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Thread: Need advice on cycle sus250 and test enanthate

  1. #1

    Need advice on cycle sus250 and test enanthate

    Need some advice on this cycle.

    - Sustanon 250 10 mL

    - Testosterone Enanthate 10 mL

    How much of both should i inject each week? (eg 400mg of both vials a week)
    Whats an appropriate cycle?

    How much clomid or what ever is necessary to help my testosterone levels after the cycle is needed?? Where can i purchase it?

    I weight around 78 kg, have 6 meals a day, take in at least 170 grams of protein a day (try), bench 85 - 90 kg, if thats helpful to the cycle.

    Any other basic info will be appreciated, i am a newbie.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    How old are you?
    How tall are you?
    How long have you been training for?
    You dont need to use sus and Test E together, one will do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Thanks for doing some research.

    What you have is not really going to work for a proper cycle.
    Ar-r For your clomid. Top right corner.

    Go read some sticky's.

  4. #4
    He has obviously done little research, basic beginner cycles are clearly stated in the top of this section. He should go there read up and learn what he is doing in terms of cycle and pct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    ^^^^^ easy guys flaming or chastising wont help the situation..we were all where he is at one point ....however you guys have a point...he needs to read up BEFORE he starts anything..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by james69er View Post
    Need some advice on this cycle.

    - Sustanon 250 10 mL

    - Testosterone Enanthate 10 mL

    How much of both should i inject each week? (eg 400mg of both vials a week)
    Whats an appropriate cycle?

    How much clomid or what ever is necessary to help my testosterone levels after the cycle is needed?? Where can i purchase it?

    I weight around 78 kg, have 6 meals a day, take in at least 170 grams of protein a day (try), bench 85 - 90 kg, if thats helpful to the cycle.

    Any other basic info will be appreciated, i am a newbie.
    Mate you need to be getting at least 1.5 to 2grams of protein per pound of your bodyweight. At 78kg you are only getting 1gram per pound of your bodyweight. protein is craved by the muscle. Try upping your protein a bit more mate
    and as said no need for 2 tests, one is plenty and you wont get very far with just 1 10ml vial, you need more than that. im asuming you only have the 1 vial of each by the way you have posted it up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Im assuming he dosent know what sust is. FYI it is a blend of I belive 4 different Tests. each having diffrent half lives. It already has Ethanate in it. So by adding more is kind of silly. if anything just do 20 mls of Sust. Go in steroid profiles and read up on sust

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    yes your right, well some sus has enanthate in some has cypionate in instead and some doesnt have either test e or cyp but rather test isocaproate and test decanoate. Depends on the lab thats all.
    Now Im curious as to what his contains lol ?????
    And no Lab names please lol

  9. #9
    okay so you guys are recommending 2 vials of sustanon 250??
    what would you recommeded sus or Enanthate?
    for a begginer how much should i inject of 2 vials??

    would if be better if i got something like sus + deca?? or whats the best to stack it with?
    sorry for the beginner thing but im new

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    what are your stats age/wgt/hgt/bf%/yrs training

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    We need to hear some stats like height, age, training and cycle exp.........
    If all that checks out I don't see a problem with cycling the gear you have and adding nothing. Week 1-5 two shots of sust a week (even though it's best shot eod)
    Week 6-10 two shots of test e a week
    Week 13-16 pct

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If I were to do both,, it would be sust only 2 X wk, 1-3..then sust on mon at and E on thur. Till runs out. sust should run out first... Reason is it takes about 2 wks to kick in a bit. Should be goin pretty good at week 3, then on out I'd get a bit of a test bump every monday...if any thing I'd get anuther bottle of sust if possable. either way its all bout the same, in the long run.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Or get a 20ml sterol vial and mix it. Lol 2 x wk

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I thnk the mix idea would be the best. BUt he should still shoot 3 times a week but 2 works I have done it b4

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    well he can just draw from both bottel and use the needle as a mixxer

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