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Thread: hdrol?

  1. #1


    kind of confused as to what one should expect on hdrol?
    It is a PH?
    So what eactly does this mean for someone who isnt 25, i have been debating a lot lately weather to do a mild var cycle or not for my 1st cycle, but i was recomended to do Hdrol instead.

    Is hdrol more mild than anavar?
    What kinda supps do you have to take along with the hdrol? such as liv support and so on.

    I heard a pct of nolva 40 20 20 20 would do the trick so it would come out to be 50mg ed hdrol and that pct above..

    does this look right?
    Any othe rimportant info i should know about this?

    ~10-11% bf

    couple years training natty

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hdrol is a ph... which is basically a legal steroid. If you notice many ph's come out. and are taken off the market quickly because they are just as strong as oral steroids... Personally I have ran ph's and I wasn't thrilled... Side affects however can be hell of a lot worse then actual steroids.

    It will shut your natty test down. Its basically the same as running a dbol only cycle IMO.

  3. #3
    would a 4 week hdrol cycle be more suppressive on the HPTA than a 6 week var cycle? What about a 4 week var cycle evn, although i know many people will say that is a waste of time and money. Just tring to get an idea of its strength

  4. #4
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    Ummmm.... Var from what I have seen is probably the least supressive. IDK how much studies there are on ph's and crap. But.. if people think that is as strong as dbol, as well as sides can be just as bad. I would run the var. Chance of side affects would be much lower.

  5. #5
    hmmmm alright, I will also look for some more info and see wht i get, but if you were gonna take Hdrol what would you take along with it ? I heard you have to take some supps before you even start the 4 week cycle of it?

    What exactly is the diff between a PH and a steroid

  6. #6
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    Prohormone. If you look at label are very similar to steroids.. this is the reason why they are being yanked off the shelf so frequently. they come out and FDA or whoever yanks them off because they are practically a steroid

  7. #7
    so, PH should be less suppressive on the HPTA than actual AAs, but every so often there are PH's stronger than oral AAS?

    Is HDrol one of those strong ones? I heard it was pretty mild

  8. #8
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    Personally. There isn't enough studies on ph's because they don't last long enough.

  9. #9
    bahh alright thanks

    anyone have any opinions on how to run hdrol?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Try search button. or hit supplement forum

  11. #11
    tried the search, i go to the supps

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    don't do ph's they are basically a steroid or there chemical makeup is a precursor
    basically your body converts the compound to the steroid within your body
    the side effects from prohormones are terrible they will shut you down
    talk to most anyone who has done phs alot of young people
    here are some of the sides gyno seems almost a given bad anxiety depression your nuts can shrink surely your body wont be producing any test on its own do you want children someday? WHY DO YOU KEEP HAVING POST AFTER POST ASKING ABOUT DIFFERENT COMPOUNDS TAKE THE NEXT FEW YRS AND RESEARCH THEN YOU WILL BE READY


  13. #13
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    Very surprised by the lack of good info in this thread. First off h-drol (m-drol p-plex most other "Pro-Hormones" also included) are real anabolic steroids. Secondly H-drol is VERY mild, no chance of gyno, very rare to cause hairloss, light on the HPTA etc... H-drol is actually a ph and an aas tho because it does convert in part to turinabol (~5-10%). Tho it converts at this small rate it is largely active on its own and seems to provide everything that oral turinabol does. In fact I have had better gains (especially in strength) from h-drol than I have from T-bol at same 50mg dose. Hard to think you used to could buy a bottle of 60 h-drol pills for 30 bucks, and it was legal! Yall missed out on a good thing as I believe these were banned at the start of this year. Just look up the steroid profile for oral turinabol if you need more info as these two compounds are for all practical purposes the same.

  14. #14
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    Very surprised by the lack of good info in this thread. First off h-drol (m-drol p-plex most other "Pro-Hormones" also included) are real anabolic steroids. Secondly H-drol is VERY mild, no chance of gyno, very rare to cause hairloss, light on the HPTA etc... H-drol is actually a ph and an aas tho because it does convert in part to turinabol (~5-10%). Tho it converts at this small rate it is largely active on its own and seems to provide everything that oral turinabol does. In fact I have had better gains (especially in strength) from h-drol than I have from T-bol at same 50mg dose. Hard to think you used to could buy a bottle of 60 h-drol pills for 30 bucks, and it was legal! Yall missed out on a good thing as I believe these were banned at the start of this year. Just look up the steroid profile for oral turinabol if you need more info as these two compounds are for all practical purposes the same.
    Same over here. I've ran ph/ps several years before I jumped on injectables. I have also ran hdrol and in fact still have two bottles laying arround here.
    As the other guy said it converts partly into turinabol.
    I was horny as hell on hdrol and my first hdrol cycle was actually a bridge. I bridged hdrol @50,50,50,50 into Epi and had good results. I gained 22lbs during a bulk which I kept 13lbs from. It is not supposed to convert into E but I still experienced some bloat and high bp from it.
    Next cycle I did hdrol only for 4 wks and only gained 6lbs. Hdrol is a clone of the original halodrol-50.

    Innovator: Gaspari Nutrition
    Nomenclature: 4-chloro-17a-methyl-1,4-diene-3,17 diol
    Pill Size: 50mg
    Dosages: 25-75mg
    Side effects: Heptatoxicity, lower back/calf pumps
    Reputation: Milder than superdrol or pheraplex. Modest gains in mass and strength. Most users take this as part of a cutting cycle.
    This is a prosteroid of Turinabol.

    Also check here:
    http://*************.com/forum/ (ana bol ic minds)

    The pills you take 4 weeks in advance are support supps. With ph you usually take something like CE's cycle assist for liver, prostate, lipids and bp + acne support etc.
    Most start at least 2 wks in dosing hawthorn berry at 2-3g ed for bp support. It takes a while to kick in thats why you start in advance to your cycle.

    Overall it is a good product but nothing to compare to test. I will stack it with test in the future.

    Hope that helps


  15. #15
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    Jan 2010
    ^ Do not listen to that guy. Halodrol is shit. PH are shit. The Sides blow!

    Dude, just wait til your ready to cycle. I was impatient and went with a ph...bad idea! I would have rather gone dbol only if i knew about them before i took it.

  16. #16
    i know Ph's can be harsh, but form what i am hearing hdrol is of the more mild ones... i have heard very mixed reviews and would like to hear from mainly people who HAVE taken it. How hard were you shut down? if at all.

    bjohnson, i am making these threads because i want to learn about the compounds. Obviously i am not 25 yet, but if i did decide to take something i want to know about what i am taking. People have cycled at ages younger than me, so i dnt think asking about a mild PH is that bad.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    Very surprised by the lack of good info in this thread. First off h-drol (m-drol p-plex most other "Pro-Hormones" also included) are real anabolic steroids. Secondly H-drol is VERY mild, no chance of gyno, very rare to cause hairloss, light on the HPTA etc... H-drol is actually a ph and an aas tho because it does convert in part to turinabol (~5-10%). Tho it converts at this small rate it is largely active on its own and seems to provide everything that oral turinabol does. In fact I have had better gains (especially in strength) from h-drol than I have from T-bol at same 50mg dose. Hard to think you used to could buy a bottle of 60 h-drol pills for 30 bucks, and it was legal! Yall missed out on a good thing as I believe these were banned at the start of this year. Just look up the steroid profile for oral turinabol if you need more info as these two compounds are for all practical purposes the same.
    Very surprised of the lack of knowledge in your post. if they are "real" steroids like you say... Then they wouldn't be on the shelf of gnc. And if they are getting yanked off the shelf why are they not being produced in the black market?

    FYI. There is going to be a lack of information on ph's. Due to the simple fact 90% of them aren' around long enough to even get any info or studies on them. But you stick with your ph's. They are shit. Mild you think. Who are you to say what is mild and isn't? Because you didn't have any sides? Well unlike dbol, or anadrol or any other REAL oral steroids that have actual research behind them. This will never have any. Thank you Kiddo.
    Last edited by c-Z; 03-07-2010 at 09:29 AM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Very surprised of the lack of knowledge in your post. if they are "real" steroids like you say... Then they wouldn't be on the shelf of gnc. And if they are getting yanked off the shelf why are they not being produced in the black market?

    FYI. There is going to be a lack of information on ph's. Due to the simple fact 90% of them aren' around long enough to even get any info or studies on them. But you stick with your ph's. They are shit. Mild you think. Who are you to say what is mild and isn't? Because you didn't have any sides? Well unlike dbol, or anadrol or any other REAL oral steroids that have actual research behind them. This will never have any. Thank you Kiddo.
    Just bc u dont have a source who carries it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Phs are REAL steroids, sdrol is a methylated version of masteron, so its a real steroid. I have a guy whos selling plex, sdrol and m1t plus every other aas imaginable, he wouldnt be selling it if it was bunk shit. Dont jump to conclusions especially when their centered around ur own beliefs and not the facts. Btw sdrol is known to be one of the strongest orals out there.

  19. #19
    OP check out ************* . Com, they are a ph forum, u should stack hdrol and something else, say epi for lean gains.

    wks 1-4 hdrol 50mg
    wks 2-6 epi 40mg

    Run lvercare, i had great results w epi but i ran it w test e, good luck.

  20. #20
    idrockasupra, the link you gave is all *'s

    From what i have been reading Hdrol is a very mild PH with very slight HPTA supression.
    If i run it it will either be 50/50/50/50 or 25/50/50/50. The second cycle starting with the 25 was just because if it turns out to be a little more suppressing than people say maybe ill take the safeER rout and drop the dose for the 1st week. Ill have a couple plls left over at the end but w.e.

    I wll also run a cycle assist with it to make sure liver, Bp and stuff is good.. should look like this is the end..

    1-6: cycle assist
    2-6: Hdrol 50/50/50/50 or 25/50/50/50
    6-10: Nolva 40/40/20/20 and maybe a natty test booster

    How does all of this look?


    was looking around and osmeone showed their blood test after a 4 week hdrol cycle on their test.. Is this a big drop?

    Start: test = 20.6nmol/L
    End: test = 13.1nmol/L

    the onlt pct this guy used was reversitol, not exactly sure what it is, but from i read its a pretty crappy PCT
    Last edited by americanoak; 03-07-2010 at 10:15 AM.

  21. #21
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    Feb 2010
    hi everyone i am new to all of this i have not cycled as of yet and not really enquiring about a cycle but what i wanted to know was why is there so many mixed reviews on everything and people sayin that phs are steroids then another post someone sayin that they are not, not being funny but does anyone really know what they are on about or is it really about each individual views surely there is some info on here which is 100% proven truth(even though everyone is different) hope noone is offended by this cheers,kev

  22. #22
    Kev, every other post has an opposing opinion, this is why I am not only getting my info off this site. I am checking through google ot see what others have to say and also trying to find more info on the compound itself

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by idrockasupra View Post
    Just bc u dont have a source who carries it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Phs are REAL steroids, sdrol is a methylated version of masteron, so its a real steroid. I have a guy whos selling plex, sdrol and m1t plus every other aas imaginable, he wouldnt be selling it if it was bunk shit. Dont jump to conclusions especially when their centered around ur own beliefs and not the facts. Btw sdrol is known to be one of the strongest orals out there.
    Lol I have way to many sources. And no one has ever carried a PH. Not real if there on a shelf at gnc. When you walk in and see anadrol in gnc let me know.

    I have tried sdrol and hdrol.. And let me say... Very disappointed with amount o credit you guys give it.

    I would much rather run something that has been around for ages and has studies.
    Last edited by c-Z; 03-07-2010 at 10:29 AM.

  24. #24
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    Feb 2010
    good call thats what i have been doin i didnt want to p**s anyone of by sayin that comment but i cant believe how many posts there are with people arguing with eachother over certain things but like i said everyone is different anyway good luck mate

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kev123 View Post
    good call thats what i have been doin i didnt want to p**s anyone of by sayin that comment but i cant believe how many posts there are with people arguing with eachother over certain things but like i said everyone is different anyway good luck mate
    Everyones body is different my friend... The weaker ones react great to ph's.

    And ofc there will be arguments as to which is better? Someone always thinks something is better... Shit I still have bottles of that shit laying around.
    Last edited by c-Z; 03-07-2010 at 10:35 AM.

  26. #26
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  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Its interesting bc that link confirms that sdrol is methylated masteron amd that it is STILL available for sale, a true steroid (masteron) available at any gnc. These products are steroids, they will shut you down, you may not be a responder c-z but i have seen some good gains w epi.

    Prohormones are not steroids but steroid precursors, it goes into your liver as one chemical then comes out of the liver a true steroid. Most legal things today are just designer steroids, real steroids which have been methylated (like masteron/sdrol) or new steroids that were never released (epistane) but they are 100% steroids, not precursors. Thats the difference between prohormone and designer steroids. The site is a n a b o l i c m i n d s . Com habe alot of good ph and ds info

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    Very surprised by the lack of good info in this thread. First off h-drol (m-drol p-plex most other "Pro-Hormones" also included) are real anabolic steroids. Secondly H-drol is VERY mild, no chance of gyno, very rare to cause hairloss, light on the HPTA etc... H-drol is actually a ph and an aas tho because it does convert in part to turinabol (~5-10%). Tho it converts at this small rate it is largely active on its own and seems to provide everything that oral turinabol does. In fact I have had better gains (especially in strength) from h-drol than I have from T-bol at same 50mg dose. Hard to think you used to could buy a bottle of 60 h-drol pills for 30 bucks, and it was legal! Yall missed out on a good thing as I believe these were banned at the start of this year. Just look up the steroid profile for oral turinabol if you need more info as these two compounds are for all practical purposes the same.
    Agreed. Good post.

    I highly doubt it will cause the HPTA to shutdown. You'de have to run massive doses for prolonged peroids.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjohnson1968 View Post
    don't do ph's they are basically a steroid or there chemical makeup is a precursor
    basically your body converts the compound to the steroid within your body
    the side effects from prohormones are terrible they will shut you down
    talk to most anyone who has done phs alot of young people
    here are some of the sides gyno seems almost a given bad anxiety depression your nuts can shrink surely your body wont be producing any test on its own do you want children someday? WHY DO YOU KEEP HAVING POST AFTER POST ASKING ABOUT DIFFERENT COMPOUNDS TAKE THE NEXT FEW YRS AND RESEARCH THEN YOU WILL BE READY

    Hdrol wont shut you down at 50-75mg/ED.

    Other PH's may though.

    Your post is in regard to PH's in general, not Hdrol. He asking about Hdrol...

    I'm not even going to bother with the other misinformation in your post.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Very surprised of the lack of knowledge in your post. if they are "real" steroids like you say... Then they wouldn't be on the shelf of gnc. And if they are getting yanked off the shelf why are they not being produced in the black market?

    FYI. There is going to be a lack of information on ph's. Due to the simple fact 90% of them aren' around long enough to even get any info or studies on them. But you stick with your ph's. They are shit. Mild you think. Who are you to say what is mild and isn't? Because you didn't have any sides? Well unlike dbol, or anadrol or any other REAL oral steroids that have actual research behind them. This will never have any. Thank you Kiddo.
    They are real steroids. Why do you think they end up getting banned?

    Some are mild and others are not. If its a PH, look at the parent hormone. In Hdrol's instance, Tbol. Its effects are mild. One can formulate an opinoin even though there isnt a a particular study on that particular PH/DS.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by idrockasupra View Post
    Prohormones are not steroids but steroid precursors, it goes into your liver as one chemical then comes out of the liver a true steroid. Most legal things today are just designer steroids, real steroids which have been methylated (like masteron/sdrol) or new steroids that were never released (epistane) but they are 100% steroids, not precursors. Thats the difference between prohormone and designer steroids. The site is a n a b o l i c m i n d s . Com habe alot of good ph and ds info
    Im glad you wrote this you are correct a precursor just as I said which means your body (liver) converts the compound to a SMALL AMOUNT of the hormone like a tylenol 3 would be converted codeine to morphine this happens but at a very reduced rate of exchange say 100mgs enter and maybe 10mg comes out the desired chemical so thinking they are as potent as the real deal is just plain ridiculus


  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Hdrol wont shut you down at 50-75mg/ED.

    Other PH's may though.

    Your post is in regard to PH's in general, not Hdrol. He asking about Hdrol...

    I'm not even going to bother with the other misinformation in your post.
    your right I wasnt talking about hdrol specifically

  33. #33
    i am only askign about hdrol though
    idk why other ph's even came into the conversation
    i know many ph's can be harsh, i dont need to be sat down and tought a lesson on 50 diff ph's when the name of the thread is called hdrol?

    Thank you everyone for giving your opinions on hdrol, as for all the other ph's im not interested in anything extreme, I was looking into var and was told to look at hdrol instead, already i know var is prolly the most mild steroid, so when someone is told to take hdrol instead of var because it is even more mild, i will assume that hdrol is a very mild PH.

    Does everyone agree that Hdrol is a very mild PH?

    i have another question, i was thinking about how it takes about 2 1/2 weeks for the hdrol ot rly kick in, so i was wondering instead of doing a 50/50/50/50 mg ed cycle what if i did a 25/50/50/75 cycle? This way i have the most hdrol in me when it is at its peak or maybe 25/50/75/50? Any info about this? kinda makes sense to me, but who knows. This is incase i do decide to run it btw, still making up my mind.
    Last edited by americanoak; 03-07-2010 at 08:22 PM. Reason: another question

  34. #34

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post
    i am only askign about hdrol though
    idk why other ph's even came into the conversation
    i know many ph's can be harsh, i dont need to be sat down and tought a lesson on 50 diff ph's when the name of the thread is called hdrol?

    Thank you everyone for giving your opinions on hdrol, as for all the other ph's im not interested in anything extreme, I was looking into var and was told to look at hdrol instead, already i know var is prolly the most mild steroid, so when someone is told to take hdrol instead of var because it is even more mild, i will assume that hdrol is a very mild PH.

    Does everyone agree that Hdrol is a very mild PH?

    i have another question, i was thinking about how it takes about 2 1/2 weeks for the hdrol ot rly kick in, so i was wondering instead of doing a 50/50/50/50 mg ed cycle what if i did a 25/50/50/75 cycle? This way i have the most hdrol in me when it is at its peak or maybe 25/50/75/50? Any info about this? kinda makes sense to me, but who knows. This is incase i do decide to run it btw, still making up my mind.
    I would just run it at 50mgs the whole way through for a first timer. And I have used h-drol several times and can assure you that although I am easily effected by steroids sides that the only sides I ever had from h-drol were gas and headaches. Both those sides dissipated after I discontinued use.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    They are real steroids. Why do you think they end up getting banned?

    Some are mild and others are not. If its a PH, look at the parent hormone. In Hdrol's instance, Tbol. Its effects are mild. One can formulate an opinoin even though there isnt a a particular study on that particular PH/DS.
    My point is many of these are just as harsh or harsher on the human body... With very little study as well. Why not just use something that has been around? Sorry im just not for ph's. They are crap IMO from what I have used.

    I tried jumping on the band wagon and giving them a chance. But was rather disappointed. Every ones different though.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    I would just run it at 50mgs the whole way through for a first timer. And I have used h-drol several times and can assure you that although I am easily effected by steroids sides that the only sides I ever had from h-drol were gas and headaches. Both those sides dissipated after I discontinued use.
    when you say those were your only sides, are you saying that your test was not suppressed? This sounds too good to be true for me haha, what exactly is the reaosning behind staying with 50mg for all 4 weeks though, and not what i said? I mean im sure there is a reaosn since opretty much everyone does 50/50/50/50 or up it as the weeks go on, but the cycles i wrote out seemed to make sense to me since the hdrol doesnt rly kick in till the end of the second week.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Very surprised of the lack of knowledge in your post. if they are "real" steroids like you say... Then they wouldn't be on the shelf of gnc. And if they are getting yanked off the shelf why are they not being produced in the black market?

    FYI. There is going to be a lack of information on ph's. Due to the simple fact 90% of them aren' around long enough to even get any info or studies on them. But you stick with your ph's. They are shit. Mild you think. Who are you to say what is mild and isn't? Because you didn't have any sides? Well unlike dbol, or anadrol or any other REAL oral steroids that have actual research behind them. This will never have any. Thank you Kiddo.
    The reason sources used to not carry "pro-hormones" (i put that in quotes because they are REAL 100% ANABOLIC ANDROGENIC STEROIDS) is because noone would buy them from a roid dealer for double the price of what they could get legally from a bodybuilding website. Now that they are illegal (banned because their designer steroids) some sources DO carry them. M1T, P-plex, S-drol, and tren xtreme can all be bought from one source I use. And I CAN say whats mild as I have used it, other "ph's", and illegal steroids and got sides from everyone of them.

    Please dont try to undermine me when you have obviously not fully researched the topic at hand. There is no lack of knowledge in my post everything I said was either a FACT or an opinion based on firsthand experience. Also I believe that there are several illegal steroids that bodybuilders commonly use that dont have human research (EQ and Tren come to mind) and that a lot of the ones that do have research dont use doses as high as we do.

    None of this is a personal attack on you, just clarifying for those that may have been misled by what you said.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    My point is many of these are just as harsh or harsher on the human body... With very little study as well. Why not just use something that has been around? Sorry im just not for ph's. They are crap IMO from what I have used.

    I got solid results from them.


  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    The reason sources used to not carry "pro-hormones" (i put that in quotes because they are REAL 100% ANABOLIC ANDROGENIC STEROIDS) is because noone would buy them from a roid dealer for double the price of what they could get legally from a bodybuilding website. Now that they are illegal (banned because their designer steroids) some sources DO carry them. M1T, P-plex, S-drol, and tren xtreme can all be bought from one source I use. And I CAN say whats mild as I have used it, other "ph's", and illegal steroids and got sides from everyone of them.

    Please dont try to undermine me when you have obviously not fully researched the topic at hand. There is no lack of knowledge in my post everything I said was either a FACT or an opinion based on firsthand experience. Also I believe that there are several illegal steroids that bodybuilders commonly use that dont have human research (EQ and Tren come to mind) and that a lot of the ones that do have research dont use doses as high as we do.

    None of this is a personal attack on you, just clarifying for those that may have been misled by what you said.
    All opinions.... Funny I have yet to see any sides from any PH's. And I have ran some crazy doses. What works for you doesnt work for others. If they are FACTS i would love to see the documentation. 99.9% of this forum is opinionated. My opinion... Ph's suck. Your opinion. They are good. Well that just comes along with the forum. There is always one who loves something more than an other.

    Nothing is misleading. Because I don't have any effect on a PH means it is shit to me. So would I recommend it? No. I would not. if I had gains then hell I would be ranting and raving as much as you.

    As well as if these ph's are practically steroids. Why are you guys giving a 21 year old kid information on using it???? Because it is mild it is ok?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post

    I got solid results from them.

    Well congratulations for you. I see anavar and tbol in them as well... What is your experience with just the ph?
    Last edited by c-Z; 03-08-2010 at 06:15 PM.

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