Need some help putting together my precontest stack, stats are: 5'10" 204lbs 8%bf 1 cycle previously (test e 400mg EW). I have about 18 weeks left, still continue to bulk and planned to run a cycle of 8 weeks prior to show. With dieting I will start cleaning my diet and clean bulk at week 16 and diet harder come week 8. Cycle looks like this right now:
-Prop 100mg EOD 1-8wk
-Oral of some sort either Anavar @ 40mg or Halotestin @20mg, ED 4-8wk
-***considering masteron or tren, but dont think it would be wise to experiment with tren after only one cycle and in prep for a show because if the insomnia hits when rest is most vital I dont think that would be good.
What you guys think I expect to drop 15lbs ish or maybe less considering i'm still lean and thats just my body type.