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Thread: Wtf is going on ???

  1. #1

    Wtf is going on ???

    Ok, I'm getting frustrated lol

    Ive done a bunch of cycles, im 25 bla bla bla

    anyone, i can openly admit ive done some foolish things and made some mistake, but in my quest to figure out whats best for me, ive tried it all...

    my last cycle i did a total 500mg sust a week shot EOD and took 50mg of dbol...this cycle i gain 20 lbs

    the cycle before that, a few months before that, was
    1g of sust, 800mg eq and 400 of tren...didn't see much results?

    now i bring this up because I have realized a situation...

    I have one friend who is a bodybuilder, he takes grams of test and eq and 600+ of tren and is a freak...he was the one who advised me to take the high dose cycle...

    Ihave another friend who is not a bodybuilder yet is pretty big and he takes only 50mg every two days of drugs like test prop and primo...

    I have another friend who take 300mg of sust, 300mg primo and thats it...however he stays on for 24 weeks

    So my question is, why is it that I gained more on lower dosage cycle...doesn't anyone else take juice like this...low dosages at longer cycles...

    It seems to me that even my body responds better at low dosages?

    The cycle I just started is 600 sust a week, 400 mast and 600 primo..

    my bbuilder friend says primo is a waste and i should drop it and take tren...

    the other two say i should lower primo and drop masteron...

    theres just too much crap and diff opinions...what if i just combined everything and did it low dosages for 24 week cycle?

    I was thinking, maybe i should just do a cycle of this

    150mg sust EOD = 600mg sust a week (pentadex 300)
    50mg Tren EOD = 200 mg tren a week
    100mg PrimoEOD = 400mg primo a week
    100mg MastEOD = 400mg master a week

    I almost feel like everyone responds differently..for example...some people swear by EQ and yet others think its garbage..i took eq and didn't feel anything either..

    primo is a real dissapointment, i wanted to try it just cause i hear it was so good but everyone on this forum would disagree...

    what do u guys think of my cutter blend cycle?? maybe change sust to Prop?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    A good cutting cycle...

    Prop/Tren A/Mast.

    Are you going to be doing tren a or tren e?

    Same with mast? Shorter or longer estered mast?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    A good cutting cycle...

    Prop/Tren A/Mast.

    Are you going to be doing tren a or tren e?

    Same with mast? Shorter or longer estered mast?

  4. #4
    Tren A
    and short ester mast

    what about the primo...i can afford it...add it or drop it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Personally i would drop it.

  6. #6
    well if everyone is telling me to drop primo, i dont see why its so hyped lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The only thing I have heard about primo is its second to none at adding muscle tissue while severly cutting calories thats what the fans of primo say anyways.

    I like the prop,mast,tren cycle idea better though.

  8. #8
    im gonna do them not? might as well get the entire benefits...

    the lab i get it from has something called ultradex...i know the founder so i get everything so cheap, i can afford it ill make my own blend...ill call it... HOLYSHITADEX....

    ill just take all gonna sick with sust .5cc = 150mg then 1cc mast 1ccprimo it all fits nicely into my syringe lol...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Do them all, thats probably not a good idea.

  10. #10
    and why is that

  11. #11
    btw, no one answered why my one bb friend takes 1g+ of gear and my other buddy takes no more that 200-300 per drug a week...his one friend does the same thing and hes 280 jacked...

    is it possible lower dosages are the way to go?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    More isn't always better.... The 3 i gave u is probably the best combo with a good diet for cutting.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    btw, no one answered why my one bb friend takes 1g+ of gear and my other buddy takes no more that 200-300 per drug a week...his one friend does the same thing and hes 280 jacked...

    is it possible lower dosages are the way to go?
    Everyones body reacts differently.... Some need less... Some need more.. My buddy is god damn about 290lbs at 6'2. And he has never ran a pct in his life... He's 40 something now..... But somehow he managed to keep gains. And some oriental pills keep his dick hard. LOL

  14. #14
    its i said above, i ran a 1g plust before and i got better results with 500mg only..

    This primo thing is a real heartbreak tho...all this hype and not one board memeber thinks its good lol...well like i said, im gonna put them all in the cycle...i already bought eveything might as well try it

  15. #15
    any VETS or MODS please???

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    maybe your gear was dosed differently by chance

  17. #17
    i think my receptors where flooded

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    i think my receptors where flooded
    I think you gear may have been junk. Gain more off 500mg than 1000mg doesnt make any sense at all.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Maybe your diet is crap and your friend diets are better?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Maybe your diet is crap and your friend diets are better?
    exactly what i was thinking

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    test/tren/winny for cutting is number 1 in my experience. As far as low doses go, I also know a guy who blows up off 250mg of test a week. Everybodys body is different.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I just watched a buddy of mine do a cycle and tried to give hime some basic advice, which he did not listen too. He did a 12 week cycle of Test-e @500mgs per week and only gained 10 pounds before pct. He didn't take his diet seriously and gained poorly.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    It's surprising to me how many guys at the gym talk a good diet but doesn't have the discipline to eat it. I think with a good diet + training most of the guys will see good results. AAS is just the icing on the cake and helps get the last 10% of the gain after all the natural potential has been reached.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Maybe your diet is crap and your friend diets are better?
    My absolute first thought when I started to read this post. You gained more on your lower dosage cycle because you were eating better.

    Gear is a supplement. Nutrition is a foundation.

  25. #25
    i would have to agree..the last time I did my cycle I ate flawlessly....

    My one friend did say drop the primo and keep the masteron...but is stacking two the pointless??

    I wanted to avoid tren but I guess it is one of the best lol so Ill drop the mast or primo.. And I think I'm gonna do a low dose cycle as well...

    Maybe run prop 400mg a week with masteron 400 wk tren 200wk ? EOD shots

    or maybe even combine all 4 into a low dose protocol.... .5cc tren .5cc mast .5primo .5 prop EOD...

    I just don't wanna throw this primo away, might as well incorporate it
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 03-09-2010 at 05:40 PM.

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