If you could go back, what would be ur first cycle?
If you could go back, what would be ur first cycle?
I'd do the same, 500mg of Test E for 14 weeks.
^^^ my first cycle was a 5 week burst cycle. The only thing i wish i had done was wait longer to cycle and go for 14 weeks instead of 5 to let my body adapt to the weight.
"dirty d"
dirty d, how come u only did 5 weeks?
what resutls did u get, how old were u?
500mg test e or c, for 12weeks. I ran this and gained 25 pounds, lost 10 when the water came off. Loved it!
12 wks test E.
I think the majority will say Test.
americanoak- i honestly never researched this stuff and i thought that a vial at 10ml was a cycle. I know it sounds ridiculous and it was. But i did half a cc per pin for the first two weeks, then a full cc twice a week, then around 1 1/3 or so at then end. I know now that you shouldn't taper or run that short your first cycle, or start with 250mgs a week!!! But these were all mistakes i made before researching. I didn't even know what pct was to be honest. Never have done pct... Ever. I just joined in november and that is when i was done with my last one and i never realized what risks i was running before then.
Gains- i gained 28lbs in 5 weeks. But i ate terrible and didn't pct, so 2 months after i got off i had lost 15-18lbs of it. Not worth the risk looking back lol
"dirty d"
Well guys i can do either test-e or sustamed 250. I was thinking about stackin it with tren. Whatta u guys think?
What do I think?
That's what I think.
why no tren on the first cycle?
would that just be too much going on for a first cycle?
thats personaly how I feel but I know nothing right now compared to you all
Just Test
Thats all
yea if i could go back and redo my first id do just test. instead i did a dec/test. agree fully with no tren for first...from what i know about it...its a very strong aas,ive never tried it, and dont think i will to tell you the truth
Tren is one of, if not THE, most powerful steroids on the market. It is definately NOT for a first timer. Example, when you learned to drive, did your dad get you a $100,000 sports car to learn how to get around? Why? Because that is so beyond not practical.
Tren is the same way. Yes, it's powerful. But so are the sides.
Use what you need to get the job done. Save the big guns for when the time is right.
Ok slimy ill take ur word for it. I just wanted to be a beast for summer and if u say that it may give me bad sides then i def dont want that. Big help bro thanks.
I guess ill do like they said above, test-e for 12, shadey and titamium look like they kno what they r talking about. Do u guys think 500mg or more?
Thanks fellas, please post more on my post or watch for them cause ill need ur alls help. Ill put up pics asap.
Last edited by jdmullins002; 03-04-2010 at 11:35 AM.
5,000mg of Sust
120mg of D-bol a day for 12 weeks
4,000mg of tren too
LOL.... Although I have done some pretyy big cycles
Simple cyp between 5 and 750mg a week. May dbol at 50mg for 4 weeks
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