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Thread: unsure whether my test e is working?!

  1. #1

    unsure whether my test e is working?!

    i just had my 4th shot of test enth (primoteston depot 250)

    day 1: 1.5ml (375mg)
    day 6: 1.5ml (375mg)
    day 11: 1.5ml (375mg)
    day 16: 1.5ml (375mg) (TODAY)

    i'm in australia and had problems getting gear, so ended up getting some dodgey looking stuff from a guy i know.

    i woulda have thought by day 16, and having shot 6ml already, that i would have started to feel some test effects such as increased sex drive.

    however, this is how i feel:

    if anything, decreased sex drive
    slightly tender nipples
    no increase in the gym etc

    i thought increase in sex drive began a week to two weeks in?

    so i'm starting to question my gear

    and isn't this very early for my nipples to be tender?!
    they're not SORE, but they are definately more tender than normal.

    helppp please


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    OH SNAP dude. That is why you come to the boards and reasearch BEFORE you start injecting. Enthate shouldn't be ran like that. Post up some stats, age, yrs lifting, weight, BF%, height and we might be able to help you. Also on the main website you will find sample cycles that you can research and come up with a good one. Also read about the particular AAS that you are putting into your body.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2010
    Test e wont kick in till about the 4th week you should be injecting every 3.5 days example monday morning and thursday night, 1ml every 3.5 days will give you your 500mgs/week , Your nipples getting tender could be a sign of gyno meaning your gear isnt fake but you also could be paranoid ?? hows your diet look ?

  4. #4
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    yeah.... you dont need to run test e twice a week in my opinion.... its got a long enough half life to just shoot once a week..... for god sakes it takes about 3 weeks for the stuff to fade out of your system. but you need to be shooting atleast 500 mg a week. its pretty slow acting so increasing the number of injections a week isnt going to do much.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Having a shot here, but maybe its deca

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MekeMeke View Post
    OH SNAP dude. That is why you come to the boards and reasearch BEFORE you start injecting. Enthate shouldn't be ran like that. Also read about the particular AAS that you are putting into your body.

    Thanks for your input MekeMeke. I found it really helpful!

    Believe it or not, I had actually done a fair bit of research into it.

    According to this link - http://www.************.com/a-compre...n-aas-cycling/

    2) Injection frequency This is crucial to obtaining even blood concentrations of androgens. Ideally, the more often injected, the better. An acceptable rule of thumb is “inject at half of the half life.”

    And, as I HAD read up on the steroid profiles, I knew that Test Enth has a half-life of 10.5 days.

    Thus, I thought that it would be smart to pin every 5 days (10/2=5).

    I thought, by doing this, I was keeping my blood levels as constant as possible. 1.5ml (375mg) every 5 days is equivilent to 2ml (500mg) every 7 days.

  7. #7
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    Im running E right now and just entering week 4. As the others have said E will start to kick in about week 4. For me, it is usually a little later - week 5 or 6, but I am running a lower dose.

    With that being said, I always notice an increase in libido immediately. My pumps in the gym are much better and I feel harder quickly. My weights move up fairly quickly as well. Finally, I always feel a little edgy when on E.

  8. #8
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG KAY View Post
    yeah.... you dont need to run test e twice a week in my opinion.... its got a long enough half life to just shoot once a week..... for god sakes it takes about 3 weeks for the stuff to fade out of your system. but you need to be shooting atleast 500 mg a week. its pretty slow acting so increasing the number of injections a week isnt going to do much.
    i respectfully dissagree....injecting 2x per week will help build up blood levels faster and keep them more stable thats why a lot of peeps do it that way...that being said it is ok to shoot 1x per week but i agree if he is going to use that protocol then he should at least bump it up to 500mg...500mg isnt that much really and 325mg is just over trt levels.....good luck op...

  9. #9
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    Peach it would best serve you to drop the attitude...Again if you did the research like you said you did, then you would know that you have another 10-17days before the test will kick in. But yeah that attitude isnt gonna get you anywhere here bro.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    Peach it would best serve you to drop the attitude...Again if you did the research like you said you did, then you would know that you have another 10-17days before the test will kick in. But yeah that attitude isnt gonna get you anywhere here bro.
    Apologies bud. I didn't mean to come across that way, I just felt a bit hammered by my first response. Again, apologies....

  11. #11
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    No need to apologies. You weren't getting hammered at all, you should look at some other threads in this forum haha talk about getting hammered...some people are just so hardheaded. Anyways give it a bit more time, it will kick in. Im not sure if you posted it somewhere else but what is the extent of you cycle and your stats as well?

  12. #12
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    post a pic of your gear on the gear pic section

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    should at least bump it up to 500mg...500mg isnt that much really and 325mg is just over trt levels.....

    Hey mate,

    325mg E5D is pretty close to 500mg/week.

    325mg E5D works out to 455mg a week, compared to 500mg a week.

    What do you guys think I should do from here?

    Continue E5D?
    Change to every 3.5 days (first morning, second night)?
    Change to once weekly?

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I would never inject any dodgy looking gear, even if I couldnt get any pharm grade I wouldnt do that, its pointless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would never inject any dodgy looking gear, even if I couldnt get any pharm grade I wouldnt do that, its pointless.
    I have to agree with Marcus you yourself thought it was dodgy looking so why would you inject yourself with it? Personally if i had a choice between dodgy looking gear and no gear i'd go without.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    500mg isnt that much really and 325mg is just over trt levels

    I hate when people say 500mg isn't that much. That is a lot. Just because you probably have a lot of experience, do it all the time, and are able to take probably twice that, does not mean 500mg is not much. I only do 500mg and will never go over that. I am a huge guy, and I get enormous off of this. I know everybody is different, but unless you are Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman, 500mg won't give you what you are aiming for. If you are not these two guys, then you are going to transform your body like none other.

  17. #17
    Well when I say "dodgey" - it was given to me (and a mate) in 4x 10ml unmarked syringes. The guy I got it from is a bodybuilder and is a close family friend, so, whilst it would be kinda ridiculous getting that off just anyone, I put my trust in him not to **** me over.

    He said it came in a 50ml amp, and as we only wanted 40ml, he took it out.

    I will probably be mocked for using this gear, but I thought I should trust him. Let's hope my intuition was the right one.

  18. #18
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by workoutfreak078 View Post
    I hate when people say 500mg isn't that much. That is a lot. Just because you probably have a lot of experience, do it all the time, and are able to take probably twice that, does not mean 500mg is not much. I only do 500mg and will never go over that. I am a huge guy, and I get enormous off of this. I know everybody is different, but unless you are Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman, 500mg won't give you what you are aiming for. If you are not these two guys, then you are going to transform your body like none other.
    just giving my opinion bro what i say isnt gosple or anything.....we are all different so if its great for you then that cool....i hate it when peeps get there nickers in a twist over someones opinion...i was giving my 2 cents thats was point was to keep blood levels consistant by injecting 2 times per week not so much to debate his dosing choice....peace bro...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachyas View Post
    Well when I say "dodgey" - it was given to me (and a mate) in 4x 10ml unmarked syringes. The guy I got it from is a bodybuilder and is a close family friend, so, whilst it would be kinda ridiculous getting that off just anyone, I put my trust in him not to **** me over.

    He said it came in a 50ml amp, and as we only wanted 40ml, he took it out.

    I will probably be mocked for using this gear, but I thought I should trust him. Let's hope my intuition was the right one.
    Thats even worse in unmarked syringes, I would stop injecting that stuff for sure.

  20. #20
    If you wanted 40 ml of a 50 ml bottle why did he just not take 10ml's out for himself and give you the bottle? Sounds shady friend or not, I would stop inj that stuff you could be doing serious harm to your body. Not to mention that once a sterile fluid is drawn into a plastic syringe it is not supposed to be kept that way for more than 6 hrs if I remember correctly. I could be wrong.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG KAY View Post
    yeah.... you dont need to run test e twice a week in my opinion.... its got a long enough half life to just shoot once a week..... for god sakes it takes about 3 weeks for the stuff to fade out of your system. but you need to be shooting atleast 500 mg a week. its pretty slow acting so increasing the number of injections a week isnt going to do much.
    I dont agree with this....

    OP, dose your test twice a week!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachyas View Post
    Well when I say "dodgey" - it was given to me (and a mate) in 4x 10ml unmarked syringes. The guy I got it from is a bodybuilder and is a close family friend, so, whilst it would be kinda ridiculous getting that off just anyone, I put my trust in him not to **** me over.

    He said it came in a 50ml amp, and as we only wanted 40ml, he took it out.

    I will probably be mocked for using this gear, but I thought I should trust him. Let's hope my intuition was the right one.
    Yea, I wouldnt use that gear....

  23. #23
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    I have a bunch of buddies who pre-load their syringes days in advance and they never have any problems. They do this for all their cycles to save time...i never really understood it bc whats its saving? 3extra mins? But it can def stay in there longer then 6hrs

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by E Police 183 View Post
    I have a bunch of buddies who pre-load their syringes days in advance and they never have any problems. They do this for all their cycles to save time...i never really understood it bc whats its saving? 3extra mins? But it can def stay in there longer then 6hrs

    Of course it can stay in the syringes longer what they are stating is that he brought it this way who knows what could be in them syringes !!!

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