in the whole deal. Unfortunately, even with a proper pct, you will most likely loose most, if not all of your gains.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    keep doing your cycle, just get more information about your gear. at 35 your own test levels are already going down hill, so as long as you're watching your body's response and are prepared to deal with sides, you should be fine. Test + dboll is a classic cycle, run for 6-8 weeks, see what happens. PCT gear should be handy, if you feel your nipples acting strange (swelling, sensitivity, itchy), start tamox at 20mg/day. since it's your first cycle, you don't know if you'll have the gyno-like reaction while on cycle. even if you don't, i'd still run it, but you must read more about it and learn why and so on. most people say that most gains from the first cycles can be kept, unlike the following cycles, so do it right! diet, training, and rest are most important.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    Your in the right place if you want to build your body up the right way. Read the stickies at top of this section.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    keep your diet in check, diet is the most important part of training and for most people the hardest part

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Bradenton Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Bustedknuckles View Post
    I just started my first cycle without knowing as much about it as I should.

    50mg Dbol.

    The first day I just took the whole pill and went to work.

    Day two I learned that 50mg was too much to take at one time So I broke it in half and started taking 25mg a day.

    About day 5 a learned that Dbol has a short half life so know I just nibble on the pill about every three hours. Why do they even make a 50mg pill?

    I'm about 17 days into my cycle and I have gained about eight pounds of mostly muscle. I plan to stack it with some Test in about a week or two.

    For PTC I have some OTC Chrysin-XY and 15 tamoxifem 20mg pills.

    I'm sure I've probably screwed it up nicely. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Wow, this just sounds like a mess. You are no way ready to run a cycle and have no clue what you are doing and Im not trying to be mean Im just being honest. Anyone who is telling this guy to just continue with this cycle is crazy IMO.
    Last edited by jbran23; 02-28-2010 at 09:36 PM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by slimy View Post
    Research is all around you, my friend.

    At 5' 9" at 173 pounds, you are quite small. You could gain a lot of size naturally just by getting your diet in order. Like most newbies, I am guessing you think that just by popping some pills or sticking a needle in your ass, you will be as big as Ronnie Coleman in no time. Fact is, steroids don't have any calories in them. You need food to grow, not steroids.
    No, I'm not looking to look like the Hulk. I am recovering from an illness that caused me to shrivel up like a twig. Not wanting to play the pity card just explaining my situation. The feller that put the D-bol in my hand wanted me run it with Decca but money was an issue. Frankly, I'm tired of being stuck with needles anyway.

    Head over to the 'diet' section. There is a thread at the top of the page," so you wanna learn how to diet". It's a video, about an hour long, but broken down in small parts. Watch a few today, few tommorrow, take a week to finish the video. That is the single most important thread on this entire website. Trust me, that video will change your life.
    Thank you for that. A lot of good info there.

  20. #20
    What should I expect if I started a four week run of Decca right now?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    just stick with ur cycle mate. its fine. do 8weeks dbol at 50mg a day. half a pill in the morn and half at night. nothing wrong with ur cycle. you could gain about 14lbs of solid mass on that cycle. ul probly gain about 25lbs in weight if your diet is huge but sum will be fat and water.

    dont add it deca!! bad idea!! if you add anything add test at 500mg per week. id just use the dbol this time tho and save test for another cycle.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Bustedknuckles View Post
    What should I expect if I started a four week run of Decca right now?
    dont bother with deca bro 4 weeks wont do anything but make your noodle limp and then you have a new set of probs....i would take the time to do lots of reasurch here as you are in the right place for it....start by reading the steroid profiles on the sites main page...then read up on begginner cycles and pct before you do anything else as its obvious by your questions you dont have much knowledge in all aspects of aas...knowledge is power...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    East Coast
    DO NOT DO IT FOR 8 WEEKS!!! WTF are you telling this guy? He already is on a sh-t cycle in itself why would you tell him to run DBol for 8 weeks. Guys with exp. only run it 4-6 weeks at most and thats w a thought out and well prepared cycle, god. Busted why would you think of the deca, you already said you have money issues and frankly if your money is that much of a prob you shouldn't have spent it on something like AAS. Anyways, if I were you I would get (assuming you haven't gotten PCT in hand) your PCT and stop asap, no use going on with this cycle (jbran is correct).
    For the future, and I hate giving advice to someone who isn't ready but a test cycle should be run for 10-12 weeks, and IF you use dbol again its 4weeks-6week max. Someone else said a Test/Dbol classic cycle is 6-8 weeks...we'll i disagree wholeheartedly. Test cycles for a first timer should be done alone for 10-12 weeks at approx 500mgs a week. Good luck bro...
    Last edited by E Police 183; 03-04-2010 at 10:39 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    DO NOT DO IT FOR 8 WEEKS!!! WTF are you telling this guy? He already is on a sh-t cycle in itself why would you tell him to run DBol for 8 weeks. Guys with exp. only run it 4-6 weeks at most and thats w a thought out and well prepared cycle, god. Busted why would you think of the deca, you already said you have money issues and frankly if your money is that much of a prob you should have spent it on something like AAS. Anyways, if I were you I would get (assuming you haven't gotten PCT in hand) your PCT and stop asap, no use going on with this cycle (jbran is correct).
    For the future, and I hate giving advice to someone who isn't ready but a test cycle should be run for 10-12 weeks, and IF you use dbol again its 4weeks-6week max. Someone else said a Test/Dbol classic cycle is 6-8 weeks...we'll i disagree wholeheartedly. Test cycles for a first timer should be done alone for 10-12 weeks at approx 500mgs a week. Good luck bro...

    why are some of u guys telling him to stay on cycle? it makes no sense, all he will do is make it much harder for recovery, and i might hadd he has shit for PCT. he needs the easiest recovery possible.
    this guy should be told one thing, stop this mess now, use the tamo for a quick PCT and learn for a while.
    OP-i understand you want to gain again, and im real glad you are feeling better, but u need to lift longer then one year before AAS or u are risking muscle/joint/tendon damage.

    Please stop giving this guy shit advice, he needs to stop and learn....

  25. #25
    I guess I can only blame the different of opinions on my total lack of informations in my original post.

    Initially I only acquired 30 pills which is only enough to last a little longer than four weeks. These are 50mgs D-bols. I decided that 50 mgs was probably too much for my body weight/needs. I began taking 25 mgs daily (about 6-8mgs) at a time. I'm breaking the pill in half and saving the other half for another time. At one time I was almost talked into a delayed run of Deca because of joint pain but after a little consideration I believe the lack of discomfort in my joints would only encouraged me to rupture something.

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