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Thread: 2nd Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    2nd Cycle

    age 32, ht 5'10, 185lbs, serum test 240

    First cycle 12 yrs ago.

    My TRT doctor prescribed me the following. He seemed willing to make any adjustments I wanted. Please give me some feedback.

    after visit we arrived at the following:

    10 wks
    Cypionate 200mg wk
    Anastrozole 1mg twice wk
    Tamoxifen 1/2 tab twice wk

    Weeks 4-10
    Stanozolol 50mg EOD

    Post Cycle:
    HCG 2000 Units for 5 days 1000 units for 10 days (to begin HCG 2 weeks after last injection). Then start Clomid 51 mg daily for 14 days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Goal is to get lean, strong, and defined. Actual mass is not a major goal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sounds like you found a perfect trt doc bro... The simple fact that this doctor prescribed you stanozolol shows you got hooked up as far as what he will allow. True trt is simply test at 200mg's a week. No winny or any of that lol. And you stay on for your whole life... Injecting this twice a week forever! But as far as what you will be doing from now on for cycling will go, you will be "cruise-blasting". It sucks you have to be on trt, but i would say you lucked out with your doctor bro

    good luck,

    "dirty d"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    thanks for the feedback.

    He originally had me set up for 400mg of cyp and 200mg of deca a week. (I did my research and found a guy that usually see sports people and wrestlers because I did not want to deal with a Dr only prescribing 50mg a week as some people experience).

    So I ended up with someone trying to give me more than I actually want. However he will lower (and change type) depending on my input.

    I read many posts saying winstrol does not reduce fat but it is for "cutting". So what is the purpose in my cyp + win treatment? would I be better off with just cyp or cyp + anavar? etc...

    is the anti-estrogen and PCT ok?

    thanks for putting up with a noob.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    For the pct- the clomid is good, the only thing you may want to do is run the tamoxifen til the end throughout the pct..?

    As for winny- i personally don't like winny, but others do... Are you trying to cut down? No winny doesn't burn fat, it just has properties to build really lean muscle. I personally like deca better. Specially if you get pains in any joints while lifting. It is amazing for joint pain while lifting heavy. What are your goals with this?

    "dirty d"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    TRT is my primary goal. Over the past few years I have lost so much energy, concentration, etc... it sucks.

    That being said, my secondary goal is to customize my TRT to where I want it. If you got to pay out the nose you might as well be happy about it.

    12 or so years ago I "cycled" (loosely using that term) without much knowledge and would do it differently now.

    I took cypionate, sustanon 250, equipoise, and a few others here and there. I went from 170lbs to 205lbs pronto. Being an idiot I did not think about having to maintain muscle you gained.

    So now I am happy with my "size" if looked at fully dressed. I do not really want to get bigger. Notice I did not say weight. I don;t care what I weigh. I want to tone and solidify the "size" i am now. To gain or lose weight is irrelevant.

    To any that say "all you need is aerobic and diet.." I do not have the energy or stamina to do jack right now. This is about making the most out of TRT because I have to get it.

  7. #7
    Well honestly if you can get away with it I would just ask him to prescribe this:

    Test-C (weeks 1 - 12) @ 400mg/wk
    Deca (weeks 1 - 10) @ 200mg/wk
    Stanozolol (weeks 8 - 14.5) @ 50mg each day (I wouldn't do EOD!)

    It sounds like he'll hook you up with whatever lol.. ^^ this would be an actual cycle. The deca is a low dosage (I just added it because @ that dosage it can be used for its therapeutic benefits.. (IE) joint lubrication - feel free to toss it out if you aren't interested in it.)

    Hope that helps,


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