Just wondering if any1 has any good excuses to tell people that freak out about steriods i.e. Family, for why ur putting on so much weight...???
Just wondering if any1 has any good excuses to tell people that freak out about steriods i.e. Family, for why ur putting on so much weight...???
Creatine, training, and diet.
Mind your own ****ing businessOr just say your eating alot and lifting heavy
I don't give two f**ks what anyone thinks. Sh*t in Florida,Tampa area half my clients were 5.0. Even in Vermont I sold to Staties. Theres no mistaking it and I look at it like this its better than f***ing crack or coke like some of the scumbags bang. I never hide the fact and my biggest was last year this time at 270 getting ready for the Mr Vermont, shredded to 252. So I don't care. Personally I'm proud. Do you now how many people in the world have some form of addiction....dipping,drugs,smoking ect ect. Watch my buddy Bells movie Bigger Stronger Faster it says it all.
The problem with roids is the bullsh*t propaganda thats been put out there. Last year I started dating a banging hot chick who did shots for Maxium. She wound up stealing 5 grand from 2 year old baby girl but thats another story. At first she was roid rage ahhhhhhhhhh. Then I was like dumbass I've been on them since we got together then she was injecting me. I also did 2 months in jail this December and January. My ex's boyfriend smacked my little girl so hard he left a bruise so I beat him within an inch of his life litterally and put him in the hospital for a month and he needs reconstructive surgery and I dont care one bit. I dont care your an ex S.E.A.L. he says well he does now......BUT, in jail alot of the guards were cool and we talked and guess who I am getting gear for. So thats my rant and MY opinion. People know so who cares and 99% of the cops either don't care or want them so there. And thats a fact fellas. I mean don't go in and announce HEY IM ON STEROIDS but if dudes ask I'll tell them about them. Seen to many guys get fu**ed up on roid so I woould rather educate. Plus we precribe them to those guys who never listened. I mean low doses like 250 a week but hey. AND half the medicine we precribe have side effects some serious
Last edited by EXSEAL1; 03-05-2010 at 05:26 AM.
Dude theres another SEAL on here and we don't give out to much info. If your an ex frog email me. And most guys bull**** about it like I cant remember my class numbner but its something you never forget. As far as ops I WILL not post crap like that here. But hwen I went through B.U.D.S. Master Chief Chaulker was my command Master chief fyi
Last edited by EXSEAL1; 03-05-2010 at 05:52 AM.
if i tell ppl that im not on steroids, they snicker and i want to snap a punch of thru the back of there head, so, to keep my cool i alway tell them, ... the ask "what suppliments to you recommend or take?" i always answer "i take steroids, and eat lots of protien..." they laugh and say thats cool or ask "are they dangerous?"
they the conversation happens about steroids and the truth...
as for what to say - it is your personal choice - i dont like to lie so i say it straight and true
Anyone in the gym has a basic clue. Last year everyone was asking what I was taking. I had a state trooper come up to me and ask and I said yeah I juice and arreset me ass****. He was like no no can i get some...This topic is so funny to me.... And since there are ex cops here I'm not saying every cop juices ok but many do. Shit Ronnie COleman was a cop and do you think he was natural. If so I have this bridge in my back yard I'll sell for 10 bucks...The Brooklyn Bridge
East Coast frog and so is my boy on here. We both did time in the sandbox and both got shot up....lol. The name sounds familar but you know how it goes. Worked with the Berets and S.A.S. and Para rescue and they all great guys. We got into a fire fightonce with the raggies in Afghanastan and a beret saved my shot up ass so I love those guys. Plus my dad is a colonel west point grad and counter intel....also a Green Beret. I wish I could tell war stories i really do. I still have bad P.T.S. and love talking about the bad guys I aced but thats me...lol. Did spend time in the west and went down in a helio crash in the philliean sea ending my career in spec war
I wish we could tell war stories also!!!! I bet we could get a few laughs together!!!! That is awesome that your dad is a West Point Grad and a GB!!! Awesome stuff brother!!!! Keep in touch....."All the Way" brother!!!!!
Ok so back to the post question now. Enough about war stories...
I tell them peanut butter and gopher milk. If the person asking looks like they have a clue I may just tell them straight up. There are maybe 4-5 people at my gym that know or have a pretty good idea.
Like EXSEAL1 said a lot of the guys on gear at my gym are cops. Now that I think about it there are 4 cops at my gym and all juice. One gave me cycle advice and one asks for advice on what to take. 2 compete.
The only people you will get a negative reaction from are the complete newbies and fitness types. They don't know shit anyway.
No offense to the cops but shit man...also when I worked with the DEA most of them were doing drugs...Messed up crap. Alright enough hijacking
Who gives a **** what anyone thinks!!!!!! Live your life the way YOU want to live it.......Don't worry about what other people think.........If you go through life like that you will never really be happy......just my .02
^^I agree with this to an extent however I dont think you can take that stand when talking about family (the whole who gives a ****) personally my family knows Im sure but I dont think they would ask and if they did It would be diet and hard work for me that would be my answer
Yeh ur right the I don't giv a **** works for me too. But not when it comes to family, that's when the excuses need to come out. If my parents knew they would flip!
how old are you?
Just say your diet is perfect and you are training harder than ever. You can also say you are taking Tribulus because you could easily tell someone who doesnt know anyything about supps that tribulus increases your natuiral test levels.
Dude my family knew and I didnt give a f**k until i fell out at my grandparents 50th and the docs said I had enough test to kill a bull in me. Show them Bell's movie or take the time to explain to them that there not bad when taken properly. That movie really educated alot of people. Or just tell them your eating like a horse and taking every supplement under the sun
I usually freeze up... And at that point my g/f usually saves me and says oh well he has been eating a lot... I even convinced my grandmother to back me up.. LOL. And she even opened one of my packages ROFL.
Diet is key LOL......
My favorite thing:
When someone starts in with the 'steroids talk', I just scream, "Roids?!?!?!?!? Yeah, I'm all hopped up on those Hemmrhoids!!.... Makes it hard to sit down though!!!" They usually laugh. Conversation over.
This is a tricky question. I think it depends on who is asking.
All my fairly close friends know I've done a few cycles. Most of them know nothing about lifting or roids, but, a couple summers back I got so huge so fast that you'd have to be an idiot not to know. So I just came clean with them.
My mom is a different story... she suspected at one point, and when I kinda sorta confirmed her suspicions, she wigged out pretty bad... doesn't know anything other than what she hears on the news. And that's not her fault. So I backed off and just said it was creatine and diet. I don't think she completely bought it, but, whatever.
I was on cycle the first time I met my wife and was retarded big. I didn't tell her at the time, but now she knows. She didn't flip out.
So, short answer - it depends. But I'd say if it's strangers or people you don't know that well, tell them it's none of their fvcking business or just go with "diet and creatine"... most noobs think creatine is some form of AAS anyway.
everybody will sit there when in a big group of ppl and talk shit on u and say Id nvr take steroids because of..." and as soon as im the only one in the room u can bet the one mother ****er who was didhing out the most bs will come up and ask for steroids or ask about them.
Just troll the fuck out of them "all natural buddy" *smiling* and loving the fact that your lying to there face and they can't prove shit
I am in the Navy and cannot tell people staright up why I have put on all this weight in the gym so I tell them it is from hard work and dedication two things you'll never understand.
The hard work and dedication being Test and more Test
I work for the state of cali, and they trip why I get big and small I tell them as this.
I"m fat and healthy, the way you choose to eat is your bizz as my eating habbits are my bizz
Brother my wife is going to inject me when I start my Test cycle!!! She is a nurse so..........My close friends and my family know i'm going to start a cycle....Roids are just like any other drug....If you abuse them then they will **** your life up..........Don't abuse..........
Who the fvck is going to ask a juiced up big dude if they take steroids? NO ONE asks me, ever. They may think it, but I can't do anything about what someone thinks.
Telling anyone that you don't absolutely trust is a bad idea IMO. Why tell anyone you're breaking the law?
I do tell people that the current supplements are the best they have ever been. No AAS user got big using just AAS. He ate right, trained hard and lived the lifestyle. The people around me see me doing that. They don't ask for details.
I agree with cgb, some people have made comments to me but I dont likie to let a whole lot of people know because its illegal and I dont like other people to have the ability to get pissed at me and get me in trouble.
I also dont like to lie either so I just say I lift big, eat big and rest which is all true but I wont tell them that I juice big LOL. There is no point really just gonna bring problems for you more than anything.
i train 6 days a week, dont drink and eat a horse each night.
When I was younger and natural I used to love when people asked me if I was on roids. Dont know why so many people act like their manhood is being questioned if they get asked "the" question. Take it as a compliment.
I always say "i think its stupid that people can legally eat themselves to death or smoke and drink themselves to death but its not legal for me to try to look good and take care of myself?"
i couldnt give a monkeys ass who knows, i'll tell any1 who asks straight out that i do em, theres alot worse going on in society
Just tell everybody that you eat 4000 calories per day, and that you compete in a natural competition. Tell them that you always get tested and you are natural. Just start going on about diet. Talk their ear off, and they will probally get bored and drop the subject
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