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Thread: Winstrol+eq after cycle

  1. #1

    Winstrol+eq after cycle

    hey guys ,

    Had a long discussion with a friend the other day about a cycle he thinking about doing and we werent sure about some stuff so i decided to ask u guys here .

    The cycle ideally will be 16 weeks just about ..

    1-4 weeks..... anadrol sustanon
    4-12 weeks .... sustanon equipoise
    12-16 weeks .... winstol equipoise

    on the 12th week sustanon ends and winstrol starts . Now , i know that winstrol + eq are not suppose to be taken without test because of shitty gains and no erection etc. But in this case is it different because sustanon stays in ur body for a few weeks after u stop taking it ? or is it best to just get more sustanon and conitinue sustanon till the end of the cycle ?

    Thanks alot in advance peeps .


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    I see how on paper this may seem like a great Idea.
    But I dont think that it is.

    Do you have cycle exp?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kkelis2784 View Post
    hey guys ,

    Had a long discussion with a friend the other day about a cycle he thinking about doing and we werent sure about some stuff so i decided to ask u guys here .

    The cycle ideally will be 16 weeks just about ..

    1-4 weeks..... anadrol sustanon
    4-12 weeks .... sustanon equipoise
    12-16 weeks .... winstol equipoise

    on the 12th week sustanon ends and winstrol starts . Now , i know that winstrol + eq are not suppose to be taken without test because of shitty gains and no erection etc. But in this case is it different because sustanon stays in ur body for a few weeks after u stop taking it ? or is it best to just get more sustanon and conitinue sustanon till the end of the cycle ?

    Thanks alot in advance peeps .

    Very poor cycle man.
    Cycle exp.?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Back to the drawing board! Come back with a real cycle please...

  5. #5
    forget stats and stuff .. it was just a discussion about a good bulking cycle (excluding winstol from it) . And my experience is minimal and far from being a pro but if i were to be thinking of a bulking cycle ... i dont see whats wrong with anadrol / sustanon 250 / equipoise cycle .......

    So .."back to the drawing board" and "Very poor cycle" isnt the answer needed here . Like most people i seek opinions but more informative ones and not just plain "no" "yes" answers .. Thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    EQ for only 12 weeks is pointless, imo. I'd say 16+

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    EQ for only 12 weeks is pointless, imo. I'd say 16+
    Agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. 100%

  8. #8
    home come you ave to run eq so long?

  9. #9
    seriously yeah....whenever there was any recomendations for eq it was always said to be around 12 to14 weeks..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kkelis2784 View Post
    forget stats and stuff .. it was just a discussion about a good bulking cycle (excluding winstol from it) . And my experience is minimal and far from being a pro but if i were to be thinking of a bulking cycle ... i dont see whats wrong with anadrol / sustanon 250 / equipoise cycle .......

    So .."back to the drawing board" and "Very poor cycle" isnt the answer needed here . Like most people i seek opinions but more informative ones and not just plain "no" "yes" answers .. Thanks
    1. You asked for a critique of your "ideal" run with those compounds
    2. My judgment is that you put it together in a less than ideal way
    3. There is a search button up top that can help you do research on your own
    4. I have no obligation to spoon feed you
    5. All the information you need can be found from the past...The question you asked does not require a lengthy explanation of why it isn't great

    Good luck.

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