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Thread: First Cycle- thinking of running longer advice plz !

  1. #1

    First Cycle- thinking of running longer advice plz !

    Hey I am new to steroids But I am on my 5th week of test enanthate (500mlg a week; 250mlg twice a week) and with the first 4 weeks I was running far I have had great gains ! I have gained about 15-20 lbs and had great strength gains. NOW I know I should have figured this out before I even started anything but Im already right in the middle of the cycle so I am coming here for advice from experienced users.

    After I am done running the test for 10 weeks it will be about mid april and I am planning on cutting around mid may to early june. Now I am just wondering how I should do this, I have PCT on hand but I am wondering if I run my PCT right after that cycle is it ok if I run another bottle of test right after with winny or something while cutting... My concern is that when I cut I am going to lose most of the gains from the cycle if I dont run something... Any advice on cutting after a cycle would be greatly appreciated thanks !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    My advice for the first cycle is usually the same.

    If you really want, Run it for 12 weeks, that wont hurt.
    As for running it any longer then that, I dont reccommend it.

    You need to end your first cycle, see how your recovery goes, see how much gains you keep etc.
    Its a learning exp. imo

    Quick question for you:
    Did you lose any weight when you cut out the dbols?

  3. #3
    alright thanks ! so do you think I should cut after PCT or before then which would you reccomend?

    and as for the d bols I havn't lost weight since I cut them out but I have noticed my gains have slowed down a bit

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    What do you mean by "should I cut after PCT"

    what are your stats

  5. #5
    Im bulking right now I wanna lean out a bit more by the summer, Im 5'8" about 180 lbs right now hoping to go up to about 190 before the end of my cycle .. Im not sure my exact bf% but its about average right now. I wanna try to be no more than 10% during the summer without losing too much weight so I dont mind cutting down to about 170-175 but I really dont wanna lower than that... Ive bulked and cut before successfully but this is my first time on juice so I am wondering If I should start trying to lean out DURING my pct or afterwards in order to maintain more results

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality

  7. #7
    just turned 24

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    I dont know if I would start cutting.
    If I were you I would do A cycle of Test/Deca/Dbol 12 Weeks as my next cycle in about 6 Months after you finish your current cycle.

    Im not going to bash you for being young. You prob should have waited, but me too.
    See where you are when that 6 months comes up.

    Focus on keeping your gains/ increasing gains & diet over that time.
    (It will be a safe period to wait)

  9. #9
    alright thanks a lot for the advice bro ! cheers

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    u need to atleast wait till after pct to cut---and no dont do it with a cycle---time on=time off+pct

    dont even think about cutting during pct

    what u could do is start cutting with 4 weeks left in this cycle--idk

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