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  1. #1
    ceps69 is offline New Member
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    Need some input on my next cycle.


    9% body fat

    ive recently just finished a cycle in january I ran test E with decca and some weak ass dbol . I was weighing 180ish but since then lost a lot due to a tear in my shoulder put me on the couch for a month. Anyways, im going to run a cycle in april or may and im debating what to run. Whats your thoughts on tren ace, Tren forte, tren E, primobol, primobolan what is the best form of test to run?

    Thanks fellas

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    age and cycle experience?

  3. #3
    ceps69 is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    Im 23 years old and ive ran cycles in the past. Well, my most recent cycle is posted above and ive messed with winni Test cyp, Test E, Ara, decca in the past. I really want to plan this one out well and maximize the most I can. Any ideas? Also, anyone ever heard of Napsium? Not sure if thats spelled right.

  4. #4
    THEMEATEATER is offline Associate Member
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    we really need what you ran, ie what doses on everything and for how long and what was your pct like. Anyone can say i ran this and that without the doses and pct and most people who do this I would say have never ran a cycle before and just expect members to hand a full blown cycle on a plate for them.
    Im not saying you havent ran a cycle before but we need to know what it is and how much you ran

  5. #5
    ceps69 is offline New Member
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    My recent cycle I ran this past November: Week 1 ran Test E 600 mg, then took in 500-600mg for the remaining 9 weeks. Decca: 500mg week 5-10 and I was taking 50 mg of dbol for weeks 1-5. The dbol was pretty weak Nothing like the stuff I had previous to that. After I finished this cycle i was really bloated, face was pretty full.

    PCT ran clomid 100mg a day for a month. and had HCG on hand didnt use it tho not really sure whats the best way to use this If I should.

    I know most of you guys know your shit so help me out if you notice something I should have did or shouldnt do.

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