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  1. #1
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    Help me Critique my cycle...Var, Prop, Winni

    I really just need help with the starting times of these substances guys.

    8 weeks of prop
    4 weeks of var (it's left over)
    7 weeks of winni

    Also got some t3 / clen (left over)
    Nolva / clomid for PCT. I was also gonna run 10mg's/day of nolva through out the whole cycle.
    i like going 100/50/50/50 with clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva

    heres what i was thinking...

    weeks 1-8 of prop 50mg/day =350/week

    weeks 3-7 of var 50mg/day =350/week

    weeks 7-13 of winni 50mg/day=350/week

    Then PCT 3 days after last test prop inject

    This look good? Also with the T3/clen when should i incorporate them? I've ran clen during my pct it was straight. As always thanks for the help guys...Again i already have these substances so im not going to add anything or take out anything...I just need to know when to start them when it comes to the staking of these compounds.

  2. #2
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    I really just need help with the starting times of these substances guys.

    8 weeks of prop
    4 weeks of var (it's left over)
    7 weeks of winni

    Also got some t3 / clen (left over)
    Nolva / clomid for PCT. I was also gonna run 10mg's/day of nolva through out the whole cycle.
    i like going 100/50/50/50 with clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva

    heres what i was thinking...

    weeks 1-8 of prop 50mg/day =350/week

    weeks 3-7 of var 50mg/day =350/week 3-7 are 5 weeks

    weeks 7-13 of winni 50mg/day=350/week

    Then PCT 3 days after last test prop inject

    This look good? Also with the T3/clen when should i incorporate them? I've ran clen during my pct it was straight. As always thanks for the help guys...Again i already have these substances so im not going to add anything or take out anything...I just need to know when to start them when it comes to the staking of these compounds.
    I would simply do this:

    weeks 1-8 of prop 50mg/day =350/week

    weeks 5-8 of var 50mg/day =350/week

    You need nothing more, IMO.
    Also, why taking nolva during the cycle?
    PCT looks fine but BW is a must prior and after at least.

  3. #3
    laduem88's Avatar
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    switch out winny for masteron and run masteron all the way through

  4. #4
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    switch out winny for masteron and run masteron all the way through
    or Mesterolone.

  5. #5
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    or Mesterolone.
    i disagree to comparing it to masteron ..sure there alike but no where on the same page as to results

  6. #6
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    i disagree to comparing it to masteron..sure there alike but no where on the same page as to results
    Sure, I did not want to compare it, they are different indeed.
    However, he can get along with it instead of adding another compound to that easy cycle, IMO.

  7. #7
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    I could run...

    8 weeks of anavar and Test Prop..hand in hand? Could drop the winni...your thoughts?

    50mg's/day of both

  8. #8
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    I can get my hands on mast as well..but i used it in my last cycle and didnt think to much of went like this..

    1-12 sust 500mg's / week
    1-12 Eq 500mg's /week
    8-14 Mast 50mg's / ED

    I could also get my hands on Tren but i need my cardio...

  9. #9
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I would simply do this:

    weeks 1-8 of prop 50mg/day =350/week

    weeks 5-8 of var 50mg/day =350/week

    You need nothing more, IMO.
    Also, why taking nolva during the cycle?
    PCT looks fine but BW is a must prior and after at least.
    I've always just takin 10mg's ED of Nolva just to be safe...Whats BW??

  10. #10
    laduem88's Avatar
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    whats your body fat % ?

    i love masteron actually running test/masteron/var right now. post a pic up, IMO chances are your bodyfat % is too high

  11. #11
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    16% and your right my BF levels are to high. So should i just drop winni and run 8 weeks of prop / anavar ?
    Last edited by Lavacho; 03-04-2010 at 06:22 PM.

  12. #12
    daem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    19% and your right my BF levels are to high. So should i just drop winni and run 8 weeks of prop / anavar?
    Drop the cycle plans all together right now until you can get your BF down lower.

  13. #13
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    19% and your right my BF levels are to high. So should i just drop winni and run 8 weeks of prop / anavar?
    no kidding you didnt like what masteron did...definitely cut bodyfat, go to the diet section because im sure your diet could use some work. running "cutting" steroids arnt going to burn fat, its all diet and cardio.

  14. #14
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    I've always just takin 10mg's ED of Nolva just to be safe...Whats BW??
    BW = Blood Work

  15. #15
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    What im not a fat ass....I just got done playin 4 years of college football at fullback...Im playing rugby right now...I run over 20 miles a week on a tread mill..i run a 4'9 40...ill post pics but i need to find a camera..
    Last edited by Lavacho; 03-04-2010 at 06:27 PM.

  16. #16
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=BJJ;5094352]BW = Blood Work[/QUOT

    i haven't had it done since my last physical right before football season..but im only 23 and i have never had any problems in the past.

  17. #17
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    ohh i get it...i ment 16%..i throw up a pic once i can get one..i have these pics of my tatoo b/c its about to get worked on...i guess i'll throw those up for the time being but they may not help that much
    Last edited by Lavacho; 03-04-2010 at 06:31 PM.

  18. #18
    Lavacho's Avatar
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    Pics..they prob wont help though...they were takin in December.. i've lost 10lbs since then / got back into the gym/running...With the holidays and everything i kind of went to shit..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Help me Critique my cycle...Var, Prop, Winni-img_0447.jpg   Help me Critique my cycle...Var, Prop, Winni-img_0449.jpg   Help me Critique my cycle...Var, Prop, Winni-img_0452.jpg  
    Last edited by Lavacho; 03-04-2010 at 06:38 PM.

  19. #19
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavacho View Post
    Pics..they prob wont help though...they were takin in December.. i've lost 10lbs since then / got back into the gym/running...With the holidays and everything i kind of went to shit..
    honestly i would re look at your diet/training

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