Hey guys, well i just want some opinions on how i am doing so here it is.

Been runnin Andropen 275 @ 550mg a week with S4 (SARMs )

been about 3 months (Gonna throw some Clen and T3 in here for cutting)

Anyways here are some photos. Tell me what u think, what i can improve.. etc..

Cycle Pics Crituqe?-_0001_0001.jpg

Cycle Pics Crituqe?-jhu9iok9.jpg

Cycle Pics Crituqe?-jkgui.jpg

Cycle Pics Crituqe?-picture-138.jpg

Cycle Pics Crituqe?-backpic88.jpg

Sorry for the shitty quality and stupid faces lol.

Yeah i look young, always have, but im 24 years old. So take it or leave it lol.