im new to this site, ive been reading the information here for awhile now, but just joined today... ive been lifting for 3 or 4 years, but recently within the last year and a half to 2 years ive started lifting seriously... about 2 years ago i was 360 pounds, in high school i was always into bodybuilding, but i was an overweight kid so i never pursued it... im now 27 yrs old have lost over 130 pounds, i got down to around 220 and felt small so i started my road to building muscle, im now 254... in the past 8 months ive built back over 30 pounds of muscle naturally with only the help of sports supplements and very strict dieting...
for the past few months ive been reading and researching steroids and *more legal alternatives, but you can only learn so much just by reading, before i make my final decision id like some feedback from experience...
so now to my point... i dont want deca right now because of all the risk of deca dick and or gyno... i dont know a trustworthy source to get test cyp and im very careful about things like that, and i dont want to start deca without test cyp or test enth... so ill just wait for that cycle... ive decided on dbol, winn 50, and var 10... dbol at 50mgs a day, winn 50 at 50mgs 3 times a day, and var 10 at 80 mgs... so far im gonna go 10 weeks on this, 12 is still a thought, but im not sure if i should go 10 or 12 weeks...
i know some of you are gonna wonder why i chose to mix the 3, my reasoning is when i lost all of the weight i lost a considerable amount of muscle and strength due to the fact that i did it fast, so now im trying to build back my strength, and size and from what ive read var and winn50 are both good for fat loss and building strength, with a very low level of liver toxicity if not any... and dbol i want to use it to build mass...
so far nothing that ive read has mentioned a major threat of gyno or impotency with dbol, so thats why i chose it... because its my starter cycle those are 2 things i want to stray away from... but i keep having this thought that i should run some kind of inhibitor with it, like dex nolva or clomid... is this a small worry or a worry at all with dbol, do i need to run dex with the cycle, and what kind of pct should i run after this cycle...
also feel free to critique my dosages too, i want all the experienced advice i can get... thank you...