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Thread: EQ only???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    EQ only???

    Hey I am going to run a EQ only cycle for about 16 weeks. Pretty much the only goal I have is to lean out and just gain a little strength and power. I wont be lifting super heavy everyday, probably twice a week heavy and three times a week with lower weight/higher reps. I will incorporate cardio 3 times a week and low carb high protein diet (oats, fish, veggies, fruit, chicken) This isnt my first cycle, I have done quite a bit with Sust, Test, Dbol, EQ different cycles but stacking them together when I am out of the country just dnt get it here. I have good mass (225lbs) but have gotten lazy (16-17% bf) and gotten more pudgy then I should be thats why I just wanna stay lean and dont want to deal with the water retention and bloat. I am not lookin to jump up in weight, if I do its fine I jsut wanna drop down to 11-14% BF.

    Do you think a cycle like this would be legitmate for shredding some fat and leaning out?

    wk1- 250mg
    wk2- 500mg
    wk11-14- 500mg
    wk15-16- 250mg

    What do you guys think?

    Before you guys add 20 kinds of gear to the cycle remember what I am shootin for and also Equi is the only thing available to me at the moment. I have gotten screwed twice in a row now with online BS and wont be playing that game anymore so Equipoise is all that is available for now. I also like EQ because the side effects are minimal and I feel good and more confident.

    Whats the most available place to get PCT (please pm me) and what is recommended for coming off EQ?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Feel dumb now for asking for source for PCT... read sticky

    sorry bout that. Please if you can answer other questions and give opinions that would be much appreciated. Thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    If you run an eq only cycle you will run into trouble. Its an 19 nor and should be run with test to keep test levels high. Also, eq users will tell you that eq really works well at high doses, but you can't even run a low eq cycle without test as it will shut you down quick. Also pyramiding is a thing of the past. Start with one mg and run it through entire cycle to keep steady blood levels and minimize sides.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    thank you for your help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Eq is not in the 19 nor family. Wanted to get that out of the way first.

    Most on this board do not like EQ. I've seen quotes like " I use it to keep my door hinges from squeaking" or "I spray it my leather jacket to keep it shiny"..... It is a very mild compound and a lot of people just don't like it.

    That being said, I am a big fan of EQ. But even though it is not a 19nor, I would never run it alone. Test should be a base for everything, especially a relatively weak component like EQ.

    EQ works best when your bodyfat is relatively low. Being "pudgy", you are not going to get the gains that you are looking for. It also makes you hungry. So if you are trying to diet on EQ, your will will be tested almost every hour. You will feel like a starving ethopian all the time.

    Your dosages are also all over the place. EQ ( with a test base) needs to be run high dosages for a long duration.

    My advice to you is: get your diet in check. Drop the body fat as low as you can, while trying to procure test.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MekeMeke View Post
    If you run an eq only cycle you will run into trouble. Its an 19 nor and should be run with test to keep test levels high. Also, eq users will tell you that eq really works well at high doses, but you can't even run a low eq cycle without test as it will shut you down quick. Also pyramiding is a thing of the past. Start with one mg and run it through entire cycle to keep steady blood levels and minimize sides.
    eq is not a 19nor..please dont confuse it with deca..Deca is a progestin and a 19-nor derived steroid whereas Eq is much more closely related to testosterone (being only one double bond different).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by EatingMyWheaties View Post
    Hey I am going to run a EQ only cycle for about 16 weeks. Pretty much the only goal I have is to lean out and just gain a little strength and power. I wont be lifting super heavy everyday, probably twice a week heavy and three times a week with lower weight/higher reps. I will incorporate cardio 3 times a week and low carb high protein diet (oats, fish, veggies, fruit, chicken) This isnt my first cycle, I have done quite a bit with Sust, Test, Dbol, EQ different cycles but stacking them together when I am out of the country just dnt get it here. I have good mass (225lbs) but have gotten lazy (16-17% bf) and gotten more pudgy then I should be thats why I just wanna stay lean and dont want to deal with the water retention and bloat. I am not lookin to jump up in weight, if I do its fine I jsut wanna drop down to 11-14% BF.

    Do you think a cycle like this would be legitmate for shredding some fat and leaning out?

    wk1- 250mg
    wk2- 500mg
    wk11-14- 500mg
    wk15-16- 250mg

    What do you guys think?

    Before you guys add 20 kinds of gear to the cycle remember what I am shootin for and also Equi is the only thing available to me at the moment. I have gotten screwed twice in a row now with online BS and wont be playing that game anymore so Equipoise is all that is available for now. I also like EQ because the side effects are minimal and I feel good and more confident.

    Whats the most available place to get PCT (please pm me) and what is recommended for coming off EQ?

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    ur cycle really needs work IMO man. Iv seen good gains from eq only but ur whole stair steping method is a waste u may as well either start and end on the same mg or start low and work ur way up

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