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I don't give two f**ks what anyone thinks. Sh*t in Florida,Tampa area half my clients were 5.0. Even in Vermont I sold to Staties. Theres no mistaking it and I look at it like this its better than f***ing crack or coke like some of the scumbags bang. I never hide the fact and my biggest was last year this time at 270 getting ready for the Mr Vermont, shredded to 252. So I don't care. Personally I'm proud. Do you now how many people in the world have some form of addiction....dipping,drugs,smoking ect ect. Watch my buddy Bells movie Bigger Stronger Faster it says it all.
The problem with roids is the bullsh*t propaganda thats been put out there. Last year I started dating a banging hot chick who did shots for Maxium. She wound up stealing 5 grand from 2 year old baby girl but thats another story. At first she was roid rage ahhhhhhhhhh. Then I was like dumbass I've been on them since we got together then she was injecting me. I also did 2 months in jail this December and January. My ex's boyfriend smacked my little girl so hard he left a bruise so I beat him within an inch of his life litterally and put him in the hospital for a month and he needs reconstructive surgery and I dont care one bit. I dont care your an ex S.E.A.L. he says well he does now......BUT, in jail alot of the guards were cool and we talked and guess who I am getting gear for. So thats my rant and MY opinion. People know so who cares and 99% of the cops either don't care or want them so there. And thats a fact fellas. I mean don't go in and announce HEY IM ON STEROIDS but if dudes ask I'll tell them about them. Seen to many guys get fu**ed up on roid so I woould rather educate. Plus we precribe them to those guys who never listened. I mean low doses like 250 a week but hey. AND half the medicine we precribe have side effects some serious