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Thread: tren and test cycle help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    tren and test cycle help

    Im going to be finishing up my Test e, eq and anaver cycle in 7 weeks. this was the first cycle that I have incorperated eq into and lets just say...less than stellar. this is my third cycle and im not all that impressed with the results so far. everyone keeps telling me that it cause im only on week 5 and eq takes time.

    well when i finish this cycle and pct i am going to be looking into a test, tren and decca cycle. i am unsure of what dosages but from what i have read tren seems to be more along the lines of what i want to work with. I am aware of the sides from reading posts and the tren profile on here. any suggestions on dosages? should i run test p and tren a with the decca or should i run the longer estered compounds like test e and tren e? any help would be appritiated....and again, i know about the sides from reading up and i know i can deal with them if tren works as well as everyone says.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Post up stats.....thats always first
    Age, height, BF, yrs training, weight, you catch my drift

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wait.. where am I?..
    thats what i thought about tren... till i ran it. sides are terrible. gains were up there but them night sweats, and insomnia were too much man. that and even running the test alot higher a dose it made my special parts not work lol... guess you can tell i'm not a tren fan lol.

  4. #4
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    Some love it, some fear it, others LOVE

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    stats are: 36, 177lbs, 5'7" bf% 12. this will be my fifth cycle. not big on the test eq cycle im on now. gonna finish it out but wanna try a test tren and decca cycle. been training seriously for 3years, one break for an injury but 4 days weights and 2 days cardio.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Tren + Deca= bad idea.....not cool running 2 19 nors bro.
    U will not need the deca. Stick to the test tren cycle.
    You can do wk 1-10 test prop 100MG ED and Tren Ace 75MG ed wk 1-8
    First run with tren so do the Ace, just in case off sides getting to much to handle. Also, research on here about using low test and more tren, it has been discussed quite a few times. I personally run my test higher than the tren. But some vets have debated that it does not need to be this way. tren will give you amazing gains and vascularity if you know how to diet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Forgot to mention to get caber and HCG. And run them from the beginning of your cycle. HCG at 250IU's X2 a wk. Caber .25MG X2 a wk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i am doing well with my dieting...thanks for the info about tren and decca...i got the ides from the profile page on here. it says that in a mass building cycle to stack with decca. thanks for the help MekeMeke...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Some pro BB maybe do two 19 nors bro, if you are looking to gain some quality muscle and you wont be hitting a stage soon, I would forget about the Deca. Tren is the shit if you know how to diet and if you can deal with the sides, no need for other compounds, best of luck bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanks Meke...ill take your word for it. im going to get the gear so i have it on hand...

  11. #11
    Fellas what is the best type of test to run with tren ? I am sure that I have seen somewhere that it should not be run with sust 250, why ? I do not know. Could someone clarify that ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Open up a new thread and you can call it all yours...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    My vote is also a 'no no' on tren and deca together. Both are 19 nors. Both shut you down hard. Use one or the other.

    Definately get the caber. If prolactin becomes an issue, you will be glad you had it.

    No other steroid ( I've tried most of them) has given me the crazy sides that tren gives. If you decide to go with tren, get ready for a roller coaster ride.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Tren isnt for everyone.Try Tren Ace 1st this way you cant get out of the kitchen if its to hot I personally love the shit

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    thanks to everyone for the help on this cycle...forsure not going to do tren and decca. here it is...test p, tren a and dbol kickstart....

    thanks again

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