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Thread: DBOL & WINNY cuutting cycle?

  1. #1

    DBOL & WINNY CUTTING UP FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i just got 200 5mg dbols and 400 5mg yellow winny tabs. I have seen many post that if you take dbol in low mg such as 15-25mg a day. IT Can be used for cutting up. I was thinkg of doing 15-20mg a day of dbol for 1 month. Then taking a 0ne month Brake. Then Start 50mg of winny for a month. I know there are better AS out there for cutting but this is what i have. Can anyone give me advice on this. I understand that i should take higher mg of dbol yet i do not want the many side effects that come along with that. I keep to a great diet with 30 min cardio a day. I have about 15-20 pounds of fat that i want to lose be-4 summer. i have been traning for about 7 years 23 years old 5'9 185 Solid.

    I will be taking LIVER-RX plus cranberry tabs plus milk-thistle, plus nolvadex with saw plametto. Am i missing anything? I can not get clomid!
    Last edited by MEATY; 01-24-2003 at 11:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    No, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

    You will be waaaay better off if you save these pills. Save the D-Bol for a bulking stack. Save the Winny for a cutting stack.

    If you want to cut up, stack the Winny with something else (EQ/proviron, primo, etc) to reap maximum benefits from it.

    Do not run both Winny and D-bol cocurrently with each other (high toxicity).

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    2 17aa's should not be run together period unless your looking for yellow eyes, yellow skin, gastro problems, and a limped liver.

    Polska is on key. Use the dbol for bulking and the winny for cutting. Dbol is just going to bloat you, and will serve no purpose towards cutting.

    The only reason for using winny alone for cutting is to prevent muscle loss. Gains should not be expected when doing proper cutting and winny alone. If gains are achieved then it can be considered luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You shouldnt get any bloating from 15-20mg of D per day. In higher doses, yes. If you keep your diet clean and training and cardio on you'll be fine. I wouldnt expect great things from this cycle but if it's all you got.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You want to run Dbol only at 15-25mg per day for a month, take a month off and then run Winstrol at 50mg per day for another month? Not very planned out. This wouldn't be all that toxic. Going on over 50mg daily total of 17 alkylated steroids for more than 4 weeks would be toxic. So running Winstrol and Dbol together is not really possible at effective dosages and still be safe.

    But your total androgen dose per week at 15-25mg per day is rather low... HOW ABOUT SOME FRICKIN' STATS? Are you Chris Cormier or another 150lb'er looking for the magic pill?

  7. #7
    my stats. 23yers old 5'9 185 34inch waist 17 1/2 inch arms I have been traning for 7 years the last 2 very hard 5 days a week. i have a tredmill aT home so i run every day 30min. i am on the ATKins diet for the lst few months. when i was younger like 12-16 i was very very fat. lost 85 pounds when i was 16. Trying to keep it off ever since. i have 4 cycles under my belt. the best one was last summer 100 50mg winny tabs stacked with primo. Now i am very happy with my body but want to lose aout 15 pounds and get just a bit better for the summer. all winter i have been eating like a pig. I look the bets at about 170 cut then 185 bulk
    Last edited by MEATY; 01-24-2003 at 12:32 PM.

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