I finished my bulking cycle about 7-8 weeks ago of test/deca and am now planning a cutting cycle right now. I have made the decision to try test/eq/winny with the goal to gain some lean mass, but the main objective is to cut up and hopefully shed some bf.
My question is basically regarding cardio while on the cycle. During my bulking cycle, I abstained from cardio since the idea was to gain mass. When I did try cardio, I got really tired really fast! I want to know what the best strategy of helping to shed some fat would be while on this cycle. Aside from the weight training, I will probably jog on the treadmill a few times a week and I'll probably be playing some sports, basketball, football, soccer and others competitively from now on.
Will the cycle give me an edge, or will it make me tired like my last cycle? I want to know from some of the bros who have started a cycle with similar goals!