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Thread: Twice a day

  1. #1
    scotttheroc is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Twice a day

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forums. I have some questions for you guys. I'm 37 years old. I have been working out pretty regularly for about 15 years. Over the years I have tried all kinds of different workouts. I weigh 175 and am physically in the best shape I have been. Over the holiday I gained about 8 pounds. I decided to try Atkins for the fist time just to drop that pesky belly weight. It worked and it was fun. Now my next mission has been to put on some more muscle and still cut up. First let me say I am not doing steroids . This is not an option for me but I know you guys know your shit roids or not. I have changed my workout and diet lately to this: Chicken omlette or beef omlette for breakfast. Turkey breasts and humus for snack. Ground beef meal 3. Off to the Gym for my cardio for 60 min at a fat burning heart rate. Dinner: chicken or beef & green veggie. After 2 -1/2 hours its back to the gym for my weight lifting. I sip on a creatine booster type of drink and am focusing on 1 or 2 muscle groups max. I do chest and stomach. Shoulders and Bi's. Legs alone. I usually end with crunches. I stack the weight so I can just get 8 rep in then I see how many I can do til fail 3 more sets. After this workout I have either a protein shake or lowfat cottage cheese and pineapple. Just before bed I have some chicken breast or turkey. So I guess what I'm trying to get feedback on is will this help me reach my goal. The goal is to build some more muscle while still working for that 6 pack. The six pack is showing up but I just want to be sure. Since I'm only training one big muscle group I only weight train mon-weds sometimes Thursday. The cardio is mon-friday. I feel like some balance is necessary to stay sane so I have some wine or rum on the weekend and maybe a cheat meal. I know this is a novel but any advise? So the real question is I like doing the cardio at 5pm and the weights at 9pm is this double ding going to be effective?
    Last edited by scotttheroc; 03-02-2010 at 10:35 PM.

  2. #2
    tylerrrman is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010
    To be honest you should be in the diet section of the forums. Ask a dude by the name of FireGuy1 what he thinks of your diet.

    If you get your diet into perfect shape, then yeah you'll be on the right track.

    Next thing would be your workout, of course theres a ton of info on the web about how to do that, but you're in the best place possible to find all this info out in my opinion.

    If you'd like a simple yes or no answer of whether or not your workout is going to acheive your goals you're going to have to be very specific about your workout, your goals, your stats (height, weight, bf, bmr, daily calorie intake).

  3. #3
    scotttheroc is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    More or less the question is simple. I'm lifting heavy focusing on 1 muscle group after a 2 -1/2 hour break of doing a full hour of fat burning cardio. Will either workout hinder eachother's goal of cardio to burn fat and lifting heavy to build?

  4. #4
    Darksyde's Avatar
    Darksyde is offline Member
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    yes. still in the wrong section.

  5. #5
    scotttheroc is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sorry guys

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