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hey guys ,
Had a long discussion with a friend the other day about a cycle he thinking about doing and we werent sure about some stuff so i decided to ask u guys here .
The cycle ideally will be 16 weeks just about ..
1-4 weeks..... anadrol sustanon
4-12 weeks .... sustanon equipoise
12-16 weeks .... winstol equipoise
on the 12th week sustanon ends and winstrol starts . Now , i know that winstrol + eq are not suppose to be taken without test because of shitty gains and no erection etc. But in this case is it different because sustanon stays in ur body for a few weeks after u stop taking it ? or is it best to just get more sustanon and conitinue sustanon till the end of the cycle ?
Thanks alot in advance peeps .