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Thread: Testosterone Cyponate Never taken need answers

  1. #1

    Testosterone Cyponate Never taken need answers

    I'm 20 years old; I've been working out for about 5 years now the last 2 years pretty serious. I am 196lb's, 6ft, 12% body fat. I've never used anything like this before, i'm pretty much new the the world of steriods. I wanna know basically anything you know that could help me. I want to take a 10 week cycle with injecting twice a week. How much will i keep post cycle, safest way to inject, post cycle therapy, and anything else i need to know. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    everyone is going ot tell you that your too young, which is true, but as i always say if your going to do something then no one can tlk you out of it so you might as well be knowledgeable. pct is a must for any cycle without doubt. this was mine from last cycle
    Day 1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs

    injections...rotational style...right cheek, left cheek, right delt, left delt, then again. i personally dont like pinning anywhere else then those spots but thats just me. if its your first cycle then id say try test e (test cyp and test e = pretty much the same thing even though some will argue that, but ive used both and i like enth better) test e 500mg per week. so just split it in half and do it twice per week get it? and 10 weeks is kind of a low amount of time, id say run it for 14 for optimal. make sure your going to eat like a horse and eating properly (protein/carb/fat intake ). week 15 dont take anything and week 16 start pct. (leaving a one week buffer so the test leavesyour system as much as possible before trying to regulate own body back to normal levels)

    but just do as much research as humanly possible, until your fingers hurt from typing up crazy questions thats someone will have the answer to. also, make sure you eat a lot of greens like brocolli and intake vitamin c which help to reduce estrogen levels if they do build up. also do cardio dont ever chince that out, it will also help with the bloat associated with the test cyp/e .... test prop is really where its at if you ask me personally.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sjsniper22 View Post
    I'm 20 years old; I've been working out for about 5 years now the last 2 years pretty serious. I am 196lb's, 6ft, 12% body fat. I've never used anything like this before, i'm pretty much new the the world of steriods. I wanna know basically anything you know that could help me. I want to take a 10 week cycle with injecting twice a week. How much will i keep post cycle, safest way to inject, post cycle therapy, and anything else i need to know. Thank you
    Well, you have a solid fondation started.

    Your age is a factor here, as you already know,it is to young.

    You will damage your HPTA.

    Wait until you are at least 25.IMHO.

    You might not even need gear by then, but make the decision to run gear then, not now.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    133 23 and i STILL am 100% sure that i started to young. i wish i would have waited and used my natural furnace first.

    @sniper...dude listen to what these guys have got to say, they know what their talkin about. but if you do decide to do your thing with aas, then as they say ..."knowledge is power" and in this case knowledge will be your best friend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ironflames View Post 23 and i STILL am 100% sure that i started to young. i wish i would have waited and used my natural furnace first.

    @sniper...dude listen to what these guys have got to say, they know what their talkin about. but if you do decide to do your thing with aas, then as they say ..."knowledge is power" and in this case knowledge will be your best friend.
    I can't in good conscience advocate the use of gear to people under 25.

    You may be 100% now, but even if you wait to do gear, you run the risk of not recovering to your previous baseline.

    Once the HPTA is damaged, there is no going back and fixing it.

    TRT is no joy ride at these ages.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    to the op---its all in the diet---thats the secret------ask any veteran

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