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215 week one, currrently 209 at week 4
previous cycles, test only, test/winny, test/primo/winnny, test/eq
currently week 4
sust @ 600mgs/wk eod 1-15
eq @ 500mgs/wk eod 1-15
deca @ 400mgs/wk 1-13
ancillary supplements
b-12 inject ed 1000mcg
jack3d preworkout intensity
carbo gain maltodextrin
6-8 meals, mostly solid meals, equally spread throughout day
300+g protein/day (chicken, ground turkey,tuna, salmon, once a week steak)
400g carbs/day (massive fan of sweet potatos, brown rice, barilla+ pasta)
my bmr 3565 cal/day
intake 4000+
The problem
I'm prone to test flu, actually not prone, if I take any test...I WILL get test flu. No big deal it happens everytime and I expect it. It usually passes for me in 2-3 days and doesnt effect me anymore. This cycle started great and I waited and waited for the test flu, usually with sust I'd expect it around week 2 to 3 for me. Yet it didnt come...TILL week 4 and when it did it crippled me. Not being a vagina but it literally knocked me on my ass. I'm getting intermittent fevers, constant sweats, shakes, chills, a complete loss of appetite and diareahh. Monday I took my deca in my right delt felt great, slept well. Tuesday I pinned my eq and sust in my right glute felt amazing. Went to work and suddenly mid day i was sh#tting everywhere, sweating through my shirt, having chills, muscle aches and went home. I wasnt worried bc like I said I get test flu everytime. Wednesday I didnt have an injection other than the b-12 and I spent the day sweating and shaking in bed. Thursday it was time to pin my sust/eq again, within an hour of inject i my left glute siezed up and balled the gear...an hour later I was worse than tuesday and had to leave work again. Friday passed with just the b12 and me sweating through my brand new mattress pad, changing shirts every couple hours and sitting in the bathroom for hours. Saturday I woke up feeling pretty good and pinned the sust and eq in my left delt, I didnt completely relapse as bad but still didnt feel great and my body still wasnt taking the gear like it should, knotting up a bit. Sunday I felt awesome and thought I was in the clear.....until yesterday...I pinned my deca in my right delt and sust/eq in my right glute. Within hours I was as sick as I ever have been. Last night as a last desperation measure I took two spread doses of banadryl and when I woke today was a hell of a lot better but this cannot go on. My questions are, am I going to clear? Should I even bother with the next injection? The gear is clean, I know the source and my two best friends and training partners are running the same lot number of sust. COULD I have an allergic reaction to something in the gear? Is this lot of gear BA strong and AM I possibly BA sensitive? Would cutting with cottonseed oil or grapeseed solve this? My strength is rapidly increasing even though I feel like death after ever session and I've only missed a day of training through it all. But I cant lay out of work anymore and quite frankly I'm not a bitch but I cant take this kind of knotting anymore. I'm all over the place and this may be a bunch of iliterate sounding bullshit but I'd appreciate someone helping me figure this one out. I DONT want to come off and I WANT this cycle. If I can train like I can this sick, I definitely want to train like this healthy where I can hold down chow. Thanks and sorry for the rampling mess.