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Thread: Question about cardio while on cutting (vs bulk)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Question about cardio while on cutting (vs bulk)

    I finished my bulking cycle about 7-8 weeks ago of test/deca and am now planning a cutting cycle right now. I have made the decision to try test/eq/winny with the goal to gain some lean mass, but the main objective is to cut up and hopefully shed some bf.

    My question is basically regarding cardio while on the cycle. During my bulking cycle, I abstained from cardio since the idea was to gain mass. When I did try cardio, I got really tired really fast! I want to know what the best strategy of helping to shed some fat would be while on this cycle. Aside from the weight training, I will probably jog on the treadmill a few times a week and I'll probably be playing some sports, basketball, football, soccer and others competitively from now on.

    Will the cycle give me an edge, or will it make me tired like my last cycle? I want to know from some of the bros who have started a cycle with similar goals!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I don't get tired easy doing cardio but do notice that my BPM increases faster and I sweat more - especially with Trenbolone (difference being a much more androgenic 19-Nor than Deca is).

    Do you have poor cardiovascular fitness? - this may be something to work on and eat more to compensate. You need a strong cardiovascular system for proper circulation, endurance, keep your heart pumpin' strong... if you notice you fatigue easy - this would effect your endurance to resistance training too... not just cardio type exercising. Your body is giving you a signal that your having an endurance problem.

    Decrease your resistance training rest intervals and work in some cardio (alternate cardio intesities too). Compensate for the loss calories based on your goals and somotype.

    The fact that you said, "I got really tired really fast!" Rang a bell in my head - it should ring one in yours too. Resitance training is no walk in the park - if you are getting tired fast from cardio - you are getting tired fast from resistance also - but making up for it, perhaps unknowingly - like with long rest intervals and such.

    Also look at your diet and supplements. Be sure to take a good timed-release multi vitamin and extra Vitamin C... and try going through a bottle of Vitamin E as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Thanks for the response bro. Your definitely right about not being in good cardiovascular shape. Prior to the bulking cycle, I hadn't done cardio in a while, but I could still run a mile without killing myself. The bulker put a good 15 lbs of weight on me, so I thought I'd balance it out with some fat burning. I did light cardio while on DNP and then swapped off to clen. After 7 days of clen, I stopped without any rebound effects (got lucky).

    My goal right now (pre-cycle) is to maintain while getting myself into cardio vascular shape. So, basically, your diagnosis was dead on. But, you didn't really address the question about the specific aas effects on cardiovascular excercise, and I have an inkling that you have insight regarding that.

    My plan for now is to wakeup an hour early 3-5x a week, walk over to the gym (which is in eyesight) and get some pre-meal, early morning cardio. I think the cardio on the empty stomach will help to burn some fat and to get me into shape. Then, come home, drink a shake and go about my day.

    I am very disciplined once I have a routine. This weekend I'll be doing a quick 3-day blitz /w dnp and I'll be starting the pre-meal cardio saturday. Of course, I'll be packing a gallon of water, gatorade /w glycerol and some emergency pepsi with me while on DNP.

    I'll let ya know how it goes. MY MAIN concern is loosing muscle while cutting the fat (pre-cycle). I'll bridge over to clen right after DNP (48 hours afterwards probably). I've already shedded off 7 lbs with my last dnp/clen bridge, so I hope to keep it going. COMMENTS please!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Warrior
    I don't get tired easy doing cardio but do notice that my BPM increases faster and I sweat more - especially with Trenbolone (difference being a much more androgenic 19-Nor than Deca is).
    That's how it is. Trenbolone and testosterone also seems to effect my cardio-respiratory system too - breathing sometime feels restricted. But with Deca or Equpoise - my BPM simply gets a little higher than normal - without restricted breathing or major sweating. So I pretty much concluded that more androgenic gear causes my body to work harder with a faster metabolism... but this is something I would have to play with when I cycle back to a low androgenic rotation (probably Deca/Dbol) down the line...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Warrior

    That's how it is. Trenbolone and testosterone also seems to effect my cardio-respiratory system too - breathing sometime feels restricted. But with Deca or Equpoise - my BPM simply gets a little higher than normal - without restricted breathing or major sweating. So I pretty much concluded that more androgenic gear causes my body to work harder with a faster metabolism... but this is something I would have to play with when I cycle back to a low androgenic rotation (probably Deca/Dbol) down the line...
    Even though this is off-topic, I have to ask... How come you don't throw test in with your eq or deca stacks? I can't imagine doing a cycle of deca without test! From my reading, it seems evident that fina would definitely make it more difficult to do cardio. Since your metabolism is higher and you sweat so much easier, its as if your body is working 1.5 its normal rate. That would make it great for cutting, which is why I was curious if winny would have a similar effect. I know that winny is only mildly androgenic, while fina is a hell of alot more androgenic and anabolic, but since they are both used for cutting, it just makes sense that they would both make your body work a little harder.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by rampage76
    Even though this is off-topic, I have to ask... How come you don't throw test in with your eq or deca stacks? I can't imagine doing a cycle of deca without test!
    My intenstions for AAS is simply to supplement with it - I don't want or need huge stacks. I respond well enough to basic amounts. I just want the added benefits that comes with a few of the compounds to add to my program.

    I like Tren w/Prop because both are very androgenic (Tren more androgenic then testosterone mg per mg without the added aromatization) - which leads to many other reasons. Currently, I will end the Tren/Prop (75/50 ED) after 40 days and then switch to Tren/Winny (75/50 ED) for the final 40 days.

    I like the idea of switching between high androgens and high anabolics. Keeps my system healthy and responding. And I have no intenstions on running testosterone every time - it's simply too androgenic and I want to keep my hair and health... along with meeting my goals.

    I might do one more Deca/Dbol down the line and then call it quits...

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