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Thread: Accutane

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Is 40mg a day enough or should I increase to 60mgs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    whats your weight? Im 215 and my derm just started me at 80mg. I think they go 1mg per/kg as the std.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn Baby
    Accutane is a horrible drug that produces srious side efects like sexual ones that can be ireversable. Try minocyline

  4. #4
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    Feb 2010
    I don't know much about it other than the horrible reviews and side effects that i've read about. Seems like doctors are making some cash off prescribing the stuff. I'd stay away from it.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2010
    it worked for me when i was younger but i was only taking 40 mg a day im pretty sure

  6. #6
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    It's currently being looked at for causing Chrons and you don't want that

  7. #7
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    unless the acne is terrible and making your face look like a freak all the time, stay low in dose. If the acne is not from steroids (like mine) you should especially want to take those higher doses. I would not recommend combining aas with it, use it only after pct and dont start a cycle for a month after treatment. The worst effects from aas are the same as some of the bad effects from the accutane. Liver trouble, worsening acne, trashed lipids, loss of hair, dehydration.. the list goes on! Accutane will also cause you to become less aware of things around you and lose your concentration at higher doses. Accutane WILL cause facial scarring from the first few months of terrible outbreaks and inability to repair skin. Only use it if your face is already scarred.

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    ^^^I agree. Dont take it if your on AAS because your hormones are not stable so you will be working against the accutane. Try taking it at 40 mgs for 5-6 weeks then bump it if your not drying out. Lower dosage over a longer time will yeild lasting results. You have to be commited to taking it though, dont be stupid and take while your on.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  9. #9
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    Brooklyn Baby
    Id prescribe minocyline but thats me. I just read an article in the New England Hournal Of Med about how Accutane is about to be pulled for the sexual side effects later on

  10. #10
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    If I had to choose between no sex because I look like a pimply freak for my entire young life (while wishing to death I WAS having sex), or no sex because I am not interested (even though many want to screw me) I would choose the latter. This side effect is insanely rare and this drug WILL NOT be pulled. It has survived a million battles so far. If minocycline helped you, great. Antibiotics could not help me and I was not using steroids.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Yeah dude I'm only a Physician Assistant but what do I know right.... good luck really.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by elfin1mf View Post
    If I had to choose between no sex because I look like a pimply freak for my entire young life (while wishing to death I WAS having sex), or no sex because I am not interested (even though many want to screw me) I would choose the latter. This side effect is insanely rare and this drug WILL NOT be pulled. It has survived a million battles so far. If minocycline helped you, great. Antibiotics could not help me and I was not using steroids.
    Last time I checked Roche had stopped its production becuase of las suits. But other generics are widely available.

    To the OP. My acne cleared up on 20mg/ED for 8-12 weeks. Lower dose for longer as BG said. Accutane may also make your acne worse to start with, then it will improve.

    I got headaches, dry lips and eyes and was lethargic. Nasty f*cking compound.

  13. #13
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    I take 20 mg. every other day and it is fine. No sides besides chapped lips. I take it on cycle as well. It clears my acne right up, and I get it horribly bad on my back. I use a low dose though...

  14. #14
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    Accutane is BAD and I took it as a kid. Luckily Im ok but the sides are horrendous. But do what you want and later you will be like exseal was right F**K ME

  15. #15
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    Accutane was the only thing that got rid of my acne

    I didnt notice any sides at all

  16. #16
    I had to use accutane when I was a teenager and the stuff works great. I never developed any sides except not having to throw away my sheets every month. My back was horrible. The stuff cleared me up in a month. I am aware of the sides and the problems they say accutane causes but if I had a bad break out it would still be the first thing I reached for. Just my opinion. I attached a picture that you can really see all the scares. I just wish I had gotten my scrip sooner.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	P3010091.JPG 
Views:	387 
Size:	553.5 KB 
ID:	105883  

  17. #17
    I'm on 40mg of accutane a day. I have a decreased libido and my lips get chapped as ****. I carry around a "tub" of aquaphore gel which is like vaseline to keep my lips from cracking. It cleared up my acne 100% though.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by EXSEAL1 View Post
    Yeah dude I'm only a Physician Assistant but what do I know right.... good luck really.
    I agree, you do not know. I got prescribed mine from a real dermatologist. He explained that all the side effects that are permanent are so rare that it is a joke to believe they are even actually connected to the accutane. I agree. People get ED and libido issues when they get older, especially aas users who stop using aas. Why has it been 30 years since they started prescribing it and now all of a sudden this is the first I hear of this side effect? I call BS

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I used to use accutane frequently while on cycle..... here are my thoughts.....

    A lot of the time..... acne can be cleared up with Benzoyl Peroxide. If it's bad enough to where you need accutane..... take 40mg's/day until the acne subsides..... then 20mg's/day until clear and then 10mg's/day for maintenance.

    Also..... acne CAN come back while cycling or while in PCT.....


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by EXSEAL1 View Post
    Yeah dude I'm only a Physician Assistant but what do I know right.... good luck really.
    You used to be a SEAL, you went to prison recently, "worked with the DEA", "went down in a helio crash in the philliean sea ending your career", "beat up your ex's boyfriend" and put him in "hospital within an inch of his life", are supplying "guards" that you met in prison with AAS, now your a "Physician's assistant".

    Give me a break mate.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by EXSEAL1 View Post
    Accutane is a horrible drug that produces srious side efects like sexual ones that can be ireversable. Try minocyline
    Not true!.... there is side effects in most drugs, small of big but this is just not true.

    Ive been using accutane for a year straight and all it did was dry me up, so you need lotion at hand alot.. Totally harmless drug when it comes to side effects, exept its strong on your liver and kindeys, so have them checked once a month...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You used to be a SEAL, you went to prison recently, "worked with the DEA", "went down in a helio crash in the philliean sea ending your career", "beat up your ex's boyfriend" and put him in "hospital within an inch of his life", are supplying "guards" that you met in prison with AAS, now your a "Physician's assistant".

    Give me a break mate.
    hahahaha! BURN!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You used to be a SEAL, you went to prison recently, "worked with the DEA", "went down in a helio crash in the philliean sea ending your career", "beat up your ex's boyfriend" and put him in "hospital within an inch of his life", are supplying "guards" that you met in prison with AAS, now your a "Physician's assistant".

    Give me a break mate.
    hes very accomplished. lol

  24. #24
    Yeah, I've had some bad acne, after my dermo would list sides of Acutane (not bashing) I decided to go with a different anti-biotic. You know what else does wonders though is Retin-A, the gel is awesome, but the cream dries your face out pretty bad. Good luck with the acne.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You used to be a SEAL, you went to prison recently, "worked with the DEA", "went down in a helio crash in the philliean sea ending your career", "beat up your ex's boyfriend" and put him in "hospital within an inch of his life", are supplying "guards" that you met in prison with AAS, now your a "Physician's assistant".

    Give me a break mate.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    im on 40mg accutane. working fine but the chapped lips suck, but its better than qcne all over. My first dose of accutane was 5 months at 80mgs last summer.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferdinand View Post
    Not true!.... there is side effects in most drugs, small of big but this is just not true.

    Ive been using accutane for a year straight and all it did was dry me up, so you need lotion at hand alot.. Totally harmless drug when it comes to side effects, exept its strong on your liver and kindeys, so have them checked once a month...
    thats what im hearing to, and the only sexual side is not to give blood or get a girl pregnant while on.

  28. #28
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    retin-a, proactive... anything topical.. ALL SCAMS IMHO. The placebo effect is what help with those. I am sorry but the real reason docs give you that shit is to see if the acne will clear on its own with time, while charging you. The only cure is accutane. I stand by my statement that you should not use aas and accutane at the same time. If your acne is from aas you might want to consider a different cocktail of AAS, or deciding that if you really want to look good, aas is not for you.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I took 40mg and then 60mg 3 years later. Nasty stuff but it works.

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