Is there any specific color test e is supposed to be? And is there any tests that can be done to see if its real .besides sending it to a lab....thanks guys
Is there any specific color test e is supposed to be? And is there any tests that can be done to see if its real .besides sending it to a lab....thanks guys
You would need to get a lab test to make sure its legit...Or shoot it and get your test levels check...For the colour...oil coloured...can be light or dark some are a little more yellow and some are more gold. It depends on the type of oil the company uses.
Thanks big guns ...mines is alittle yellow so I hope its real ...does anybody know a ballpark price on lab checks?
If you're in the US (or any country where AAS is controlled), you usually have to know somebody who works in a lab and owes you a favor.
Test is colorless once dissolved in solution. The carrier determines it color. I've seen clear prop in quality EO.
Damn it...that sucks..there isn't anything I can look for to check if its real...nothing I can try?even if its not 100% accurate ? .........I know its a stretch but I'm looking for alittle peace of mind
You have to just trust your source, really.
You could purposefully crash it to see if there is at least some hormone in it. Draw 1ml into a syringe, and put it in the freezer overnight. If you don't get a good amount of crystals in there, it is bunk.
I wouldn't worry about Test E being faked, though. Only the shittiest source would bother faking test E, as it is so cheap. Expensive compounds like Primo and Var are often faked by swapping them with a lower dose of something cheaper and/or more potent (like Winstrol or Tren).
Once I freeze it can I thaw it and still use it...or should I dipose of it?
Thanls man've been a big've put my head at ease alittle ..thanks again
Well mines has a label and I'm pretty sure the rules won't allow me to say who its from but I've read and heard its should be pretty good...
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