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Thread: 18 years old. anavar??

  1. #1

    Post 18 years old. anavar??

    I am 18 years old, 6'2 1/2", and weigh 195. I wanna get solid and cut, and I am thinking about taking anavar, 50-50 right now with my decision. what dosage should i use and would i need a pct? and what liver helper should i use, and would i need anything else?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Well your too young for AAS for one. If your gonna do it anyway....i'd at least stack it with test. Yes you should use liver support with any oral. Whats the cycle you had in mind? Pct?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn Baby
    Dude I did them so i can't give you crap but wait a bit man why not. Get that diet down point. Learn how to kill the gym properly and your good. Then later try small cycles to start. Just me though bro your gonna do what you want anyway

  4. #4
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    Wait at least 3 years. That gives you plenty of time to research AAS and actually know what you're doing by the time you start.

  5. #5
    I wanted to do an anavar only cycle but I had to abonded it for cost and wouldn't get much out of it since no test e base

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    Yeah bro listen to what some of these cats above are saying. Take some time, research, read through some older threads on here, keep up with the new ones. Get your diet in check and your gym sessions solid. At your age you have enough natural test that you don't need the AAS, will hurt more then help that this point (not saying you wouldnt gain but you know what i mean). I started when I was either 22 or just turning 23 and I still feel like thats too young. 25 is where i would say the min age, maybe 24 but thats pushing it. At 6'2 almost 6'3 and 195 you have a frame to add a good 25lbs naturally, make that a goal and hit it in the next 2-3 yrs you can do it bro...good luck.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Well your too young for AAS for one. If your gonna do it anyway....i'd at least stack it with test. Yes you should use liver support with any oral. Whats the cycle you had in mind? Pct?
    This is retarded advice.....He's 18 not 21.... Your not even fully developed yet while you probably wont limp dick 4 life sound good to you as well as needing to be on hrt for life plus your endocrine system isnt almost completely developed til about 21 and then all they way until about 25

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericrod70 View Post
    I am 18 years old, 6'2 1/2", and weigh 195. I wanna get solid and cut, and I am thinking about taking anavar, 50-50 right now with my decision. what dosage should i use and would i need a pct? and what liver helper should i use, and would i need anything else?
    How long have you been training?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    You know its funny,
    When I was 18 I did a ton of research and anavar was the compound that I was going to do to.

    I didn't however after researching more. My age was the deciding factor.
    I was able to hold off until I was 23. In those 5 years my body went through many changes. Looking back, It was a very good thing I elected not to do that cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    And to the OP.
    Tons of bad advice has been past out these past few days from NEWBS.
    Igonore the regurgitated crap that their spitting out.

  11. #11
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    And to the OP.
    Tons of bad advice has been past out these past few days from NEWBS.
    Igonore the regurgitated crap that their spitting out.
    i have to agree here that to many new peeps are too willing to dish out advise that they themselves have little to no knowledge/experience with....and although i dont condone the use of aas for someone as young as the op, whomever advised to stack it with test although many peeps do was uninformed that anavar is one of the few orals that can be cycled like to see more of the new peeps resurch more instead of spending time giving advise in the q+a forum....just my 2 cents....

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Why when you can achieve the same gains via diet and training at your age, the answer is in food not a tablets at your age, once you undertand the power of food you will unlock the secret to gaining muscle tissue.

  13. #13
    Thanks. I'm just gonna do it naturally and get my diet in check.. but im still confused, ive looked a ton of research and it says it well help u grow out to ur max, and it has been used on women and children.. why would it be bad for me at my age?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericrod70 View Post
    Thanks. I'm just gonna do it naturally and get my diet in check.. but im still confused, ive looked a ton of research and it says it well help u grow out to ur max, and it has been used on women and children.. why would it be bad for me at my age?
    Women and children with cancer, AIDS, and wasting diseases. When you're looking at death, Anavar sides don't seem so bad.

  15. #15
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    imo anavar alone is a waste of time, a solid cutting diet for a few months will not only be more effective but also cheaper for you. what advice i would give is stick around the board and gather info on diet and aas and in a couple years you will have more than enough info and confidence to start a real cycle

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by lexruger View Post
    This is retarded advice.....He's 18 not 21.... Your not even fully developed yet while you probably wont limp dick 4 life sound good to you as well as needing to be on hrt for life plus your endocrine system isnt almost completely developed til about 21 and then all they way until about 25
    how lkely are permanent ED and HRT rly for a mild var cycle.. even at 18?

    (assuming there is a solid PCT and not a very high dose)

    I am a bit older, but not 25 yet, so interested in these answers

  17. #17
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    Listen Up

    I know it's been said to death already, but I don't think it can be said enough to you younger guys. WAIT WAIT WAIT! Your testosterone is in the pinnacle of it's career right now. I would kill to go back to that age right now with the discipline I have and just start dieting properly. Somebody call the cliche police, but steroids are not some magical drug that makes your muscles grow! You still have to bust your ass everyday while your cycling to see results.

    You know what?... Just stop researching steroids altogether. Your way too young to even be considering them. Spend your money on subscription to body building magazines, food, and supplements, and you'll end up being happier with your body in the long run.

    Practice discipline, and be patient. That's just my two cents anyway.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Dude 18 and anavar just don't belong in the same sentence.

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