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Thread: Cycle A Week Away

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cycle A Week Away

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'7'' 5'8''
    Weight: 205 As you can see in my pic i'm not that big of a guy
    Body Fat: approx. 9%-11%

    My last cycle started 12/24/2009 got F'd up 5/6 weeks in due to a 2 deaths in the family so I stopped n capped it off with PCT. So heres what I got in line and praying theres no unforeseen events that could F it up again.

    1-12 Test E E3D 650Mg/Wk
    1-12 Deca E3D 500Mg/Wk
    1-10 Sust. EOD 500Mg/Wk
    1-6 Dbol ED 50Mg
    Through out cycle .25 Adex
    PCT: 16-18 Days after last shot
    Nolva 20/20/10/10
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    Like my past cycles Sust. kicks in QUICK for me therefore I like to use it to give me a kick start with the DBol until the Test E kicks in. Any imput or changes feel free.
    Last edited by E Police 183; 03-03-2010 at 08:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    what's your cycle experience?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    4/5 cycles under my belt.
    1st cycle was when i was 23 (too young, was too immature to know)
    12 week Test E 500mg/wk
    light on the pct, only nolva.

    Test Cyp. 550mg/wk 1-12
    Deca 450mg/wk 1-12
    Sust. 400mg/wk 1-12
    This is where I found that I like something like sust to kick me off even with Test Cyp.
    I understand its a blend but everyone reacts differently ya know.
    Standard Nolva/Clomid

    Test E 500mg/wk 1-14
    DBol 50mg ED 1-6
    Andropen 450mg/wk 1-12
    EQ Front Load at 900mg/wk for 1-3 then 4-14 700mg/wk
    Standard Nolva/Clomid

    Test E @ 500mg wk 1-4 then bump 750mg wk 5-12
    Dbol wk 1-6 at 30mg ed
    EQ started 2 weeks before my actual cycle @ 1000mg (front load) then wks 1-12 @ 750mg
    Cycle got fu-ked up because of overtime issues at work, stopped lie 3weeks in.

    4b (just about the same as above)
    Test E @ 750mg wk 1-12
    Andropen275 weeks 1-10 275mg E3D
    Dbol wk 1-6 at 30mg ed
    EQ started 2 weeks before my actual cycle @ 1000mg (front load) then wks 1-12 @ 700mg
    SuperDrol (love it in my cycle, IMHO best OTC supp ever, stocked up on the original have about 10-12 bottles left
    Adex .25mg EOD
    Standard PCT. This cycle was F'ed up because of the reason in my original post.

    So lets hope this cycle can be carried out, the past 2 attempted have pissed me off....both started out nicely then have no control over what happened in life i had to stop bc i had no time for the gym for 2 weeks or so.

    So critique away brotha
    Last edited by E Police 183; 03-03-2010 at 08:06 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Seems like you need to be a first time user with no knowledge to get any type of feed back around here

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    Seems like you need to be a first time user with no knowledge to get any type of feed back around here

    Patience champ, Personally id probly only run the deca week 1-10 and bump the first 2 weeks of nolva up to 40mgs rest looks good

  6. #6
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    sorry mis read run nolva 40/40/20/20

  7. #7
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    Deca wk 1-10
    nolva 40-40-20-20

  8. #8
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    Thanx shady and meke, its just that so many ppl post on here (which is a good thing) that sometimes your thread will get lost or ppl are talking a newbe off the ledge.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'7'' 5'8''
    Weight: 205 As you can see in my pic i'm not that big of a guy
    Body Fat: approx. 9%-11%

    My last cycle started 12/24/2009 got F'd up 5/6 weeks in due to a 2 deaths in the family so I stopped n capped it off with PCT. So heres what I got in line and praying theres no unforeseen events that could F it up again.

    1-12 Test E E3D 650Mg/Wk
    1-12 Deca E3D 500Mg/Wk
    1-10 Sust. EOD 500Mg/Wk
    1-6 Dbol ED 50Mg
    Through out cycle .25 Adex
    PCT: 16-18 Days after last shot
    Nolva 20/20/10/10
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    Like my past cycles Sust. kicks in QUICK for me therefore I like to use it to give me a kick start with the DBol until the Test E kicks in. Any imput or changes feel free.
    There is no need for sus in this cycle,

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There is no need for sus in this cycle,
    agreed, puts you over 1g of test

  11. #11
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    I know theres no NEED for it but like i said it helps me respond quicker bc its so fast acting in my system. It just builds a bridge to the Test E to kick in. Its not gonna hurt anything or am i missing something?

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    I know theres no NEED for it but like i said it helps me respond quicker bc its so fast acting in my system. It just builds a bridge to the Test E to kick in. Its not gonna hurt anything or am i missing something?
    The only fast acting ester is the prop really and to be honest its that small of amount you wont feel it, all your doing is front loading your blood levels thats why it feels like your reacting to the sus quicker, there is no need for it your kickstarting with dbol, also if you wanted to front load you should of got prop and done it right, there is no need for the sus and not a good planned out cycle.

  13. #13
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    ok so if i drop the sus, what else is wrong w the cycle that you say its "not a good planned out cycle" Not sure if that came off in a dick-ish manner, if so don't take it that way, just wondering what your seeing thats wrong w it besides that.

  14. #14
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    drop the sust and lower the deca from 12 to ten weeks

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would drop the sus
    stop the deca at week 10
    a-dex EOD/E3D
    nolva 40/20/20/20
    clomid 100/50/50/50

  16. #16
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    damn marcus wanna changed the spelling in my name as well? haha kidding bro, thanx for the input. There are always reasons for why ppl do what they so and also everyones body responds different, i know this is stuff you already know. I also know you have a vast knowledge of AAS, that being said i'm gonna drop the sus and put it to the side for the future. As far as the adex goes i was extremely sensitive my last cycle so I maybe i'll changed from ED to EOD. The nolva/Clomid have worked well for me at the dosages that I had in there, but then again never bumped the Nolva and lowered the Clomid so I wouldn't know if this would work but i'll try it. I ran Test and Deca before and did both for 12 weeks, never really understood the difference with the 10 week standard for the deca i'm assuming it has to do with coming off of the test and deca at the same time isnt good.

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