Hey I am new to steroids But I am on my 5th week of test enanthate (500mlg a week; 250mlg twice a week) and with the first 4 weeks I was running d-bols...so far I have had great gains ! I have gained about 15-20 lbs and had great strength gains. NOW I know I should have figured this out before I even started anything but Im already right in the middle of the cycle so I am coming here for advice from experienced users.
After I am done running the test for 10 weeks it will be about mid april and I am planning on cutting around mid may to early june. Now I am just wondering how I should do this, I have PCT on hand but I am wondering if I run my PCT right after that cycle is it ok if I run another bottle of test right after with winny or something while cutting... My concern is that when I cut I am going to lose most of the gains from the cycle if I dont run something... Any advice on cutting after a cycle would be greatly appreciated thanks !