Anyone got any experience with this?
I'm thinking about doing it. Here's why:
1. I know oral only cycles aren't ideal, but, I'd really only like to put on 10 quality pounds for right now.
2. If I use an injectable test, I will blow up 20-30 pounds, and that would be noticed by people that I just don't want noticing right now.
3. Of the research I've done, Tbol seems like the best for keeping quality gains post-cycle.
4. I hate Dbol and the general consensus seems to be that Dbol only cycles are pretty worthless anyway.
30yrs old
195 lbs
13% BF
Been training for 8 years, primarily power lifter style (but I am not a competitive powerlifter - I just like the results of the training)
Diet is currently in check - been focusing on a slow cut for the past 2 months (1lb per week), now looking to put on lean bulk.
I have four cycles under my belt (prohormone and AAS), but my last cycle was over two years ago, so, I am basically "all natural" right now.
I plan to run 60mg of TBol / day for 8 weeks alongside Arimidex as needed to combat bloat, and of course normal PCT with Clomid / Nolvadex for 4 weeks.
Again, my goal is 10 quality pounds that I can keep. The 20 - 30 pounds I will put on with an injectable is unfortunately unacceptable for right now.
Any thoughts? Much appreciated.