Ok my buddy just got some test sus 250 and cyp 200 from someone that owed him a favor but anyway we were wondering if he would be able to make a good cycle out of it, being that he only has about 5ccs of the sus and 9ccs of the cyp. He has a pretty clean diet, hits the weights about 5-6 times a week along with cardio 3-4 times a week. He's prolly around 6ft, 195lbs, and been training for a few years. This will be his first cycle if we can get some good info on it and if it will even be worth it. Hes not really looking to get big even though thats based on diet, but more about strenght gains. We did some research and seeing that cyp is a long ester could he maybe do
Test Cyp. 1-9 weeks @ 200mg a week
Test Sus. 10-15 weeks @ 250mg a week
Is this to long and how do you feel about the cycle, we know its not the best cycle but will it work?
Also hes talking about clomid and nolva for pct, which or how do you prefer?
And im looking into some stuff for gyno for him just incase.
Im trying to learn a little more that way when im ready for my cycle I will have some knowledge, and yes i know where the search button is and ive done plenty research on the two tests but just dont know how to cycle the two with only 5ccs of sus.
Go easy on me bros lol