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Thread: Can somebody give advice on how i should dose this cycle?

  1. #1

    Can somebody give advice on how i should dose this cycle?

    This is my fourth cycle but i haven't taking any in over a year due to being in Afghanistan. Here is what I have please help thank you.

    D-bol-50mg (50 tabs)

    Test E 250-10ml

    Equipoise 250-10ml

    Novaldex 20mg (30 tabs)

    Winni 50mg (40 tabs)

    Anavar 10 mg (100 tabs)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    thats not a cycle, thats just a list of gear that you expect us to hand a cycle on a plate for you mate. How would you go about running a cycle out of these????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    and another will be needing more than 1 10ml vial of EQ and test e for a start, and also you will need more nolva and will need some clomid in their also.
    How old are you?
    how long training etc

  4. #4
    First week one and a half a day. Second week Two pills a day. No more after week two.

    Test E
    Starting week one two shots a week until gone. 1cc for first week, 1.5 for week two thru finshed.

    Starting week three two shots a week until gone.1cc for first week, 1.5 cc week four thru finshed

    Two pill's every other day starting week three.

    Take after Week Four .20-80mgs(2-4 tabs a day)

    25-50mg a day.

    Yea that is all the gear i have on hand right now my other pct stuff is in the mail.
    I am 23.
    Been lifting since i was 16, been in Afghanistan for a year so my training was not what it has been seeing how there are few gyms in the middle of a mountain range.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    1 vial of test e is a waste of time, it takes 4 weeks to kick in and at 2 jabs per week of 1cc will last 5 weeks, so no point!!! and also 1 vial of EQ is also a waste of time. Also their is no need to be doing 1cc then upping it to 1.5 cc.
    I think you need to look into what you are doing mate.
    How much do you weigh and whats your bf???
    What were your previous cycles then??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    MEAT is right. Crap cycle. Sorry.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I agree either crap it or get more test and eq


  8. #8
    I have only taken test and deca before, is there anything i can do with this stuff besides adding the more test and eq? What would you recommend on how to dose it?

  9. #9
    i weighed 205 before i deployed with around 12 bf that what a year ago now i am 180 with about 9bf

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    I'm gonna look past the part that you have no clue what you doing and ask a few questions. Age, Weight, HT, BF, DIET...Also what were your other 4 cycles? OK Done looking past you not knowing what your doing, 100mgs of dbol? a little much bro. You wanna be some where around 500-600mg test per wk and EQ somewhere around 750mg per wk for 15weeks. You dont even have close to enough gear or knowledge.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    180 is light bro...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by coldtexan17 View Post
    I have only taken test and deca before, is there anything i can do with this stuff besides adding the more test and eq? What would you recommend on how to dose it?
    their is nothing you can do......APART from get more test and EQ. Look into what you are doing with steroids as you asking the above question just goes to show you havent got a clue mate, because if you did you wouldnt ask a question like that. Whats the point in doing a cycle with long estered test etc that takes 4 weeks to kick in then when it has only getting a week out of it then have to come off?????
    Simple thing is........dont bother mate. Research on here as to what does what, look into PROPER cycles and PCT then when you know what your doing go ahead and buy more gear then do it properly.
    That is all from me, do as you will

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You havent got enough gear and you have no idea what your doing, take some time and do some research.

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